Vicki Normoyle's Posts (2)

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Prayer Gathering for Liberia

Join with other believers for a focused time of prayer for Liberia on Sunday, September 14 at 6:00 at Browntown Baptist Church in Browntown, VA. If you can’t be present at the church in person, please consider praying where you are between 6:00 – 6:30 Eastern Standard Daylight Savings Time and posting an “Amen” on the Browntown Baptist Church or Liberia Orphan Education Project FB page. Our brothers and sisters in Liberia are invited to join us in prayer during the prayer gathering time. Our hope is to overcome physical distance, uniting in prayerful fellowship for Liberia.

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Ezra 8 - 9 starts with Ezra reading the Book of the Law of Moses and ends with the Israelites confessing their sins. 9:3 states that the people stood and read from the Book of the Law for a quarter of the day and spent another quarter in confession and in worship. Many are praying for revival in America, are we just as committed to praying for revival among God's people and if so are we willing to hear the Word of the Lord and respond by confession and worship? And are we willing to let the revival start in our own lives? If judgment begins with God's household (1 Peter 4:17) could it be that revival also needs to begin in the same way?

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