Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us
with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.” (Eph 1:3)
When we read the above-mentioned verse, I wonder if we really stop to think what Paul really meant. It seems that many people who call themselves Christians have not realized the impact of these words. Firstly, it says that YHWH, who is the Father of our LORD YESHUA our Messiah, has blessed us. It was YHWH, who, in His infinite wisdom and love decided to bless us. To bless in the Greek is ‘eulogeo’ meaning to invoke a benediction upon in view of prosperity. It comes from two Greek words, ‘eu’ meaning good and ‘logos’ meaning something said including the thought which is essentially a divine expression. We must remember, however, that the writer used by the HOLY SPIRIT is Paul, a Hebrew of Hebrews and an excellent Pharisee. We must ask, what does a Hebrew think about when YHWH blesses? The Hebrew word for bless is ‘barak’ meaning to kneel. You mean that YHWH actually kneels down? In the garden of Eden, YHWH condescended and walked with Adam in the cool of the day enjoying the beauty of His creation with His son. As a father loves to bond with his son, our heavenly FATHER personally taught Adam how to manage His creation. Somehow it also reminds me of what our LORD YESHUA did on that Passover night before His crucifixion. He wrapped his waist with a towel and knelt down to wash the feet of his disciples using the towel to wipe their feet dry. When Peter protested, YESHUA told him, “If I don’t wash you, you have no share with me”(Jn 13:8). Our heavenly Father wants us to know that He loves to serve us because we are His children. A son need not qualify to become an heir but is an heir by virtue of being born into the family. When you and I surrendered our lives to our LORD YESHUA, He gave His life to us and made us sons of YHWH and sealed us with the HOLY SPIRIT as a guarantee of our redemption. In essence, ELOHIM condescended to reconcile us to Himself to reveal to us His secret plan which He prepared even before the foundation of the world (Eph 1:9).
All the spiritual blessings that YHWH intended for us to be blessed with was already given and prepared in the spiritual realm. YHWH is very generous even though we do not deserve any of his blessings. However, we need to act like true sons and trust His word and do it. YHWH once said, “Listen to me, you pursuers of justice, you who seek YHWH. Consider the rock from which you were cut, the quarry from which you were dug – consider Abraham your father…”(Is 51:1, 2 ) We need to ask ourselves then, what was the faith of Abraham like? He trusted in YHWH and was faithful to Him, and that was credited to his account as righteousness. Be assured then, that it is those who live by trusting and being faithful who are really children of Abraham (Gal 3:6, 7). Abraham is our father in Yah’s sight because he trusted YHWH as the one who gives life to the dead and calls non-existent things into existence (Rom 4:17b). Like Abraham, we should call our spiritual blessings into visible existence through the word of promise. As sons, we must learn ‘to decree a thing and it shall be established for us and Yah’s light will shine on our ways’(Job 22:28). To speak the word of promise is to create the circumstances of good works that Yah prepared for us in eternity so that we can walk in them. To speak the word of promise is to initiate the walk of faith. To speak the word of promise is to do the will of the Father. The Word is YESHUA and YESHUA is ELOHIM! We can’t separate Him from His Word.
To speak the word of promise is not presumption because presumption has to do with something that is not promised and therefore a lie. To speak the word of promise is also not an act of arrogance because it is based on Yah’s integrity and Torah, and not on the personality of the speaker. Most of all, to speak the word of promise is not foolishness because it is Truth and Truth is always vindicated by its fruit. To speak the word of promise is to pro-actively will the godly circumstances of our lives!
Let’s make it practical. Every morning, I meditate on the goodness of YHWH and enjoy His presence, just worshiping Him. I speak to Him of the concerns of my heart; being grateful of how He delivered me from various challenges of the previous day; of how precious His guidance and wisdom had been. I pray for specific concerns and individuals, I picture them in my mind, bringing each before the Father. I speak the word of promise for each concern and for each individual and I decree the promise of YHWH to be fulfilled. I speak blessing for myself and all those I pray for, especially invoking the blessing of YHWH according to His holy Word. I expect nothing but miracles because my Father is a miracle-working GOD who loves without measure. I submit to His will and call on His precious Name and invoke the Name of YESHUA my Messiah because I know that I can only hope and act in union with Him.
As the day passes, I am guided by the HOLY SPIRIT to discern the circumstances and how I should act according to Yah’s will. I am watchful and discerning and wise because I have the mind of YESHUA (1 Cor 2:16). I am blessed with all spiritual blessings, even all the blessings of Abraham and I have the delegated authority of the LORD YESHUA who is far above every ruler, authority, power, dominion or any other name that can be named either in the present world or in the world to come (Eph 1:21). This is a fact and this is the truth according to Yah’s word.
To be led by the SPIRIT is a moment by moment affair and requires a prayerful attitude. Our heavenly Father has already provided everything pertaining to a life of godliness through His word of promise. It is only through His promises that we participate in YHWH’s divine nature and escape the corruption of our fleshly desires (2 Pet 1:4). Therefore, to listen to the enemy is to succumb to the devil but to listen to the HOLY SPIRIT is to walk in Yah’s light.
Permit me to remind you of the blessing of YHWH to His children. I interpret it for you who trust the word of promise:
“YHWH has blessed you and kept you.
YHWH has made His face to shine on you and showed you His favour.
YHWH has lifted up His face toward you and given you peace.”
- Num 6:24-26