Becoming Square–Discipleship Inside Out

Awhile back, I worked on a Habitat for Humanity home. During the afternoon, all work came to a stop while a small group worked to square up the framework on the house and the roofing tresses. A group of almost 50 workers stood back and watched them work, pushing one wall and pulling another, until the framework was completely squared. Only then did the rest of us go back to work to put the outside “skin” on the frame.

This should not have been a big deal to experience. But if you are a DIY person, like I am, you’ve probably discovered that no wall in your home is square. I can’t tell you how many times we’ve had to find a way to make something work––replacing doorframes or installing

molding or hanging wallpaper––because the walls and corners were so not perfect! All the houses we've worked on were acceptable in their construction, but certainly not perfect.

Sometimes we Christians can get so busy in doing the work of discipleship that we forget to focus on making sure our framework is squared. Discipleship focuses on who we are in Christ––our relationship with God––first and foremost. What we do for Christ should always be reflective of who we are in Him. Will you join in the conversation about this journey of daily becoming more like Christ, from the inside out? This network provides a wonderful opportunity to join with others on the journey of becoming more like Christ daily.

In his blog It's Not About You. Take the Tour. Do One Thing., Steve Dueck challenges us to do just one thing each time we participate in this network. Keeping with that theme, what's one thing you would like to get out of this involvement? Help start the discussion by responding in the comment section or adding your own blog about discipleship in your life.

Margie Williamson
Discipleship! Network Community Manager

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  • Thanks Margie- I know it will!
  • Ann, congrats on your new position. I hope this site will be helpful to you in your ministry!
  • Learning keeps us on our toes! Lack of learning causes complacency and ultimately vulnerability to the wiles of Satan. Learning, although it sometimes stretches us to the limit, is also quite exciting. Discipleship is a notch above that because our growth and learning there can also become an expression of our love for Christ. When we grow and become more like Him, it is, as Paul says, a sweet aroma and pleases God. I am about to begin a new position at my church as Director of Discipleship. I already know I'll probably grow more than those I'll oversee, but I'm excited about that because I'll be learning!
  • I heard a lady say that one day she asked her 80 year old grandmother when God stops teaching us things. The grandmother said, "I'm still learning."

    Jane and Laurie, ya'll are so right. I have a 91 year old man in a Bible study I teach each week who continues to challenge me as the leader. It has to continue to be a part of our journey or we stop growing.
  • Jane: I heard a lady say that one day she asked her 80 year old grandmother when God stops teaching us things. The grandmother said, "I'm still learning."
    I think it is that way for all of us. No one person can know everything and there is so much to know and learn that we could never achieve it all in our lifetime.
    I think this is going to be a great place for us to all learn from and support each other.
  • I'm 64 years old and have been a christian since 1975. Sooo one would think that, by this time, I would have this down pat. Not so much. I don't want to discourage anyone, however I'm still learning and some things the hard way! Life has all of these shrp twists and turns and I want to go straight!! I want things to be easy and fun and correct. I want to learn more self discilpline from networking with you all. I've been told that you are never too old to learn.
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