The Lord is king! He is robed with majesty.
Indeed, the Lord is robed in majesty and armed with strength.
Psalm 93:1 NLT
There are many political systems—but I am Sovereign over thrones.
I am above the world’s politics—I am King of the universe.
From time immemorial, from the everlasting past—I am.
The most profound political truth is that I reign over all the nations.
Nothing will be able to challenge My holy and absolute authority.
The most profound military truth is that heaven’s armies will make earth’s armed forces obsolete.
When I stop international wars, swords will make good plowshares.
At My command, killing fields will become children’s playgrounds.
The most profound spiritual truth is that the resurrected Christ will reign over paradise restored.
Calvary and Easter—earth’s saddest and gladdest days—were just three days apart.
Current troubles are temporary—glory will never dim.
There are many powerful storms—but I am Sovereign over trouble.
There is traumatic chaos everywhere, but heaven is never surprised.
I am ready for any emergency you will face—do not wring your hands.
With heaven’s assistance, you can survive any situation.
My Holy Wind sweeps over high seas and calms threatening waves.
The most profound emotional truth is that simple trust in Me brings perfect peace to the human heart.
Resign as General Manager of the universe—rest easy.
There are many powerful stresses—but I am Sovereign over tomorrow.
Whenever perplexing anxiety attacks you, My hope cheers your soul.
Whatever crisis the future may bring, I am in control—what I say goes.
The most profound religious truth is that My dominion will prevail.
Submit to the perfect reign of the King of kings—faith the future.
© Johnny R. Almond
Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity