It was all happened during the summer of 1984 during the Olympics in Los Angeles, California. Prayer meetings for the city and for the evangelization of the lost that would come to LA from all over the world formed several weeks before the Olympics. Intercessary prayer groups were organized between over 1600 churches all over the world who agreed to pray for the city of Los Angeles before, during and after the olympics.
John Dawson documents this in his book, "Taking Our Cities for God" on pages 72-75. John Dawson had a friend who was active in the police chaplaincy during the Olympic outreach. The day came when his chaplaincy program organized a visit to the county morgue. It was there they met the county coroner and he gave them the vital statisitcs of what happens at the morgue rountinely.
The coroner reported that, on an average day, they received 78 bodies of persons who had died that day. He went on to say that many of them died from vioent crimes. John Dawson's friend asked the coroner if there ever was a time when the statistics changed significantly.
The coroner immediately gave an exciitng reply, "Yes,' he replied, 'During the two weeks of the Olympics we did not have one murder reported!"
What might happen if we gather together at First Baptist Litchfield one week from tonight to intercede for our lost friends and our schoools and churches? What would happen if we saw God begin a prayer movement that would sweep through our state in the high schools and in the churches? Could it possibly happen that God would use such a beginning prayer meeting to fuel hundreds of our students to become intercessors for the glory of God to be known once again in our world?
I for one am going to Litchfield to intercede with many other students who will join us for an evening of intercession and worship. I hope you will come and bring others with you. Eight days to Refuel
See you at the altar at FBC Litchfield,
Phil Nelson