Mark S Mirza's Posts (146)

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Pray Christmas - Day 23


December 23

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • Has to do with when the Lord’s plans are not clean and neat

    • We often think that if something is from God it will go smoothly right?

      • Think again!

      • Remember Job, the difficulties came at God’s insistence!

    • And so, because He’s sovereign,

      • Because the Holy Spirit does not make mistakes,

      • Because nothing is a surprise to God,

      • We can trust Him!

    • Psalm 103:19 tells us that, “His throne is above the heavens and He is sovereign over all.”


As I reread the account of the Magi’s visit (Matthew 2:1-12) and the flight into Egypt by Jesus’ family, including King Herod’s butchery (Matthew 2:13-18), I am reminded Lord that Your plans are not always clean and neat. We often find ourselves in a deep valley that You have brought us to. Father, thank You for Your many promises, of which Romans 8:28 is only one. It tells us that ALL THINGS work together for good, for those who are in Christ Jesus, Your son, the One who’s advent, who’s coming, we celebrate this Christmas season.


  • Follow-up to today’s prayer

    • People like to say that Job brought his issues upon himself, which doesn’t bear out in the text, (note Job chapters 1 and 2)

    • And look in the NT, Paul talked about it, Peter talked about it (1 Peter 4:13) rejoicing in and EXPECTING to suffer, with Christ

    • We make a grave error in the West by thinking that when difficulties come our way God wants us to wriggle out of them.

      • He has allowed them!!

      • God has allowed them for a reason!!

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Pray Christmas - Day 22


December 22

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • Myrrh is an odd gift…for a baby?

    • But remember, this baby came to die

    • He came to die a HORRID death.

    • We need to remember this during the Christmas season,

      • There is NO MANGER scene without the cross.

    • Think about what that means…He came to suffer and die for you and me.


Lord, as Your Son came to earth, to go to the cross it is appropriate that one of the Magi’s gifts was Myrrh (Matthew 2:11) which is anointing oil, used at one’s death. We recognize now Lord, that His birth signified that His life would end in a bitter and ugly, embarrassing and alienating death on a Roman cross. Lord we know this because of passages like John 10:11-18 and John 16:16-22. So as we enter this season of prayer, we are reminded that their would be no manger, with a beautiful cooing baby Jesus, without a bitter and degrading cross, coupled with You turning Your back on Your Son for a time…for us to be saved. Lord we praise You, even as we beg You to show us brokenness, that we might understand Your heart and then pray for the nations and the church with the fervency that only a broken heart can.

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Pray Christmas - Day 21


December 21

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • Anna, who was in the temple (and had fasted and prayed for years) at the same time as Simeon (who was content to go home to glory now that he had seen the Messiah).

    • They were both at the temple when baby Jesus was brought in to be dedicated,

    • Anna should be a symbol for our older women in our churches today.

    • Older women need to be there to bless the younger folks.

    • I am very blessed to have some older women in my life. They do everything from

      • Making me fudge,

      • To handing me down ties,

      • To remembering me in prayer (and many of them can really pray!),

      • And I have a GREAT relationship with them.

    • So, do you have any “Annas” in your life? If not, why not?


Lord as I think of Anna and her role to both Mary and Joseph, as well as all those “looking forward to the redemption of Jerusalem” (Luke 2:38), which You gave us in the expression of Your Son, I cannot help think about the opportunities our older women in our churches have. Lord, we have so many “Annas.” Lord, thank You for the many “Annas” in my life. Forgive me Lord for the times I have “marginalized” them. My prayer Lord is that others in our churches will be burdened for the gifts that only the “Annas” can impart, as we let them minister in our lives. And Father, I pray also for the “Annas,” that they Lord, would be willing to listen to You, and impart what You lay upon their hearts. Thank You Father for the gift of the “Annas” in our churches.

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Pray Christmas - Day 20


December 20

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • Simeon again, this time challenging us regarding thinking or, staying in our “safe” little box, when the reality is God is calling us to live a life that is abundant and full!

    • Because God is real,

      • His birth,

      • His life,

      • Imagine how much you are missing because you do not step out of, or think out of your box and think the way the Lord wants you to?

    • One way we are “cheated” out of His abundance is because we are angry towards someone

    • Think seriously about today’s prayer.


Luke 2:32, Simeon again, with something so contrary to the Israelites mode of thinking!, that the Messiah would be the “light for the Gentiles,” which was to bring glory to them, the Israelites. Imagine, glory to the Israelites, through the Gentiles! How counterintuitive that would have been for them Lord. And yet, do we miss Your glory, in our lives, because that which You want in our life, is so contrary to what we want? Oh Lord, forgive us for making our will an idol above You, above Your will. Forgive us Lord for not stepping out of our box, trusting Your lead and direction in our lives.


  • Follow-up to today’s prayer

    • I constantly teach this when I speak in churches.

    • I like to bring up verses we HATE to hear, IE

      • Ephesians 6:12 “Your struggle isn’t against flesh and blood…”

      • 1 Peter 3:7 “If there is anything between you and your spouse your prayers will be hindered.”

    • I know you think you have a right to be grumpy at someone close to you…but step outside of your box and…

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Pray Christmas - Day 19


December 19

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • We hear people talk about being DEAD to sin and ALIVE to Christ.

    • But what does that mean?

    • Does it mean simply, to believe in the Lord?

      • No, even the demons do that (James 2:19).

    • It means to completely and constantly SUBMIT to Him,

    • So that He lives His life thru you


Lord, Luke 2:31, has Simeon saying something that is so outside of the way we think. He says that Jesus IS our salvation, not merely PROVIDING our salvation. Lord, as we are reminded of Your Son’s advent, unto us, give us the grace to remember that He IS our life, if we are saved, meaning that we trust You to give us the grace and mercy to live, dead to self, dead to our sins, and alive to Him, Your Son, Christ (Romans 6:11) submitting our entire lives, completely to You. Forgive us Father for trying to live partially submitted to you.

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Pray Christmas - Day 18


December 18

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • If you’re perfect you can skip this background

    • The rest of you…listen up!

    • The older I get, the more I realize how loving and forgiving God is.

    • As you go into this holiday season, and your family is broken, let the Lord comfort you.


Lord, in Luke 2:22-24 we read of the dedicating of Your Son in the temple. Lord, the great responsibility that Mary and Joseph had, bringing up Jesus reminds me of the great responsibility we have in raising our kids. Lord, so many of us have already failed in that regard. We trust You Lord to forgive us for failing our children, and Father, we ask You to cause our children to forgive us.

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Pray Christmas - Day 17


December 17

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • Your “comfort-zone”

    • What does that mean?

    • Especially as it relates to people that are around you

      • Older folks

      • Younger folks

      • Folks that are different from you

    • Face it, sometimes it is just scary to give time to someone you are not used to.

    • That’s why we have today’s prayer


When Jesus was named, there were two old saints, Simeon and Anna (Luke 2:22-39a) that were used very intimately by You. Lord we have many, many older saints in the church, and we have marginalized so many of them. Forgive us lord. And Father, we confess that many of our elderly do not want to be used. Forgive us for that too Lord. We have become a church that sees talent through narrow, human, eye-balls. Forgive us Lord. Titus 2:1ff tells us how to live our age. Father, my prayer is that I would do my part, no matter my age, Lord that I would be an active part of the body, no matter my age, that I would reach out to those older than me, and that I would reach out to those younger than me. Oh Lord, we are all a part of the body, ALL of us are Lord!!! Forgive us for marginalizing those that are folks we do not normally hang with.

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Pray Christmas - Day 16


December 16

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • The Bible tells us that Mary, Jesus’ mother “stored up” all of these things that were unfolding around her,

      • Watching,

      • Listening,

      • Being aware of all of the good things going on.

    • But what about you and I?

    • What will we ponder, or dwell on, during this season, and as a result of this season?


Father, You do so many great things, and yet, what is it that I store up, or treasure, or dwell on? Isn’t it so often what I want, Father? Forgive me Lord for being so selfish. Give me the grace Lord to store up those wonderful things that You lay before me, that You want me to store up, and cause me Lord, to ponder them. And then Lord, let me pass them on to others, just as Mary has to us (Luke 2:19), through the gospel writers.

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Pray Christmas - Day 15


December 15

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • Think about the way that God communicated with Moses.

    • It was face to face, right?

    • Now, God tells Moses that He was going to do incredibly, unbelievable things,

    • That the Israelites would experience!

    • And incredible ways of communication is just one of them


Lord, when You gave Moses the second set of tablets containing the 10 commandments You spoke to Moses about great and exciting things that You would do (Exodus 34:10). What must Moses have expected Lord? Oh Lord, as I think of Your precious gift to us of communication, I cannot help but think of the different ways You communicate to us. Moses got to see You face to face, You communicate to me through Your word and through Your Spirit. During Christmas we read of all who have even seen angels. Lord, thank You for the myriad of ways that You communicate. Thank You for loving the shepherds so much that You sent angels to proclaim Your Son’s advent, to proclaim His birth (Luke 2:8-18). Lord, burden me, this Christmas season to share Your word, the birth of Your Son, with someone…with anyone. Lord, I am so busy with my own life that I do not share the reason for the season…Your Son’s birth, like I should. Please forgive me and give me grace, so that this year will be different, in that regard Lord.

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Pray Christmas - Day 14


December 14

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • Do you remember the passage in scripture that says, “There was no room in the Inn.”?

    • Imagine if you were the Inn Keeper and woke up on the wrong side of the bed the day Mary and Joseph came to town

    • And you treated Mary and Joseph,

    • And therefore the creator of the universe,

    • Mean and nasty,

    • Because you were grumpy.


Heavenly Father, Luke 2:7 has the famous quote “there was no room in the inn.” And yet Lord I am reminded of the child in the school play who had such compassion he couldn’t turn the expecting parents away (much to the chagrin of the school officials). But Lord that child showed a compassion, in the play, that we as adults forget in our everyday world. Oh Lord teach us compassion. Allow us to comfort someone this Christmas season, with the self-same comfort that we have been comforted by You Lord (2 Corinthians 1:4).

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Pray Christmas - Day 13


December 13

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • Can you imagine being Joseph, your bride to be is pregnant…and you have an accurate memory so you know the baby is not yours

    • And then God tells you to do something TOTALLY contrary to what your entire heart cries out to do

    • Do you want to have that kind of obedience?


Lord that Joseph was the obedient young man that he was, listening and obeying Your servant (Matthew 1:18b-20) is so amazing to me! Lord I desire to trust You, like he did. Lord bring me into situations this Christmas season that are SO big that there would be no way for me to see them accomplished without You completely carrying the day, causing me to trust You. Thank You Lord Jesus.

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Pray Christmas - Day 12


December 12

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • If you spend any time in Christian circles at all, you invariably hear someone put down another’s belief, simply because it’s different from yours.

    • Zechariah, John the Baptist’s dad made a huge faux paux relative to what he expected Christ to be.

    • He expected Christ to be a political Messiah.

    • My concern today is how we treat people that believe differently than we do.


Lord, as I read the account of Zechariah’s prophecy (Luke 1:6-79) even though he was filled with the Holy Spirit, he seems to have gotten it wrong!!! It looks like Zechariah expected Jesus to be a political leader (Luke 1:71) Lord, I realize that I don’t always have an accurate bead on Your truths, but Lord give me the grace to allow others with differing opinions to have them without me looking down my nose at them. Lord, Father, give me the wisdom and spiritual understanding to be gracious to those around me. Thank You Lord.

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Pray Christmas - Day 11


December 11

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • This is the season for giving…or is it?

    • What are you giving…and to whom?

    • Let me ask it this way, what are you giving…and is it to someone who has a tangible need…that you can meet?

    • Folks, as you buy additional gifts for your friends or family I trust that you will be burdened for those that you can minister to in a tangible way.


Elizabeth’s proclamation to Mary shows the wisdom of an older woman, and yet Lord it also shows the simplicity and childlike faith that is so needed today. Lord, Elizabeth talked about mercy in verses 50 and 54…but tucked away in between (Luke 1:53) is a verse that I pray for the hungry in my town this year, that You would fill them “with good things.” Lord I know that “good things” does not necessarily mean abundance of material things, but it sometimes can. And Lord, I know it does mean peace, hope, love, faithfulness, joy, etc. all of these things that are Your attributes. Thank You Lord that 2000 years ago Elizabeth could pray this for her day, and I can do the same for my day. And whenever it is within my ability, burden me to show Your love, tangibly, to someone in need.

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Pray Christmas - Day 10


December 10

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • Trust…a scary word when you are dealing with an unknown.

    • And yet two biblical characters, in two very difficult situations handled truth very differently from one another.

    • Let me jump to the opposite end of this spectrum, knowing that nothing is impossible with God.

    • My prayer for us today is that we would be open to the Lord working these truths into our life.


Zechariah looked to man’s wisdom and doubted while Mary looked to Your sovereignty and trusted. What do I do? Lord, Psalm 103:19 tells me that You are sovereign over all…yet I so often act like Zechariah wanting to decide if Your ways fit into my box (Luke 1:18) whereas Mary trusted in Your words that came through the angel (Luke 1:38). Father, we often quote verse 37, “Nothing is impossible with God.” Lord, would You convict our hearts to be broken for our selfish misunderstanding, causing us to glory in child-like faith instead.

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Pray Christmas - Day 9


December 9

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • Imagine the joy and just, fun that old Zechariah and Elizabeth must have had when they realized they were pregnant.

    • Can you imagine how cute this old couple must have been together.

    • I want you that are praying with me, to have the same kind of “giddy” time with the Lord, and that is my prayer for you.

    • For you who pray alongside me, each and every morning.


After Elizabeth  became pregnant she remained in seclusion for five months (Luke 1:24). Lord I can just see her and Zechariah, wanting to enjoy every happy moment they could in this very unique miracle of life for them. Lord we trust You to grant joy and peace to Your children that are praying through these 25 Days of Prayer, simply because they are believers (Romans 15:13). Not because we deserve it Lord but simply because of Your mercy and Your grace. Thank You Lord.

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Pray Christmas - Day 8


December 8

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • Think about Gabriel standing before you, and if you’re like Zechariah, you doubted.

    • I can’t imagine Gabriel then saying, basically, “You doubt me? I stand before God Almighty…”

    • I’d believe anything he said…Or would I?

    • Don’t you and I do the same thing when we talk to God about something He has already CLEARLY talked about in scripture?

    • Let’s see…


Lord, as I think of the words of the angel to Zechariah (Luke 1:11-17) I cannot throw stones at him for doubting (vs 18) because I too doubt. I doubt Your clear word as stated in scripture. Lord forgive me for this. Let me take responsibility for the times when I want to blame someone else, even though Your word is clear that my struggle isn’t against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12a). Or the times Lord when I want to hold onto my anxiety, even though Your word clearly says that I can have peace instead (Philippians 4:6-7). Father, thank You for all these and so many more promises that have been made real to us because of Your Son’s coming.

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Pray Christmas - Day 7


December 7

  • Background to today’s prayer

    • Why did John the Baptist come to earth?

    • He came for one very specific purpose…to go on before the Lord, the Messiah.

    • Why are you here on earth?

    • What does God want you to do?

    • And then once you ask Him what He wants you to do, are you willing to?

    • You see, John the Baptist’s role, had an eventual outcome, and that was to turn the hearts of men and women and boys and girls.

    • How about you?

    • What do you, and to whom do you, plan to share the truths of this season to?


Father, the purpose of John the Baptist’s birth was to “go on before the Lord [Jesus] (Luke 1:17a). And with us celebrating the Your Son’s entrance into earth this Christmas season, my prayer is that we will have the opportunity to go before Him, sharing the truths of this season, and “turning the hearts of fathers…and the disobedient…” (Luke 1:17b) to You Lord.

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