I saw a new word this week, at least a new word for me – backstory. The definition is obvious – “a story that tells what led up to the main story.” In church we call this a testimony. I’m not surprised that the media opted for “backstory” over “testimony.” My “backstory” is interesting, exciting, diverse, and much too involved to include here. With a Pastor for a father I grew up in church. As another said, “My drug problem was that I was drug to church several times each week.” Testimonies were things we heard from youth evangelists and speakers who came to our church and shared their “backstories.” Mostly I remember their stories being approximately 90% of what led up to their “main story” (drugs, alcohol abuse, jail time, gang involvement, teenage sexual activities, etc.). The “main story” then was always covered in about 10% of their presentation. Frankly, I had friends who bought into the 90%. I chose the “path less traveled” – the 10%. While I appreciate the stories of those whose negative “backstory” was overcome, resulting in a positive “main story,” I’m thankful my “backstory” was heavily influenced by Christian parents, grandparents, family members, teachers, counselors, coaches, and friends. Due to my age, many of these folks have moved on to complete their “main story,” and are now enjoying their heavenly story, but if I could speak to them, I would do so in the words of the Apostle Paul, who had a tragic “backstory,” and overcame it to have a fantastic “main story,” “I thank my God upon every remembrance of you” (Philippians1:3).