This true story is written by and about a pastor (Don Piper), who was killed instantly in a fatal accident on his way home from a pastor’s conference.
While the emergency team was waiting for the coroner’s vehicle to come and pick up Don’s dead body, another pastor came along and was told by God to pray over “the man in the red vehicle”. When the EMT’s told this other pastor that the man in the red vehicle was dead, the pastor insisted that he pray over him, as God had instructed to do. He climbed in the back seat of the wrecked vehicle, laid his hand on Don, who was in the driver’s seat, and began praying. Then, not knowing what to do after his prayer, he started singing “What A Friend We Have In Jesus”. As he was singing, Don came to life and started singing with him.
The pastor jumped out of the car and called for the EMT’s. They resisted coming over to the car, insisting that the man in the red vehicle was dead. Finally, one EMT came over just to resolve the matter and saw that Don had, indeed, come back to life.
This book tells of Don’s experience in heaven for the hour and a half that he lay dead in his wrecked vehicle. He tells of the friends and family who greeted him at Heaven’s gate and of the beautiful music he heard while there. Don, a humble man, has trouble with earthly words in his attempt to describe to the reader all the things he saw and heard while visiting Heaven.
Later chapters tell of Don’s horrific recovery and the pain, surgeries and depression he had to endure while crying out to God to please let him return to Heaven. Don fell into a deep depression because of the way his life had to change due of the accident. He came to the realization that his life would never be the same since he now had physical limitations.
Don was supported by his wife, other family members, church members and faithful friends who all played a part in getting him out of his depression.
A few years after his accident, for the first time he shared with one of his friends his experience in Heaven. He had kept quiet about it for so long, because he felt it was just too Holy an experience to discuss with others. Not even his wife knew. She didn’t even know he had died up until that point. But, in discussing it with his friend, Don came to realize that God wanted him to share his experience.
Don now travels and tells his story. He has been on radio and television sharing his encounter with others. He recognizes that God uses him to help give comfort and hope to others. And while the incident did, indeed, change his life, it has also been used to change the lives of many others.
I highly recommend this quick and easy read to everyone.