Vonda Skelton, Christian author and speaker, begins every November by listing 5 blessings in her life daily. The challenge is that once a blessing has been listed, it cannot be listed again before Thanksgiving. The first days are the easy ones . . . the blessings that are so visible that they sometimes block out the others. It's a great challenge that I can't live up to daily.
But I can revisit it often so I don't lose sight of what God is doing in my life. Will you join me? I offer two ways. You can just comment below with your list of blessings, daily or periodically, during the month. Or, especially if you're a blogger, you can blog about those blessings.
My first listing is below and I want to focus on the people God has brought into my life:
1. My husband, a godly man, loving husband, incredible father and grandfather
2. My son who has grown into a strong man who cares for others and willingly puts his life on the line for others through his work as a fireman
3. My daughter who has become an incredibly strong young woman as she has found her identity in Christ and her call to work in missional areas others try not to notice
4. My son-in-law who totally loves the Lord and my daughter, in that order, who is on journey with God
5. My son's new family, although not yet official, that has brought joy into our lives.
Where do you want to start?
Margie Williamson
Community Manager
1. Thankful that my son helps clean up the house for the holidays.
2. Thankful that I found my credit card which I thought was lost.
3. Thankful that my husband is bringing home something for dinner tonight.
4. Thankful that my husband's health procedure today went well.
5. Thankful for red cabbage, brocolli, carrots and turnip roots for veggie slaw.
1. Thankful to hear about Margie's trip to Israel and all its blessings.
2. Thankful to have our son home from college for a few days.
3. Thankful for a safe trip home on a rainy night.
4. Thankful for feeling like preparing a nice Thanksgiving meal.
5. Thankful for having Christian music to listen to as I wash dishes.
Day 12 (Not that I haven't been thankful in the interim but I've had limited internet access):
1. Thankful to be back in Israel, to see, experience, learn, and pray
2. Thankful to be physically exhausted but spiritually filled-up from the experience
3. Thankful to be able to teach at Casesarea Philippi later today and that God is restoring my voice in preparation
4. Thankful to have spent these days with two amazing women who I believe will be life-long friends
5. Thankful for the people who have the passion for this land that spend the time and energy in bringing us over here
6. Thankful to be sitting at the Sea of Galilee as I watch the sun come up, visualizing what that must have been like for Jesus and His disciples
7. Thankful my family is supportive of me during the holidays by allowing me to be away from them
8. Thankful to be able to participate in Bible studies in the books of Exodus and Hebrew and to realize in a new way the interconnectedness of the two books
9. Thankful for the day ahead: worship on the Sea of Galilee, Tel Dan, Caesarea Philippi, and lots of time with new friends
10. Thankful my relationship with my Lord makes this so amazing!!
1. Thankful for the Farmer's Market's fresh produce.
2. Thankful for a fresh Butterball Turkey to cook on Thanksgiving.
3. Thankful for a washing machine and clean clothes to wear.
4. Thankful for daily devotional times engaged with God's words and the thoughts of other Christians who write thoughtful devotions.
5. Thankful for warmer weather that will decrease the monthly heating expense.
1. Thankful for all the shoebox gifts (Operation Christmas Child) that the church has gathered to make children happy and to share the news of Jesus.
2. Thankful for recycling bins that help the environment.
3. Thankful the television is working so my husband can watch some football.
4. Thankful for the neighbor's dog barking because I know he is watching out for our neighborhood.
5. Thankful for receiving communion and being obedient to Jesus as He commanded to remember Him in that way.
1. Thankful that a friend who hardly ever is able to get out because of health issues was finally up to going out for lunch with me to celebrate her birthday.
2. Thankful that when I was mowing/mulching the leaves in the yard and a piece fell off the lawnmower that holds the handles on I was able to locate a replacement part and continue the chore.
3. Thankful to talk with my son and find out that he has finished up all that was due for his college classes for the moment so he can enjoy the Thanksgiving break.
4. Thankful I was informed I won a Christian book from a blog entry.
5. Thankful for early bird shopping hours at Sam's Club Warehouse, good parking, quick check-out and complementary coffee.
Day 11:
1. Thankful to be headed back to Israel on a spiritual journey
2. Thankful to be able to immerse myself in the word over the next two weeks in context
3. Thankful to be able to spend time with old friends and colleagues
4. Thankful for the new relationships that I'll be able to have
5. Thankful for the shared experience of journeying where Jesus walked, taught, died, and rose again
1. Thankful for electric lights to read by in the night hours.
2. Thankful for warm jackets when the weather turns cooler.
3. Thankful for safety during stormy times.
4. Thankful for country cooking cafes.
5. Thankful for the sound of my husband laughing and that it is contagious.
1) I am thankful for a great week with students!
2) I am thankful for God's way of helping us find ourselves in Him.
3) I am thankful for friends I can cry with.
4) I am thankful for those who inspire and motivate me.
5) I am thankful for true rest.
Day 10:
1. Thankful for safe travel to New Orleans, despite all the storms in Georgia and Alabama.
2. Thankful for a good friend who kept watching the weather stations to keep me safe from tornados.
3. Thankful for hours to spend with my daughter talking about the present and the future
4. Thankful for my husband who supports my traveling and takes care of my dog for me
5. Thankful for God's provision in advance for me by providing me a spiritual pilgrimage when I need it most