Do you remember as a child playing the SILENT game. This game was usually pulled out of my mothers arsenal when all other hope was lost. It was a way for her to get all three of her children to be quiet at the same time, all under the guise of a game. Well I decided today that I am going to play a different type of silent game. God has really been impressing upon my spirit the importance of silence, for there is something truly symbolic in the act of being silent before Him- its intentional and as I found today, at times quite difficult! At first as I sat before my Lord in heavy silence I wanted to fill the air with my words; but consciously fighting the urge after five or so minutes I found myself really hearing the silence for the very first time. I pondered this SILENT game and wondered why it was such a struggle for me. Wanting to fill every second with a thought, a sound or a task. Then I thought about what it means to sit in “true” silence it means you’ve laid everything else down - we have nothing to distract us accept to focus on Him. I have decided to continue to be silent before Him for the next six days (so that will be a total of seven all together). I am believing that the silence will be the sweetest sound I have ever heard. How about you - are you up for the challenge?