Sam O'Neal's Posts (1)

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Can We Give Up on a Group Member?

Last week my friend Rick Howerton opened up his new blogwith a post entitled: "When to Abandon a Small-Group Member." Here was the full text of his post:

     Never! There is…

     No sin to too decadent
     No opinion too controversial
     No revelation too disturbing
     No sickness too time consuming
     No need too costly
     No conflict too intense
     No addiction too immoral. 

     Luke 15:11 - 24

I thought that was a pretty cool sentiment, and so I re-tweeted the link to the post. A few of you re-tweeted it as well.

But then I got the following email from another reader:

"Nice sentiment in Howerton’s blog post, but I have to disagree with him. I had to ask a group member to leave once because she would go into rages during the group. I tried meeting with her personally, but she would fly into rages against me. I finally blocked her phone calls because they were giving me panic attacks."

So, before I give my opinion on this matter, I thought I would open things up to all of you. Is there ever a time when a group leader should "abandon" a group member?

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