“Praying Hands” by Albrecht Dürer
A Good Listener
By Pastor Johnny R. Almond
Hannah was in deep anguish, crying bitterly as she prayed to the Lord.
“I am very sad, and I was pouring out my heart to the Lord.
I have been praying out of great anguish and sorrow.”
1 Samuel 1:15, 16 NLT
I am willing to listen when you are hurting.
Philosophers are not always wise. Epicurus said if there were gods, they did not care for people. He was mistaken on both counts. I am the Only God, and I care about what happens to human beings. Aristotle said it would be eccentric to claim Zeus loved a person. Zeus never loved anybody, because Zeus is not God. I am Love. I love everybody, including you.
When you are crying the blues, I am available for counseling. When you are troubled, so am I. I have been down in the dumps Myself. Your tears grieve My heart. When you are discouraged and restless, trust Me. My shoulders are soft enough to cry on, strong enough to carry all burdens.
When the Sun of Righteousness rises with healing in His wings, warming rays of light on your face will make you kick up your heels like a calf let out to pasture—earth’s dirge transformed by eternity’s jazz in your soul. Praise will dawn again in your soul. Unfailing Love will see you through. When midnight sadness mutes your song, I will give you a new melody. I am your Face-Healer, removing all sad wrinkles.
I am willing to listen when you are humble.
Pour out your soul to Me, and I will pay close attention. Reverently approach, and you will gain a receptive audience with your King. Seek Me sincerely, and I will hear every word of your prayer.
I am willing to listen when you are heartfelt.
When you pray in anguish and grief, I feel your pain. When your prayer is heartfelt, I honor your request. Crying your eyes out lets you see Me clearly.
I am the Best Answer to Prayer. Walk close beside Me and deepen your relationship with Me. I am your Greatest Friend—All You Ever Really Need in life. Whatever else you pray for, make intimacy with Me your highest desire—I will take care of everything else.
Submit to the Omnipotent God—I can handle desperate situations. Pray sincerely to the Omniscient God—I am aware of your problems and I know solutions. Pour out your soul to the Omnipresent God—I wait to hear you out, wherever you are.
I am a Good Listener—you can talk to Me.
© 2013 by Johnny R. Almond
Day 134 Gentle Whispers from Eternity