Disciplship has for decades has been very difficult for church bodies to embrace. It is very popular to talk about because it is incorrectly associated to Evengelism and church growth. I am not saying that it won't effect those area of a local church, but that's not the point. In fact true "disciplesip" will scare some away as Jesus said "are you too going to leave" (paraphrase) while his true disciples will respond and say Lord where shall we go for only you have the words of life.
I've never blogged before so I am doing a stream of consiousness and am not looking up scriptures. hopefully his word abides in my heart.
Discipleship can not be programmed or legislated. Discipleship is seeker friendly. We can inspire young believers to be seekers and as they seek we can disciple.
Discipleship is all about the maturing of the body of Christ. Christ is comming back for a bride that is ready for the groom. Unfortuneately discipleship is not for everyone, it is for the ones He has called. Mature believers in Christ need to resist the cultural wave and admit to themself that not everyone who goes to church is saved.
Judge not lest ye be judged and yet God has equiped with His Holy spirit so that we can discern and make sound and wise judgements with in the body. to discern good and evil. For many are called but few are chosen. I will grant you, there is much more to say on this subject and I know that there is, no doubt, a balance of other opinions. this is my first time here so i thought i'd get the ball rolling for some lively discussion.
The best way to get discipleship started in a church is by the church leadership being sold out for Christ and are visibly being discipled through the Word. As the leadership goes so will the flock.
God bless, Toby
Love, In Christ, Toby