“Let us make humankind in our image, in the likeness of ourselves…” Gen 1:26
Whenever we read this verse, we automatically think of shape and form rather than the spiritual qualities endowed in man. Maybe because after Adam sinned, not only were his eyes opened to the physical world system but his spiritual eyes were also blinded.
What does ‘image’ really mean in the original? In ancient Hebrew, the word for image is ‘tselem’ meaning shadow. A shadow is only seen when light strikes the original subject. I propose to you that the original subject is YESHUA the Messiah as the Scriptures declare, “In the Messiah He (YHWH) chose us in love before the creation of the universe…” (Eph 1:4). Thus, the FATHER shone His holy light on His only Son as a model so that His shadow may form the first man. The first act of ELOHIM in creation is to create light. In fact, light is mentioned five times on the first day. Light essentially animates all created things and without it there is no life. Without light, there is no shadow. Without the original subject, there is no form to create a shadow.
I’m sure many, if not all of you, have seen the movie “Hook” where the hero, Peter Pan had a rebellious and rambunctious shadow who would rather escape his master and act on its own. Peter Pan had to hunt it and tie it to himself to ensure its obedience. Well, in real life, the shadow can’t act on its own. It has to follow its master. Not later but immediately! Whatever the master does, the shadow does. Whatever the master wills, the shadow follows. The shadow does not have a personality of its own. It is the alter ego of the master. One does not discern the physical features of the shadow; in fact, we don’t look at the shadow, but the original subject. The shadow never gets the glory. But the shadow acts as if he is the master. He speaks, he laughs, he cries and he walks just like the master. No more, no less. But you do not look at the shadow; you look at the master!
What is likeness in the original? The word for likeness in ancient Hebrew is ‘d’muth’ meaning resemblance or model. YESHUA the Messiah was Adam’s model and Adam was Yah’s representative to rule all of creation. In the same manner, everyone who is born from above, becomes the image of YESHUA for all to see. We are His mouth, His hands and His feet. We are the only YESHUA that non-believers will see. The words of YESHUA becomes alive: “Yes, indeed! I tell you that whoever trusts in Me will also do the works I do!” (Jn 14:12)
The prayer of YESHUA has become reality: “I, united with them and You with Me, so that they may be completely one…”(Jn 17:23).
“FATHER, I made Your Name known to them, and I will continue to make it known; so that the love with which You have loved Me may be in them, and I myself may be united with them.”(Jn 17:26) It is noteworthy to mention that YESHUA said, “When I was with them, I guarded them by the power of Your Name”(Jn 17:12) - YHWH. The Name means the One who causes to be, the Self-existent One. The Name of YHWH is a strong tower. The righteous run to it and is set safely on high (Prov 18:10). The Name carries the character of the person, the image of the person. In this case, we are guarded by YHWH SABBAOTH!
Remember, the FATHER is united with the SON, and the SON is united with us!
ה מלאך