There is Someone who loves you more than any friend you have on Facebook.
“Closer is He than breathing, and nearer than hands and feet.” (Alfred, Lord Tennyson]
Born from above, we have a Friend in eternity—Elyon, God Most High, Creator of heaven and earth, supreme over all.
He defeats our spiritual enemies (Genesis 14:20), teaches us timeless truth (Numbers 24:16), inspires a song in the night (Psalm 7:17), fills our heart with joy (Psalm 46:4), rules as Sovereign over all nations (Psalm 47:2), challenges us to keep our vows of devotion (Psalm 50:14), redeems us from sin (Psalm 78:35), hears our prayers (Psalm 86:6), provides rest under the shadow of His wings (Psalm 91:1), and is worthy of worship above all false gods (Psalm 97:9).
From His exalted throne, He scans earth for people who yearn to be released from bondage to the Pharaoh of hell and enjoy authentic friendship with their Creator.
From His elevated perspective, He sees through the thicket of our fight to survive. When we look up through dense bewilderment, we can detect a golden ray of hopeful light. Bending our knee in devotion to God, we sing His praises at all times and places.
Our Greatest Friend promises that ultimately He will make everything new—
replacing old earth’s egomania with new earth’s kindness,
transforming old chaos into new calm,
superimposing the New Jerusalem on old crime-ridden cities,
making old heartaches obsolete by new songs,
killing old death by new life,
wiping away old tears with new joy,
erasing old pain with new bodies.
From our limited point of view, all this may seem unlikely to come true. But God is trustworthy and will surely keep His promises. As a friend of mine once told me, if the Bible is not true, nothing is true.
In the meantime, we should train our heart to listen prayerfully to gentle whispers from eternity, not merely our five dictatorial physical senses. If we use the sixth sense God has given us, we can imagine invisible realities. Now we believe—then we will see.
Bowing our head, we worship our Friend in the highest place.
“When they heard that the Lord was concerned about them and had seen their misery, they bowed down and worshiped.” (Exodus 4:30-31 NIV)
Johnny R. Almond
Christian preacher and writer
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity