30 Ways to Pray for People in Authority

Last week, I went to vote early. I expected no one to be there. I was amazed at the lines, the people, the wait . . . and the seriousness of the moment. I don't know when I've ever felt the tension throughout our country over an election as I have this time. A friend of mine posted on FaceBook that she was concerned that after all the political postings on-line, friends would have trouble remaining friends after the election.

What can we as disciples do as our country prepares for Tuesday? NavPress has published a series of scriptural prayers to help our churches pray for those in authority, such as:

"Lord, give our country leaders who . . ."

30 Ways to Pray for People in Authority by Gary Bergel

1.  . . . are  God fearing and recognize that they are accountable to Him for each decision and act (Proverbs 9:10).

2. . . . who have been granted wisdom, knowledge, and understanding (James 1:5).

The resource is 30 Ways to Pray for People in Authority by Gary P. Bergel. For more information or to order, click here.

Margie Williamson

Community Manager

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  • I have used the Blessings for the New Year Prayer Cards to send out with my Christmas cards in the past and people really appreciated them. This would be a good year to send out these Praying for People in Authority cards---very timely with the election.

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