Greetings Shofar Man Friend,We have had many request to helppeople all over United Statesand Around the World to bringour Discipleship Gathering to theirCities, States and Countries.Your request have been heard andIt will now be possible to bring aDiscipleship Gathering to Your City!For those that live close enoughyou can be with us live at 6:30 P.M. onJune 10, 2017 in Porter Indiana forSession 1. of the Discipleship GatheringSeries, titled, As You Go: Love!For those that live too far to come in personwe will be videotaping the sessions andwe will provide you with a link to watch all 12sessions.If You would like to receive a FREE linkto watch each Discipleship Gathering sessionsend us an email to jim@step-by-step.orgwith the words, ( Discipleship Gathering Video Link )in the Subject line. Please include the followingin the body of the email:Your NameYour mailing addressYour phone numberIf You have not already watched the Video messagethat imparts the Vision about Discipleship Gatheringsand Hosting a Discipleship Gathering in Your City,State or Country then your 1st step should be toWatch the video Now!After watching the video message if you have any commentsor questions send them to jim@step-by-step.orgDiscipleship Gathering Vision Imparting Video: pass this video on to people in your sphere of influence !Jim and Carla BarbarossaStep By Step Ministrieswww.step-by-step.org219 762 7589
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