Christian Hallmark


Those who become Christians become new persons.

They are not the same anymore, for the old life is gone. A new life has begun!

2 Corinthians 5:17 NLT


Believe in Christ and you will develop a new perspective. 

Live by faith in eternal unseen realities, not by trust in temporary things. 

I sprinkle star dust on your heart – think vertically, not just horizontally.

You have inside information – you know I am in control, so you can relax.

Trust Me and enjoy new hope, instead of old despair.


Receive My gift of tranquility and you will experience a new peace.   

Those who reject Me cannot find the missing peace they desire.

Those who fix their thoughts on Me know perfect peace only I can give.

Do not push the panic button – pray; do not wring your hands – fold them. 

Lean on My everlasting arms and find new calm, not old pandemonium.


Follow My orders and you will discover a new purpose.

Work hard to persuade others to trust Me and you will be My shining star.

Give up your old selfish way – live My new sacrificial way.

I have commissioned you ambassador for the King of kings – serve Me well.

Live with a new motive to honor Me, not an old self-advancing treadmill.


Depend on My grace and you will be reinforced with a new power. 

You are only human, so you need divine help with life’s problems.

Seek My face and you can soar above mediocrity, temptation, and lethargy.

I am your secret of courage to whistle in the dark until the tunnel’s end.    

Relying on Me you have heaven’s new enthusiasm, not earth’s old ennui. 


Trust in My unfailing love and you will become a new person.  

Invite Me into your heart and I will change you from the inside out. 

Not the same old attitudes, but new ones will revolutionize your life.

My Spirit makes new hearts, My Breath new vitality, My Word new people.  

Give up your old way of death, and enjoy My new way of life. 


Yield to My control, and you will be transformed by a new process. 

Gradually, gracefully ... I work to change you for the better. 

My dream and your destiny is that you will ultimately become like Christ.

The supernatural process will continue until you see Me face to face. 

The new metamorphosis is undoubtedly better than sin’s old slippery slope.


It is always springtime in hearts surrendered to the One who makes all new.

Freshness flows from My nature – newness originates in My mind. 

Everything about those who sincerely believe in Me is brand new.

NEWNESS in all things is the hallmark of people who give Me their heart.   



© Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Hull’s Memorial Baptist Church

Author, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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