God is Great ... God is Good

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Power, O God, belongs to you; unfailing love, O Lord, is yours.

Psalm 62:11, 12 NLT


            No force in the universe is more powerful than the Most High. Artificial light cannot outshine the sun and moon I spoke into existence. Technological advances never do away with the overwhelming need to humbly bow before the Almighty. The Most High God is transcendent—holy, high, above all, outside everything created, distant from earth.


            Yet no friend anywhere is more personal than the God who is Love—immanent, nearer than your hands and feet, closer than your very breath. I am big enough to rule the world, and small enough to live in your heart.


            Because My Son condescended to become a human being, you can see My glory in His face—He reflects My love and faithfulness. No one is nearer My heart than He is—the closer you draw to Him, the closer you get to Me. His grace and truth flood the believing heart with blessing and reality.


            St. Augustine reflected poignantly in his autobiography Confessions: “Our hearts are made for Thee, O God; we are restless until we rest in Thee.” Wait in My Presence—and experience the strength I alone provide. Make Me your Center of Gravity—and discover the true meaning of life. Nestle near My heart—and relax in My dependable care.


            I am your Happiness—so you are not sad in the world’s shadows.

                 My strong love inspires a song in your heart.

            I am your Help—so you are not shaken by violent faith quakes.

                 My strong love energizes you to keep on going.

            I am your Hope—so you are not sarcastic or down-in-the-mouth.

                 My strong love puts a spring in your step.

            I am your Honorso you are not a self-centered egomaniac.

                 My strong love overshadows your flawed reputation with glory.

            I am your Home—so you are not stranded in an impersonal world.

                 My strong love makes us inseparable friends.


            If I were great and not good, My awesome power would make Me a punishing tyrant, a heartless despot, and a demanding dictator. If I were good and not great, I would be merely an abstract ideal, of no practical value, and powerless to assist you. I am great and good—strong and loving, authoritative and compassionate, just and merciful, powerful and caring.


            Revere My greatness—relax in My goodness.



© Pastor Johnny R. Almond, Day 215, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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