We highly encourage you to use the companion guides to introduce and engage your viewing audience(s) with specific context/facts, thoughtful questions, and reflective verses. If you're hosting a larger group viewing or special event, consider engaging one of our recommended speakers to deepen the conversation post-viewing with a Q/A or panel discussion time.
We understand that for so many of you, engaging your community, church, family or friends with this resource requires stepping into a brave new space. We are with you. We are praying for you. We've done our very best to thoughtfully develop these resources with the utmost care and respect for those represented within the broader immigration issue and for those who are still leaning in to learn.
Stay connected with us on Facebook and (newly launched) Instagram!
Please tag us as you journey with others!
We want to hear all about how God is using you to change the world!
The Welcome. Team
David knew how to climb up the Worship Mountain wherever he was.
Persecuted, betrayed, but he learnt how to keep safe his secret hidden place with the Lord.
No matter what happens around, He is our Rock. In the secret of His Presence, we will hear the heart beats for the lost ones! We go back to our daily routine, but He has anointed us with His love for the unreached! My best verse today, which I share with you:
But God became my hideout,
God was my high mountain retreat