We equate numbers with success. The more we have the better we think it is. The world promotes and understands success this way. Numbers are great but once that becomes your ultimate goal, life can become an illusion.
In the past, many corporations began with an understanding and passion to stick to a plan of growth. Over time, as corporations grew, obedience to the original plan wavered. In 2008 during the financial collapse on Wall Street, huge companies began to fall. Somewhere in their scheme of things a different desire took hold, and they began to focus on a different target. When this happens, God takes a backseat and we learn to drive.
CLIMB’S Roast began with a vision. No matter what transpires, this ministry is built on God’s vision, not ours. What we need to keep in mind in the decision making process is to be obedient in all things, even when things don’t seem to add up. As other coffee roasting companies chase their set goals, our path to success is most likely different. We seek the aroma of God and where He leads.
The next time you decide to set out on a vision, remember that God will supply all you need, not the world.
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.......................... Enough said! The Only corporate plan a believer should be tied to.