Monthly or Daily Enewsletters

Disciple! Monthly ENewsletter

A enewsletter that is all about discipleship! This enewsletter is packed full of practical and inspirational ways on how you can grow in your relationship with God; and provides you the tips and tools to help you along your discipleship journey.

Subscribe to the Disciple Monthly:

Daily Devotionals

The Navigators offers daily devotionals from two of its most popular authors: Holiness Day by Day from Jerry Bridges and Daily Discipleship by LeRoy Eims.

Subscribe to the Holiness Day by Day:

Discipleship Connection

Do you share The Navigators passion to make disciples? Would you like to connect with others in your area for mutual support and encouragement? is a Navigator site that will connect you with other Navigators, resources and events that all revolve around the passion to make disciples

Other Discipleship & Prayer Resources


Check out all our resources, from The Message Bible to prayer guides and Bible studies all about discipleship. Visit us anytime at

The Navigators Tools

During its 80 years of ministry, The Navigators has developed a number of helpful tools to help Christ followers grow as disciples and disciplemakers. The Wheel ®, The Bridge ®, and The Topical Memory System are just a few of these helpful resources. Visit us at:

Pray Every Day Facebook page.

The purpose of Pray Every Day is to inspire, encourage, and equip God's people to make prayer a part of daily life. The page is managed by the author of “The Pray! Prayer Journal” and representative of The Navigators, Dean Ridings at

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