Naomi Fata's Posts (2)

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Importunate Prayer

I have long been fascinated by the word importunity. It seems so deep and rich with meaning. Recently as I was reading Scripture I followed the Thomas Chain references through to several passages on the subject.

Importunate: pertinacious: urgent or persistent in solicitation, sometimes annoyingly so. (from

1. Luke 18:1-8.

One of the most well-known examples of persistence was this widow who kept going before the judge with her plea. He kept refusing but finally he gives in because she has become so bothersome.

Jesus says that if an unjust judge gives in because of persistence how much more so will God bring about justice for us, especially for those who persist day and night. But His question which leaves me pondering is this “When to Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”

Faith….will He find that I have had enough faith to persist in prayer, to persist in praying His promises. Would not faith be as Hebrews 11:1 says “being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see”? Often the promises of God are unseen to us but am I sure of what I hope for, sure of what He has promised me? Will I wrestle in prayer for what I believe He has promised? Not a weak-willed wrestle but one of heart wrenching dependence, holding onto the promises with a vice grip.

2.Luke 22:44:

Christ is praying in the garden so fervently that His sweat was like drops of blood. This is a wrestle of strength to believe by faith. This is not a prayer life that only half believes, but one that consumes the will and emotions.

3.John 4:49

Here an official comes to Jesus asking Him to heal his son. He knew the miracles that Jesus had done in the past and believed that He was able to heal his son. In this passage I didn't see the official asking repeatedly so I read some of Matthew Henry’s Commentary to gain better insight as to why this is an instance of importunity.

  • He was a noble man and he chose to come to Jesus, a lowly carpenter
  • It was a travel of 15 miles between Capernaum, where his son was, and Cana where Christ was. Rather than sending a servant to go to Christ, he went himself. 15 miles doesn’t seem like a lot but when I think about walking 15 miles it would probably take most of the day.
  • Rather than coming to Christ with orders he came as a beggar.
  • Also take note that Jesus reprimanded his faith, saying that he will never believe unless he sees.
  • Jesus also healed from a distance, told the man his son was healed, and he believed. I find it amazing that the son was healed at that exact moment. That is how God is! He speaks and it is done.

4.Acts 12:1-10

Peter is in prison but as verse 5 says "the church was earnestly praying for him" (NIV). I believe this earnestness is a picture of importunity. God answered the prayers of the church and Peter was released. Praise God!!!

Do I not see the supernatural work of God frequently because I do not pray with importunity?


Originally posted on my site

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Unanswered Prayer?

The term unanswered prayer has been having an unsettling effect on my soul. I have noticed that over the course of my Christian life I have heard that prayers can be answered by God with yes, no or maybe. So when I have prayed I was always uncertain as to whether God would answer with a yes. This made it hard for me to pray.  Often I would feel like the man who doubted in James 1. How can I pray with faith that God will answer if I don’t know that it is His will to answer with a yes? I felt my prayers were weak and powerless.

This led me to ask, what is God’s will? Inherently all of God’s will is written in the Bible. There is a verse for everything. So for every situation I began to search Scripture.

For example over the summer I knew a Christian couple who was getting married rather hurriedly.  To everyone it seemed rash. They didn’t seem ready and the intensity of their relationship caused them to act with disrespect towards others.  Some told me that I should pray they break up before the wedding. I found myself wondering how I knew it was God’s will they not get married. Maybe this marriage is what they both needed to grow. I began searching Scripture and found Ephesians 3:17 -19 – the verses about knowing the love of Christ. The actions of this couple demonstrated to me that they had issues and their hearts did not know the extent of Christ’s love. So this has become my prayer for them. They got married and I don’t know how they are doing but I know without a shadow of doubt that it is God’s will for them to know the love of Christ and that knowing this love will transform all their relationships.

Another situation is one that has been in my family for years – a certain saved person who is always full of negativity, whose life is just a mess. Always before I prayed for the outer situation; that this person would stop causing problems and stop being negative.  After so many years of praying this way I was tempted to say my prayers were unanswered. Once again I began searching Scripture. I know this person is saved so I pray Philippians 1:6 – knowing that God began the good work of salvation & that He is able to complete a good work in this person’s life.

Praying Scriptural promises over people gives strength to my prayer life. I no longer feel like I don’t know if I am praying God’s will, no longer do I question if or how He will answer. My focus has shifted because when I prayed without a Scriptural promise I was praying with my desired outcome behind the prayer. I wanted the couple not to get married because I thought that was best. I want the family member to stop being negative so my life will be less complicated. As I put God’s promises to these situations I took my human desires out of them.  I no longer think of prayers as being unanswered but wait on God who knows all things and works according to His timetable – whose ways are higher than my ways – who is able to bring His Word to pass!

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