
“For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind”

-         2 Tim 1:7


Since the garden of Eden, Adam hid himself from the presence of YHWH after he sinned because he was afraid, being naked (Gen 3:10).  He was naked of the glory that YHWH clothe him with from the beginning.  Sin does that to anyone.  The fruit of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil was deadly when ingested because it opened the eyes of Adam to the ways of the world.  It made him aware of the wiles and magnetic essence of all the created things.  It made him long to taste the different nuances of the physical realm.  It corrupted his whole being, creating in him an inordinate desire for forbidden things, blinding him from the Truth and   desensitized him from the spiritual realm.  It was outright rebellion against the Torah of YHWH.


            Thus fear entered the world of man and followed him everywhere he goes.  There is a fear for anything and everything.  Some people are even afraid of being saved!  Fear is a spirit.  It is a very subtle spirit because many times you don’t really recognize it.  You think it is just in your mind, or just part of your emotional make-up, but it is a spirit that controls you by blinding you from the Truth. 


            Just think, how unreasonable you become when you are confronted by fear.  It may be a fear of heights.  One time, I was at the CN Tower in Toronto, Canada with some friends.  When you reach the top, the elevator opens and you automatically go out.  The only problem is, you immediately realize that the floor is made of glass and you can see what’s going on below and suddenly, you are engulf with such fear that your knees begin to melt.  This is exactly what happened to a self-assured big guy who went out the elevator with us.  The moment he saw the glass floor, he wanted to go back inside the elevator but it was too late!  So he began sweating and clung to the concrete wall like a gecko.  His voice trembled and he closed his eyes and just waited for the elevator to open up again.  He could not bear to open his eyes because he was too overcome with the force of fear.  Such a confident man suddenly turned yellow in the face of fear.  Am sure all of us can sympathize because all of us have some fear of some kind inside, although, nobody would like to admit to it.


            I admit, the moment I saw the glass floor, my knees began to shake, but I remembered the assurance of the Word, that YHWH rescues us from all trouble; and it stilled my fear, and it went away.  I was weak but the Word was there to lift me up.  I was able to enjoy the view and had a great talk with my friends instead of being paralyzed with fear.


            Fear will confront you at the most inconvenient of times and at the most embarrassing moments.  Fear will conjure up images of weakness, of total disgrace, of failure and you become what you think; unless you think “the Word” and speak it and act on it. 


            When you connect with your fear, you connect with the devil.  When you connect by faith (trusting faithfulness) with YHWH by His Word of promise, you overcome and succeed.  It is said that 95% of what you are worried of or afraid of, do not come to pass.  One of the chief weapons of the enemy is deception.  He has the power to conjure images in your mind by throwing deceptive thoughts into your fertile imagination.  If you think about it long enough, it will become your reality.  Remember, you are not dealing with an intellectual devil.  The battle is spiritual and you must deal with him in the spirit.  Do not try to reason with him in your thoughts because he won’t tell you the truth but will always craftily lie to you but pointing out your past experiences and the world of man’s logic – fruit of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil. 


            In the spiritual realm, you have to deal with the enemy by prayer in the Word through the power of the HOLY SPIRIT.  The sword of the Spirit is mighty to save, demolishing strongholds and fortresses, holding captive all the logic of the devil to the obedience of YESHUA our Messiah (2 Cor 10:4,5).  This is the very reason why you and I have to be in a constant attitude of prayer and always connected to our heavenly FATHER.  Otherwise, fear will overcome us.


            The good news is, YESHUA has overcome the world!  And He has given us the resurrection power to overcome it also.  We only have to avail of His blessings by immersing ourselves in His Word and in the HOLY SPIRIT.


            Indeed, we have the power, the ability to love and a spirit of self-discipline through the mind of YESHUA the Messiah.  The enemy would have us believe that we are under his power but the Truth is, we can do the things that YESHUA has done (Jn 14:12) because He has delegated to us His power and authority; just like YHWH delegated it to Adam in the garden.  We are not afraid of the devil and his minions because, YESHUA, who is in us, is greater than all of them.  We are seated with YESHUA in the heavenly realms (Eph 2:6) and our destiny is secure.  However, we know the fate of the devil and all those who follow him.  We need to remind him of that during confrontation.


            Do not wait for the devil to confront you with fear; but confront your fears and speak the promises of YHWH.  Don’t pray about your problem, pray the Word of promise.  Most of all, do not be defensive; be offensive.  Meaning, do not wait for his attack.  Attack his stronghold, through the precious promises of YHWH by which you partake of His divine nature (2 Pet 1:4).  Pray more, worship more, speak the Word more, witness more, be the best – walk the talk, obey the way of YHWH.  Live more…


            Time is perishable and you can’t waste it by listening to the enemy.  The logic of man is too confused to believe in.  As philosophers would say, “Come to me and I will make you restless!”  YESHUA said, “Come to Me, all of you, who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest(Mt 11:28).”  The devil comes to kill, steal and destroy; but YESHUA comes to give you abundant life.  He comes to restore you to what YHWH created you to be.  He wants to make you whole and complete – shalom.  Shalom only happens when you are in union with YESHUA our Messiah!


            To fear is to fall apart; but to express faith in YHWH is to be whole in Him!



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