Johnny Russell Almond's Posts (166)

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Incarnational Influence

“No one is a light unto himself, not even the sun.” - Antonio Porchia,1968

      Christmas is a celebration of the Incarnation of God. To demonstrate God’s nature, Christ became a human

being and lived among us. To prove God’s love, He died on the cross for our sins. It was a long way from heaven to earth, but Jesus made the trip willingly for us.“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.”(John 1:14 ESV) Christ’s blessing and reality continues to influence believers in every generation.

            In order to influence the world, we must practice the ministry of presence—going where the people are, getting on their level,speaking their language. Christ has given us the ultimate example of doing this; and we are challenged to have His mindset (Philippians 2:5-7).

We were not created to shine secretly, but openly—giving clear evidence of being a child of the Light. 

We were not created to shine temporarily, but eternally—living beyond ourselves for the glory of God.

We were not created to shine inwardly, but outwardly—testifying to Love in a narcissistic world.

We were not created to shine reflexively, but reflectively—letting God’s light shine through us. 

            Scholars use "chaos theory" to explain how unpredictable results occur in systems sensitive to initial conditions, hypothesizing that the flutter of a butterfly's wings in Beijing affects weather patterns in New York City. They're closer to the truth than they imagine.If a small event produces dramatic results by triggering increasingly significant events, what difference do you think it would make in the world if we wholeheartedly committed our life to God? We'll never know what earth-shaking repercussions will occur until we try our wings.[paragraph adapted from Day 9, Gentle Whispers from Eternity]

Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Colonial Beach Baptist Church, Virginia


Book available through your local bookseller or preferred on-line retailer.


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A Thought for Today about pride

“Pride, like the magnet, constantly points to one object, self;

but unlike the magnet, it has no attractive pole, but at all points repels.”

- Charles Caleb Colton, 1825


A self-absorbed generation thinks only of getting—giving sacrificially is not stylish.

A selfish mind focuses only on one’s private world—thinking of others’ needs is not a priority.

A sinful heart is preoccupied with satisfying personal cravings—compassion for hurting souls is passé.


Commercials insist that we Americans deserve whatever our hearts desire—we fall for the lie and miss life.

Human nature leads us to take care of ourselves first and foremost—we follow evil’s propaganda and stifle love.

Capitalism advertises we cannot live without something—we buy what we don't need and can't afford and lose liberty. 


Are we aware Someone of infinite greatness graced the earth--so distinguished we are unworthy to untie His sandals,

who personally invites us to walk in His footsteps in building a living monument to the  Architect of the universe?

Will we persist in trying to make a name for ourselves, or live for the honor of the Name above all other names?

[Adapted from Day 8, Gentle Whispers from Eternity]  


“Let’s build a great city with a tower that reaches to the skies—a monument to our greatness! that we may make a name for ourselves.”

Genesis 11:4 NLT, NIV


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Colonial Beach Baptist Church, Virginia


Book available through your local bookseller or preferred on-line retailer.

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“Political skill is the ability to foretell what is going to happen tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year.

And to have the ability afterwards to explain why it didn’t happen.”

- Sir Winston Churchill


History has shown us that those who make promises do not always keep them.

Some politicians mean well, but factors outside their control trump ideals.

Other politicians are deceitful—even willing to lie to get more votes.

Unfulfilled promises litter the national landscape, making cynics.

Moral corruption is ignored or covered up, making skeptics.

Many who voted chose an unknown over a scoundrel.

Most who voted are hoping for a better tomorrow.

Will promises made ever be truly carried out?

Not by human leaders, not in this society.

But wait—here’s hope for the future.

God is a genuine Promise Keeper.

The rainbow is His signature.

He alone is trustworthy.  


“I have placed my rainbow in the clouds. It is the sign of my permanent promise to you and to all the earth.”

(Genesis 9:13 NLT)


“When sunbeams change course as they travel through the mist,

creating a beautiful postlude to the tempest, read My handwriting—

No storm can destroy you; the sun will shine again; you will live; you can trust Me;

I promise never to retract My solemn word; My signature is written with love’s indelible ink.”

[from Day 7 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity]


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Colonial Beach Baptist Church, Virginia


Book available through your local bookseller or preferred on-line retailer.


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Speaking of the weather...

Extreme cold when it first arrives seems to generate cheerfulness and sociability.

For a few hours all life’s dubious problems are dropped in favor of the clear and congenial task of keeping alive.”

- E. B. White (“Cold Weather,” 1944)


Daylight Savings Time ends Sunday—we “fall back,” enjoy an extra hour’s sleep, and wake up in the dark.

The relentless march of time makes leaves to change color, and forces each day’s temperatures lower.  

Will Rogers said we shouldn’t complain about the weather, since “it gives us something to talk about.”

The brisk air will change in seven weeks, as we shiver while winter makes its annual reappearance.

Winter does bring its challenges, but there are blessings—hot tea, sweaters, and fireplaces.

Hopefully, we will never have to struggle just to stay alive in a situation of extreme cold.

But when the north wind blows and the snow falls, we can enjoy huddling together.


“As long as the earth remains,

There will be springtime and harvest, cold and heat, winter and summer, day and night.”

(Genesis 8:22 NLT)


[Reflections on Day 6, “The Promise of the Seasons”, Gentle Whispers from Eternity]


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Colonial Beach Baptist Church, Virginia


Book available through your local bookseller or preferred on-line retailer.


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Staying Afloat

“Tomorrow there’ll be another tidal wave, so keep your snorkel above the water level.”

- President George Bush, quoting his mother’s advice about staying calm


Sometimes chaos threatens to drown us—we’re in over our head, desperately searching for rescue.

International tensions over espionage practices, wars, and political shenanigans discourage us

Our personal lives sometimes feel in shambles—everything nailed down is coming loose.

Just when we thought everything was fine, some other horrible thing comes along.


As floodwaters rise higher and higher all around us, we wonder if we’re going to survive.

Will our Creator and Savior rescue us from this trouble? Will He see us through it all?

The Lord has been our Storm Shelter for years—will this perfect storm kill us?

Will this pain destroy us, or strengthen us?  Will we live to tell about it?


Perhaps the Captain of our souls lets the water get deep to teach us trust.

We’re not sure why bad things happen to good people, but He knows.

Maybe the Master is rocking our small boat to get our attention.

When we finally realize who has the helm, we can relax.


“As the waters rose higher and higher above the ground, the boat floated safely on the surface.”

(Genesis 7:18 NLT)


[Reflections on Day 5, “Flotation Advice”, from Gentle Whispers from Eternity]


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Colonial Beach Baptist Church, Virginia


Book available through your local bookseller or preferred on-line retailer.

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“Whosoever walks toward God one cubit, God  runs toward him twain.”

- Anonymous


Thinking of God as a harsh judge out to nail us for our misdemeanors is not conducive to prayer.

Considering God a Counselor and Friend with our best interests in mind encourages prayer.

 Obsession with dutiful, meticulous adherence to a set of religious rules stifles prayer.

Delight with the privilege and honor of a relationship with God enhances prayer.

Parting company with God inevitably breaks our heart and ruins our day.

Steadily walking with God blesses our heart and enriches our day.

A mere mechanical relationship with God is superficial.

A heartfelt relationship with God is transformative.

Keeping distant from God leads to catastrophe.

Staying near God’s heart is a celebration.


“Enoch walked with God…”

Genesis 5:24 KJV


[Reflections on Day 4 of Gentle Whispers from Eternity]


Johnny R. Almond

Pastor, Colonial Beach Baptist Church, Virginia


Book available through your local bookseller or preferred on-line retailer.

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