Kevin Cunningham's Posts (3)

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As I post this, my heart is heavy over the apparent moral failings of a high-profile pastor and seeming mishandling by the leadership of one the pioneer ministries or our day that continues to make headlines in the major newspapers. 

This post will not address any of the issues or problems in particular. Instead, as I share with the Prayer Network, I will focus on the solution.of intercessory prayer.  Please remember to pray for our spiritual leaders including our own pastors, missionaries, and even pastors, Christian writers, speakers that have impacted us.  Pray for their growth and protection.  Encourage others to pray also.

This is part 3 in a series on helps for personal prayer. In Part 1, we looked at a helpful pattern for prayer and at turning our Bible reading into prayers. In Part 2 the focus was on praying for our roles and relationships. In Part 3, we will focus on how to pray for missionaries and your pastor. A fuller version is available in the document designed for you to print out and put in your Bible, Prayer journal or even your purse or jacket pocket. Download the pdf Personal Prayer Helps.PDF or the Microsoft Word doc Personal Prayer Helps,DOC.

Pray for your pastor


(Photo: (c) Can Stock Photo Inc. 5thousand)

Brothers and sisters, pray for us. (1 Thessalonians 5:25LibronixLink_dark.png)

Sunday: Power in the pulpit

Pray that your pastor would be “filled with the Holy Spirit and continue to speak the word of God with boldness” Acts 4:31LibronixLink_dark.png

Monday: Find their strength in the Lord
Pastors often feed, comfort, and encourage the flock. Please pray that they would learn to find strength in the Lord for their own soul as David did in 1 Samuel 30:6LibronixLink_dark.png.

Tuesday: Leadership and Vision
Without vision the people perish (Proverbs 29:18LibronixLink_dark.png) Pray that God would give your pastor a clear vision for the church and the leadership gifts and skills to be able to inspire others to catch and implement the vision.

Wednesday: Sound doctrine 
Pray for your pastor’s beliefs and teaching.
He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it. Titus 1:9LibronixLink_dark.png

Thursday: Discernment in time management
Pray for discernment for your pastor to know the important tasks that need to be done for each day and those that do not need to be done at all. Pray that God would protect and empower your pastor’s work time.

Friday: Close personal relationship with God
Pray for your pastor’s own relationship with God to be vibrant and growing. Pray for your pastor’s own struggle with sin and other distractions that would try to steal focus and passion for God.

Saturday: The Pastor’s Family

Pray for your pastor to be able to devote quality time to nurture family relationships and to be the spouse and parent that God desires. Pray that God would protect your pastor’s family time and that He would add His blessings to time spent.

Pray for missionaries

  1. Pray for open doors. (Colossians 4:2LibronixLink_dark.png,3LibronixLink_dark.png)
  2. Pray for boldness in witnessing. (Ephesians 6:19LibronixLink_dark.png)
  3. Pray that the Word of God will spread without hindrance. (2 Thess 3:1LibronixLink_dark.png)
  4. Pray for protection. 2 Thessalonians 3:2LibronixLink_dark.png .
  5. Pray that their ministry will be accepted by believers. (Romans 15:31LibronixLink_dark.png)
  6. Pray for God’s guidance and assistance in travel. (Romans 15:32LibronixLink_dark.png)
  7. Pray for refreshment. (Romans 15:32LibronixLink_dark.png)

Excerpted from

Kevin Cunningham

Pastor, Author, Videographer

Currently serving as a bi-vocational, Intentional Interim Pastor in Gloucester, MA.

Photo Credit: (c) Can Stock Photo / 5thousand -

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This is part 2 in a series on helps for personal prayer.  In Part 1, we looked at a helpful pattern for prayer and at turning our Bible reading into prayers.  Today’s focus is on praying for other people.  Let’s look at suggestions for praying the roles and relationships in our lives.  Let’s face it, when most of us pray for other people, we usually tell God what”s wrong with someone else (just in case God didn’t already know) and then ask God to fix THEM.


Somewhere, I learned to think a little differently when I pray for other people.  Instead of complaining about somebody to God, it might be better to thank God for putting that person in my life in the first place.  Then I pray for me to be a good ____ (whatever my role is in the other person’s life).  

For example, if I am praying for my wife, before I pray that God helps HER to fulfill her role in my life, I pray that God helps me to be a good husband.  Now, that’s a pretty good start, but let’s raise the bar a little more.  Next, let’s pray that God helps me/s to grow in ____ (some skill, character trait or attitude related to my role in the relationship).  Now, after I’ve thanked God for the person, asked for help to be a good (whatever my role is) and then prayed that I might grow in my role, now I might be ready to ask God to help the other person grow in a certain area.

Note the chart below.

Praying for our roles and relationships

Lord, I thank you for…Please help me to be a good…Please help me to grow in…Please help them
to grow in…

A fuller version is available in the document designed for you to print out and put in your Bible, Prayer journal or even your purse or jacket pocket.  Download the pdf Personal Prayer Helps.PDF or the Microsoft Word doc Personal Prayer Helps,DOC.

Anything to add?  Any tips that you've found helpful in praying for the people in your life and ministry.

In the comments, please let me know how God is using this in your own life and relationships.

Kevin Cunningham

Pastor, Author, Videographer

Currently serving as a bi-vocational, Intentional Interim Pastor in Gloucester, MA.

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How’s Your Prayer Life? Need Help?

Along with words to encourage you or help you to encourage others, I try to provide resources or training to help us live out our faith.  This is the first in a series on helps for our personal prayer life.  Coming tomorrow, helpful resources to pray for all the relationships in life, then for missionaries and pastors.  Today’s focus will be on a helpful pattern for prayer and using the Bible to help pray for friends who already know God and for friends who need to know God better with a simple but powerful bonus tip.

Many people have found prayer particularly challenging.  They muster up all their self-discipline and courage.  They get on their knees and then say, “What do I do now?!”  Personally, I have often found it helpful to have a variety of resources available to help me stay focused during prayer.  I share this not because I am a spiritual giant with much to offer.  I share these because I often find it such a struggle to get started in prayer and even after getting started to then stay focused.

Perhaps the most helpful resource I have ever found for prayer is God’s Word itself.  Sometimes we pray way too mildly because we may not be sure that something is God’s will.  When we turn Bible verses that we are reading into actual prayers for ourselves and others, we can be pretty sure we are praying in God’s will.  Keep reading for some helpful examples.

Photo: (c) Can Stock Photo / LincolnRogers (Link posted below)

I may be a little unusual, but I have often found a countdown timer extremely helpful.  If I have set aside a certain span of time for prayer, I found that I would be checking the clock way too often to make sure I didn’t go overtime—like that’s a real worry!  I found that if I set a countdown timer, my mind is no longer distracted by the clock.

Finally, I have often found a pattern of prayer has helped me to stay focused and balanced in my prayers.  It’s so easy to only come to God when we want something.  We all have friends that only seem to pop up when they are in need.  How do you feel when you see them coming?  I think you get the idea.  There are many similar prayer methods, etc.  The following pattern has been a tremendous help for me.

  • Adoration:  Begin your prayer time praising God for who He is—not for what He has done for us—that will come later.  This helps us focus on our relationship with God himself.
    (Psalms 19, 29, 146 – 150)
  • Confession:  After a time of focusing on the goodness and character of God, we can’t help but see ourselves a little differently. Ask God to reveal to us the areas of our life that need attention.  (Psalms 51, 32, 139)
  • Thanksgiving:  Now is the time to thank God for the many blessings that we enjoy. Sometimes, this comes easily. Sometimes, we need to make ourselves intentionally focus on what God has already done. (Psalm 50:1LibronixLink_dark.png; 92:1LibronixLink_dark.png; 35:18LibronixLink_dark.png; Phil 4:6LibronixLink_dark.png)
  • Supplication:  Now is the time to bring our requests to God. Supplication is not a word most of us use every day, but it’s a good word to use in this context. It has the idea of urgency or earnestness (seriousness). We don’t come to God indifferently but with a concern that has burdened our hearts and we bring those requests to God. (Many examples follow) (1 Pet 5:7LibronixLink_dark.png)

 Praying the Scriptures for Friends who know God

  • Ps 27:1LibronixLink_dark.png.   LORD you are ________‘s light and salvation– help (him/her) to trust you and not to fear.  LORD you are the stronghold of (his/her) life– of whom shall (he/she) be afraid?
  • Ps 27:2LibronixLink_dark.png.  May you help ________ to be confident in the face of all attacks fully trusting in you.
  • Ps 27:5LibronixLink_dark.png. Lord when ________ has a day of trouble,
    may you keep (him/her) safe in your dwelling;
    hide (him/her) in the shelter of your tabernacle
    and set (him/her) high upon a rock.
  • Ps 27:6LibronixLink_dark.png. When ________ serves you may (he/she) do it with shouts of joy; may (he/she) sing and make music to you, LORD.
  • Ps 28:1LibronixLink_dark.png. May _________ call to you, O LORD my Rock;  and may you hear (his/her) prayer.
  • Ps 28 7. LORD, you are our strength and our shield; may ________’s heart trust in you and be helped. May _______ leap for joy and give thanks to you in song.
  • Ps 29:1LibronixLink_dark.png. May _______ ascribe to you O LORD, glory and strength.
  • Ps 29:2LibronixLink_dark.png  May _______ ascribe to you O LORD the glory due your name;
  • Ps 29:3LibronixLink_dark.png  May _______ worship you in the splendor of your holiness.

Strategic Prayer Focus for Friends Seeking God

Identify two or three people in your sphere of influence that you believe desperately need Jesus. List their names below so that you pray for each of them.

 _____________   _____________    _____________

  1. Lord, I pray that you draw these to Yourself. (John 6:44LibronixLink_dark.png)
  2. I pray that they will seek to know You. (Acts 17:27LibronixLink_dark.png)
  3. I pray that they hear and believe the Word for what it really is. (I Thes. 2:13LibronixLink_dark.png)
  4. I ask You to prevent Satan from blinding them to the truth. (II Cor. 4:4LibronixLink_dark.png; II Tim. 2:25-26LibronixLink_dark.png)-
  5. Holy Spirit, I ask You to convict them of their sin and need for Christ’s redemption. (John 16:7-14LibronixLink_dark.png)
  6. I ask that You send someone to  share the Gospel with them. (Matt 9:37-38LibronixLink_dark.png)
  7. I pray that they would put all of their trust in Christ. (John 1:12LibronixLink_dark.png; 5:24LibronixLink_dark.png)
  8. I pray that they confess Christ as Lord and grow in faith and bear fruit for Your glory. (Rom. 10:9-10LibronixLink_dark.png)

(Excerpted from Search & Rescue: Becoming a Disciple Who Makes a Difference, Neil Cole, Baker Books, a division of Baker Publishing Group, © 2008)

Have any of these inspired you?  Any tips you can share with us?

Kevin Cunningham

Pastor, Author, Videographer

Currently serving as a bi-vocational, Intentional Interim Pastor in Gloucester, MA.

Image Credit: (c) Can Stock Photo / LincolnRogers

This post originally appeared on the Encourage and Equip blog at

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