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Quite sometime. The human landscape, from one nation to another calls for serious prayers and engaging and re-engaging that the way out of human dilemma lies in the LORD Jesus word- "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

The issue of discipling the nations becomes also very imperative. However, my observation is that the Church is not very coordinated about this -let me say this as I watched the region that I belong to. I would like to see a common front and comparing notes on what makes up basic discipleship and then a road-map for a life-long learning.

Equally important, I would like to see cooperation among those who are involved in discipleship.

Holistic discipleship, if we would be true to ourselves goes beyond laying out discipleship basics or putting in place a life-long learning. We need to give to our nation or people a biblical worldview...the well-being of the people we are discipling -development cannot be divorced from our message and actions.

Among some important books I would like to see and be available in Nigeria for disciplers and disciples alike -and get them translated but without strings. If anyone could be of help in Discipleship Network, please let me know.

1. Living by the Book by Howard G. Hendricks and William H. Hendricks
2. Discipling Nations by Darrow L. Miller
3. The Book That Made Your World -Vishal Mangalwadi
4. MasterLife -Avery T. Willis

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Since my last posting, as the opportunity comes my way again for reflections. What is the situation with our world? So many answers would likely come in depending on on the side we belong. To believers as we rejoice seeing people turning to the LORD and are being discipled, yet in many regions of the world, wars, poverty and some dreadful things are occurring unabated.

I have also had the opportunity of reading opinions of some notable people that have shaped our world, I wondered why some of them spoke as if knowledge ends with them.

I see my world very much in need of the Saviour, Jesus Christ. As the world struggles for answers to some tormenting questions, the Holy Bible sheds light on some of these problems. Pride would not allow man acknowledge his inability.

Despite the problems here and there the Gospel is still the only response to humanity's thirst or hunger. Nothing else would fill that vacuum, nothing else.

A call on others for exchange of ideas on discipleship

I would like to be in touch with people with experience in adult education, and especially with life-long discipleship plan.  


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The background from which I came from, coupled with the gradual growth as a disciple of Jesus Christ and the opportunity of learning from different teachers helped me to evaluate what I had been taught based on the Word of God that the discipleship life must of necessity be well considered for the present state of the Church and for her future especially from the region that I belonged to. I am aware of the state of the Church in other places.

Sometimes different denominations or groups are on defensive as to what really constitutes issues that ought to be passed down to new believers. A careful study of the Scriptures shows that a believer's life is a wholesome one.

In God's plan for a wholesome Church certain key people were to be present -apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers (Eph 4:11) and for some important tasks:

"And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ:" (Eph 4:11 -13).

Acts 2: 42-47 confirms that the early Church was instructed and their lifestyle was different. One of the church elders in my country lamented that there are many orphans in the Church today - no serious discipleship any longer or what we call discipleship today is pale compared with what was handed over to us.

No doubt the discipleship life calls for the basics, while also a build up on the essentials of the new life -but beyond these,  we need to "come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ"

I spent many years finding out what the Christian life was all about - My desire today is to see people well instructed in what the believed in. And beyond this, to see also that the next generations, are adequately prepared for.

For friends that may likely read this I have been looking for some books and articles, I will be delighted if  I can get these materials again.

1. Many years ago I read an article in one of Billy Graham's Magazine - Decision. It has to do with going back to the school in Plymouth. It was about the journey of the pilgrims fathers. I cant remember the title very well. It has to do with "An example for us to follow." I have searched the internet but unable to locate the article.

2. I read a book many years ago titled "Apprentice to the King " It was about the life history of the founder of Baraka Press, Nigeria. I will be very delighted to read this book again. 

Jesus Christ is not about religion. It is about eternal life, the Church is His instrument and His disciples are His representatives to bring the knowledge of the only true God to mankind. His Word transforms lives as His spirit attends to hearts - but when poorly represented because of our failure to disciple - What do you expect?



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The holy Bible is a unique book. My contact with the Book started as an enquirer about the God that Christians worship and serve. I have read some other books before picking up the Book but none of these arrested my attention as the Bible.

Looking back over the years since coming to know God, I am thankful to the LORD that He used His Word to bring me to Himself.

My spiritual growth was gradual but I have found the Scriptures to be true and the living God to be faithful.

However as I continue to learn and watch His Church in my locality, my greatest desire is to see God's Community well grounded in God's holy Word, and to subsequently build people up - whatever the life's calling and that every believer would be an ambassador for God. 

Unknown to me whether a new believer should be discipled or not, I invested my time reading some christian materials. Very early in life I read some good books - books by Billy Graham, Hearald of His coming  publications. The Navigators books and magazine were special to me - why? Their books and materials focus on God's Word. Then one Rev Moore black book (a book without a title on discipleship). The Bible being the major book helped me to know what to accept or reject on matters relating to doctrines

In later period I came across these three books;
Discipling Nations -Darrow L. Miller   
On Mission with God by Avery T. Willis, Jr. & Henry T. Blackaby
Living By The Book by Howard G. Hendricks & William D. Hendricks
These three books have meant so much to me and I intend to seek the permission to be allowed to use them for teaching purposes. I will also be interested in other materials that have authors with a christian mindset.
Looking back and with the biblical understanding, the most important thing I would like to offer a new believer is sound christian education and adequately make sure early childhood christian education is put in place.
I have also discovered that for any meaningful development to take place - building it in God's way needs guided education.
Where is humanity today? I am sure we know. The God - out - of - it education (humanism) / government and development.
With all that have put down, some structures must be in place for us to achieve our goals.
As I have indicated in my earlier posts, I am interested in people who would like to join this conversation.
May I add, I am also interested in seeing every believer being gainfully employed:

Also, make it your goal to live quietly, do your work, and earn your own living, as we ordered you.
Then your way of life will win respect from those outside the church, 1Th 4:11-12 

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I became a believer during my youthful days but did not receive early discipleship training but not without reading materials from different reliable sources. 

The holistic view of discipleship is of great interest to me - growing up spiritually, in wisdom and knowledge, caring for people and God's world. I am interested in what constitutes what goes into the curriculum in educating children, and how we can have for a lifelong learning.

I have started putting some of my thoughts on a blog posted on: http://lifegateproject2013.blogspot.com  

My desire is that within the next few years (5 years) that I will be able not only adding to my understanding of the Christian life, I am looking forward seeing a christian community that is educated and affecting other lives. 

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