Home base, Linkoping, Sweden:I have read through prayer diaries for the first 10 of our 30 years in prayer ministry, to help focusing for the future. The prophetic dimension is clearly discerned to be a distinct feature from the very beginning. We were also engaged for the intercession for nations during the initial stages – and have continued to be involved in efforts of this category during all these years.As we look forward, we are invited to take part in prayer warfare with churches at their particular Ground Zero – at the point of defeat and bitterness, at the point where the enemy celebrates his victories.We are also enrolled to engage in the building of house churches as points of beginning where the testimony has been reduced to rubble. Our own Ground Zero, in our own city, is a major target in this effort.The concept of the Solemn Assembly will become a major tool in these efforts. The revival at hand will find an open door where the Church gathers for extra-ordinary prayer according to 1 Tim 2:8.Please, cover our efforts in prayer – may efforts of this kind become our common efforts. Watch in prayer for your own Ground Zero and wait for the Lord to guide you to engage in prayer and prayer warfare for his cities, his people and his nations.Lars W.
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There I will meet with youEx 29:42-43A gathering of the interceding Church for the purpose of unreserved commitment and explicit agreement. . .03.The Holy One of Israel – a name of honour, a name borne by God, borne by him who reveals himself. The revealing begins by the name itself, a singular statement about his identity, his nature and his choice. It is a distinct marker of his intent – he chooses a people and a place for communion. He chooses the least, chooses that which is the weakest, even that which is despised for the purpose of revelation – indeed an extra-ordinary setting, indeed holy ground. In a tent, among a people brought forth from among nations, he chooses to call himself by name – the Holy One.The continuation of this revelation of holiness and communion is set before us, even today, in the call to efforts at an extra-ordinary level of attention and alertness in an atmosphere of fellowship and concord under the direction of the Holy Spirit. The Israel of today, Jew and gentile, will be arranged by the same foundational principles and arrayed by the same beauty of holiness as the people of old.The continuation of the revelation of God will take place among a people who has a desire for communion – like the church of the first days, gathering in homes, arranged by the Spirit of holiness in house fellowships. The continuation of the revelation of the beauty of holiness will take place in settings in which togetherness in righteousness is a main feature. The tent is the place of communion. That which is small and despised is still, even today, the choice of the Lord. In it he fosters a people for his praise – and for his returning to Zion.The tent, the tabernacle of Israel declared the presence of that which is holy. The priests were constantly occupied with a holy sacrificial service before the Lord. The three parts of the tabernacle were marked as levels of increasing holiness. Parallels may immediately be found in the fellowship of the first church, as it was led to an ever increasing measure of godliness under the instructions and guidance of the Holy Spirit. There is yet a tempering of the tent to be expected among the people of God, to be received and apprehended in the Consensus Church – expressed in house church settings, among those who are waiting for the Redeemer to come to Zion.The tabernacle is a call to holiness. The tabernacle is an invitation to communion. The church is once again called to extra-ordinary efforts in the realm of godliness. The tabernacle stands in our midst as a setting apart for a unified and unreserved commitment unto holiness. God pitches his tent in our midst as a foretaste of his coming and his rule. The tabernacle is defined among us by explicit agreements for the sake of extra-ordinary prayer for the displaying of the glory of God in these last days. . .Lars WiderbergObjective:A calling forth, a bringing together of godly men and women everywhere, for the sake of unreserved commitment and explicit agreement in prayer and intercession, in preparation for a solid testimony of the Lord. 1 Tim 2:8, Matt 18:19-20.What is your role in relation to such a call? What is your response to such a call? Would you give yourself to prayer for the mobilization of such a fellowship, given to the working out of explicit agreements concerning time spent, goals defined and devotion refined?An explicit agreement aiming at:A recovering of the apostolic patterns for church fellowship and spiritual growth.A recovering of the glory of God among his people.A recovering of veracity, authenticity, holiness and godliness.A renewal of the understanding of the sovereign Lordship of Jesus Christ among his people.A renewed waiting before the Lord for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.A new period of intensified efforts in the realm of missions - a sending of workers to the harvest.
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The revival to be expected in the near future is one which focuses the House of the Lord and the Throne to be established among the people of God. “You are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.” Ef 2:22. This building will by its very presence tell about Heaven in a manner which only Heaven itself can speak. The Spirit of Truth, the Spirit of Holiness is the Spirit of prophecy testifying to the work and presence of Jesus Christ among His people, in His people. The purpose of revival is the formation of a people for His praise in the very knowledge of the holy. Isa 43:21, Prov 9:10.The revival which by necessity lies ahead, which is prepared and made ready for God’s Zion, for the assembly of the hungry, for the company of the committed, for the solemn gathering of peacemakers, this revival will produce a call to the people of God to represent fullness, the attaining to the measure and stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ, the growing up in all aspects unto Him. The revival which by necessity lies ahead will present the possibility for a renewal of minds and hearts, a putting on of the new self which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth. Its keyword ought to be correspondence, a sacrificial identification with the fundamental purposes of God, a state of being and a mode of operation in which – only in which – the glory of God may be expected to be seen and experienced.Every effort directed towards a reviving of His people for the sake of reaching divine goals will come from Him who is the beginner and originator of all things, and the goal will be a solemn, eternal “unto God”. In this we will be required to follow hard after the Lord with sacrificial willingness and persistence
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Revival holds a specific and definitive authentification of the Church. A returning to the eternal purposes of God holds an ever growing correspondence to that which is to be found in Christ. Maturity equals christlikeness. The fruits of the presence of God in His Church are signs and wonders which cannot be spoken against. Fidelity, faithfulness, perseverance, veracity, godliness and humility are all aspects of the priestly ministry of reconciliation – these things are from God, signs of His presence and wondrous operations of the Law of the Spirit of Life; 2 Cor 5:18, Rom 8:1-2.Quality, otherness, plumb line and a solid and sensible testimony by the indwelling Holy Spirit are words and concepts describing the content of the authentification of the Church. The very heart of the reviving influence is something which cannot be explained in human terms, it is an element brought in into human existence which has its origin in a realm beyond the created world. One small sentence summarises: “As in Heaven, so on Earth” – a prayer to be prayed, a measuring rod to be applied, a state and order of being to be pursued.The necessity of correspondence, the call for veracity, the common loss of dignity and majesty and the absence of the glory of God are major incitements opening man’s heart and the content of the speaking into his conscience driving him to prayer for revival. “Thou son of man, show the House to the house of Israel, that they may be ashamed of their iniquities and let them measure the pattern.” Eze 43:10.
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A REVIVAL MANIFESTOHAB 3:2Our standpoint and the way aheadOn reading the manifesto:This item will require a little extra from its reader as it is a compact, concentrated text. Each sentence contains large volumes of spiritual reality and are statements produced to capture a great wealth of ideas and thoughts. Therefore, we ask the reader to read slowly, read several times, to meditate and pray and to consider the written word to be a path of pursuit.The Purpose of a RevivalGod is Father, our Father. He is the beginner, the originator of all things. His Word defines, it gives life and purpose. Our Lord and saviour, Jesus Christ is the very epitome of God’s thought and the focal point of the purposes of Heaven. The Spirit of the Father permeates and upholds all things; the Spirit of God is the bringer of holiness and through his operations all things are lifted into its specific role in serving the eternal purposes of God. In Christ, and only through Him, does man find rest and purpose in an eternal “unto God” – Rom 6:11.Revival holds a returning to origins, a turning back to original intentions and purposes. The new, that which is truly alive and full of life, is that which is properly anchored in the old, in what God has stated as absolutes. The Father brings newness of life by taking His people back to beginnings. It is no small thing, it is indeed a tremendous task to recover and settle in the purposes of God. Man is not sufficient for this. Human enthusiasm and effort will not level with the standards of Heaven. God is the originator of the retracing of the paths of old, of an ascent to the holy hill of Zion. “A glorious throne, set on high from the beginning, is the place of our sanctuary.” Jer 17:12.
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A gathering of the interceding Church for the purpose of unreserved commitment and explicit agreement. . .Ex 29:42-43Reading:Why do you not speak a word about bringing the king back? 2 Sam 19:10.Prepare ye in the wilderness the way of the LORD, make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Isa 40:3.For all seek their own, not the things which are of Jesus Christ. Phil 2:21.The activities of the Kingdom of Heaven are in many instances regulated according to repetitious patterns, and we do well to expect and to wait for these reoccurrences, which are secured by irrevocable promises of the Father – promises which may be condensed as follows: “God visits the nations to take out of them a people for His name.” Acts 15:14.Heaven has defined a final goal, a summing up of all things, for which man may wait expectantly in prayer: “God shall send Jesus Christ, who before was proclaimed to you, whom Heaven truly needs to receive until the times of restoration of all things, which God has spoken by the mouth of His holy prophets since the world began.” Acts 3:20-21.The promises and prophetic words aimed at producing expectant prayer for the ongoing building of the Church, the gathering of a people for his praise, as well as for the singular event – the Redeemer coming to Zion, a returning for the sake of final restoration – both belong to a category of human effort which brings us all far beyond the ordinary. “Why do you not speak a word about bringing the king back?”The coming of the Lord is gathered up as an extraordinary event. A preparing of the way for the Lord may therefore be taken on as an extraordinary effort. This peculiar people of God is called together for that which is extraordinary, they are called to seek that which is above, that which is far beyond the ordinary. This peculiar nation has been brought together to be led by the Holy Spirit into that which is extraordinary, that which is indeed holy. The people gathered for his praise, his Church, will therefore constitute a holy union, a consensus Church, brought to the scene of world affairs with a single statement: “Why do you not speak a word about bringing the king back?”The Church ought to prepare for extraordinary prayer efforts aiming at bringing the King back into each and every society.The Church ought to prepare for extraordinary prayer for the return of the Redeemer to Zion in finality.The Church ought to prepare for extraordinary prayer for the restoring of prayer – as so many churches close its doors for the intercessors.The Church ought to gather for extraordinary prayer to prepare the way for the sanctifier – the Holy Spirit.The Church ought to gather for extraordinary prayer to be able to live as a people for His name.Lars Widerberg
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The Solemn Assembly – A setting by which the people of God declares the necessity of a return to absolutes and authenticity by the display of corporate humility. Ours is a need to explore common prayer ground and implore God for intervention.07. Exploring possibilities of a Solemn Assembly. Finding proper ground for hope for change.08. A Solemn Assembly determines the measure of holiness among God’s own people.09. A Holy convocation: To come on Prayer terms with God – horizoned by the eternal purposes of God.
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The Solemn Assembly – The setting by which the people of God declares the necessity of a common return to absolutes and authenticity. The setting by which a recovering of godly values are restored and secured. The setting by which a God’s people displays corporate humility. The setting by which God is invited to work according to his purposes. Ours is a need to explore common prayer ground and implore God for intervention.4. Priestliness - the nature of intercession.5. Priestliness – Recovering virtue and prudence, recovering godliness, recovering the art of blushing.6. Priestliness – An approach to men and their affairs in which mind, heart and spirit convenes, even covenants, with God to bring forth kindness and favour.
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01. The aim of the Holy Convocation: “Revive Thy work again.” Hab 3:2.Our Prayer: “Restore godliness among Thy people.”02. Solemn Assembly: Gathered for prayer of an extra-ordinary kind.“There I will meet with you”. Ex 29:43.03. Solemn Assembly: Finding and establishing prayer ground with each other. Reconciliation in practice – in modern language, real time forgiveness and restitution.
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A gathering of the interceding Church for the purpose of unreserved commitment and explicit agreement. . .
God’s history of deliverances, of salvation, allows us to get a glimpse of, and to begin to understand the interaction between the purposes of God, the promises of God and the painful predicaments of a people meant for glory.
Deliverance has come when the word of God has been made void, Ps 119:126. Deliverance has come when the people of God has chosen to build for themselves, Haggai 1. Deliverance has come when the purposes of God has been set aside.
Deliverance has come when men and women have decided to seek the Lord with focused intent and with patience and determination. Deliverance has come when men has gathered together before the Lord according to 1 Tim 2:8, in purposeful union, in deliberate harmony, in matter-of-factness. Deliverance will come to Zion when men and women gather for the sake of extraordinary prayer.
God delivers a people for his purposes, God saves unto his intentions. God builds his Church. He gathers a people for his praise. He delivers through Christ and unto Christ – to reveal Christ. He builds yet another temple, yet another tabernacle, even a body.
His purpose for this hour – as for all times – is a Consensus Church, the body of Christ. In it he intends to bring forth agreements of an extraordinary kind which, in turn, will bring forth extraordinary prayer. He declares that in such a setting “I will meet with you”. And this concise object aims at bringing back the Deliverer, Jesus Christ, as King and sovereign ruler.