Many people talk about having good luck. Christians give credit to the good Lord.
“The superior man is quiet and calm, waiting for the appointments of Heaven,
while the mean man walks in dangerous paths, looking for lucky occurrences.”
- Tzesze (5th century B.C.)
God is Sovereign—governing the universe, ruling and overruling all of life.
In His hands, even malicious intentions are tools to forge ultimate good.
Whatever gets to us—whether pleasant or painful—goes by God first.
He works in every episode in our lives to produce a drama of grace.
He uses every brush stroke to paint the masterpiece of our life.
In His master plan, we’ll be shaped into the image of Christ.
Our Heavenly Father plans moves on life’s chessboard.
The evil one can never checkmate the King of kings.
Behind the scenes, the Almighty directs the play.
Invisible to the audience, He is real to faith.
Jesus is the Savior of whatever is next.
Every sunrise, He is still in charge.
Not good luck—the good Lord.
Not accident—the Almighty.
Not fate—our Father.
Not chance—Christ.
“Yes, it was God who sent me here, not you!
He made me a counselor to Pharaoh—manager of his entire household and ruler over all Egypt.”
Genesis 45:8 NLT
Pastor, Colonial Beach Baptist Church, Virginia
Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity—Scripture Personalized
[This devotion based on/adapted from Day 31 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity]