Johnny R. Almond's Posts (425)

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Anticipating Eternity

















You should look forward to that day and hurry it along—

     the day when God will set the heavens on fire

     and the elements will melt away in the flames.

We are looking forward to the new heavens and new earth

     he has promised, a world where everyone is right with God.

     So, dear friends, while you are waiting for these things to happen,

          make every effort to live a pure and blameless life.  And be at peace with God.

                                             2 Peter 3:12-14 NLT


Scoffing skeptics are destined for an awful hell.

     Captivated by sinful desires, they conveniently deny ultimate reality.

     Assuming everything will stay the same, they ignore inevitable change.

     Living only for the moment, they forget death and judgment.

All the cynics have to anticipate is hell.

     Joking at My Word, they will not have the last laugh.

Believers in My Son can look forward to heaven on earth.

     Finally they will inhabit a tearless, painless, sinless, deathless place.

     Forever they will celebrate My Presence.

In light of the apocalypse of burning fire, pray in humility.



The saved are destined for an awesome home.

     Responding to My window of opportunity, they receive My grace.

     Realizing the urgency of repentance, they turn from sin to Me. 

     Rejoicing in My reign in their heart, they confidently anticipate glory.

All the arrogant can look forward to is punishment.

     Strutting in pride, they will suffer in perdition.

The meek can look forward to paradise. 

     Reverent before Me, they find the holy land beneath their knees. 

     Honoring Me, in My good time I will honor them.

In view of the advent of a bright future, purify your heart.



The sanctified are destined for absolute holiness.

     Believing My vow of a new earth landscaped in holiness, they shape up.

     Conscientiously obeying My orders, they are sculpted into My image.

     Yielding to My Holy Spirit’s work, they reflect My glory more and more.

All the complacent can count on is embarrassing regret.

     Napping in apathy, they will blush when My appearing wakes them up.

The devoted can look forward to reigning with Me and sharing My glory.

     Making a conscious effort, they will receive My eternal reward.

     Giving Me their best, they will bask in the favor of My smile.

In response to the atonement of blessed forgiveness, prepare for heaven.





© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                             

Gentle Whispers from Eternity




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The Servant's Return


After those horrible days end, the sun will be darkened,

     the moon will not give light, stars will fall from the sky,

     and the powers of heaven will be shaken. 

Then everyone will see the Son of Man arrive on the clouds,   

     with great power and glory.  So keep a sharp lookout! 

For you do not know when the homeowner will return—

     at evening, midnight, early dawn, or late daybreak.

                                                                                                                                     Mark 13:24-26, 36-37 NLT


     Contrary to popular opinion, the Creator will return as Judge. 

     The Lamb will become a Lion—the world will go up in smoke.

     Jesus’ shout will wake the dead—his trumpet call will be reveille.

     Heads will roll, tears will fall, and knees will bend.


     Keep doing right, no matter how intensely Satan tempts you—

          then you can look Me straight in the eye without embarrassment.

     Stay on the same wavelength with the Light of the world—

          keep away from dark, dingy places demons haunt.

     Stay on the same sheet of music with the Source of music—

          enjoy eternal pleasure of My company, not sin’s temporary thrills.


     The sun will be eclipsed by the dawn of the Sun of Righteousness.

     After constellations die, the Bright Morning Star will shine on.

     When human authority is history, the King of Kings will reign forever.

     My promised future perfect tense will materialize at the right time.

     Citizens from every nation will be privileged to be heavenly residents.  

     Believers will learn to speak My universal language of love. 

     Rest assured these good things will happen—you have My Word.

     In view of My return . . .

          Stay awake!  You do not know the day or hour, so watch your step.

               Live prayerfully—worship Me constantly with all your heart. 

          Stay alert!  Only the Father knows the time, so do not let it surprise you.

               Live wisely—think My thoughts and conquer the evil one.

          Stay active!  Lackadaisicalness and mediocrity betray your profession.   

               Live faithfully—work for Me with passion and energy. 

          Stay watchful!  The King will return on God’s timetable, not yours.

               Live conscientiously—make a conscious effort to be ready. 


     I may interrupt the evening of your leisure, bringing you eternal peace.

     My wakeup call may happen during the midnight of your deepest rest.

     Sunrise of an ordinary day may bring the dawn of heaven’s new day.

     Your morning preoccupation may be replaced with unending worship.

     Do not try to calculate the day of My return—prepare for it!





© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond   

Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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Authentic Christianity





Now, dear children, continue to live in fellowship with Christ

     so that when he returns, you will be full of courage

          and not shrink back from him in shame.

                              1 John 2:28 NLT





Be Christlike in your actions.

    Back up adjectives with verbs—I do not want applause; I want surrender.

    Christlikeness is a moral imperative, not an ideal—a must, not an ought to. 

    Do more than ask what I would do—do what you know I want you to do.     

    Walk in My steps and I will reward you with My smile.


Be compassionate in your relationships.

     I am the God with a heart—be sure you have one too.

     Loving keeps you near the Light—hatefulness keeps you in the dark.

     Christian love is not based on feelings—it begins with a choice of the will.

     Follow My example and I will bless you with My love. 


Be celebrative in My Presence.

     In My Presence, there is Light beyond shadows.

     My music teaches you to sing; My promises give you confidence;

          My grace strengthens your soul; My peace calms you in the storm.

     Learn My melody of joy and I will give you a full, rich life.


Be consecrated in My will.

     Physical pleasure cannot compare to the sweetness of My will.

     Material things are transitory—invisible realities last forever.

     Use possessions; don’t let them possess you—I alone deserve First Place.

     Treasure My friendship above all and I will give you eternal life. 


Be consistent in your devotion.

     Stay in step with the Way, keep faith in the Truth, enjoy liberty of the Life. 

     Trust and obey Me, whatever happens—prove you are a real disciple. 

     Keep traveling My road and I will get you home.


Be certain in your heart.

     Obedience is faith’s acid test—believers march in step with their King.         

     When you lovingly obey Me, I get personal with you—

          dear, not distant;  close, not cerebral;  Friend, not cold fact;

          Companion, not merely a creed;  relationship, not just religion;

          heartfelt passion, not head-trip idea;  treasure, not only a thought.

     Stay near My heart, enjoy pleasure of My company, and I will make Myself real to you.   





  © By Pastor Johnny R. Almond 

  Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The King's Smile










The master was full of praise, “Well done, my good and faithful servant.

You have been faithful in handling this small amount,

so now I will give you many more responsibilities. Let’s celebrate together!”

                                   Matthew 25:21 NLT


Good job!   You’ll hear these words if you do My work well. 

     Well thought is good, well said is nice, but well done gets My attention. 

     I expect you to do something for Me—not just study or discuss it.

     Don’t just sit around and do nothing wrong—do something right.

     I am omniscient—I see the quality of service and the purity of motives. 

     Invest time and energy in My work and I will commend you one day.


Good heart!   At the cross, I took your sin and gave you perfection.

     I am merciful—I forgive repentant hearts. 

     Trust Me and I will give you My righteousness.


Good attitude!   The Faithful One is your example—walk in My steps.

     I am the Servant King—be subject to My will and live like Me.

     Without Me, you can do nothing worthwhile—without faith, you fail.

     For every responsibility I give you, I also grant you response-ability.

     Go out on a limb—don’t play it safe on this faith adventure.

     I inspire and energize you—yield and you can do what I ask of you.


Good response!   Trustworthiness and dependability are what I look for.

     I am your Boss—work like it.

     Give Me your best effort—strive to reach the high standards I set.

     Shoddy work and halfhearted efforts are unacceptable.

     I am gracious—I bless you with strength to serve.

     I trust you—now do your very best for Me.


Good reward!   You’ll receive something better than a paycheck. 

     Be faithful in small things—invest in My cause and earn big dividends.

     I observe all you do for Me—trust Me and I will make it all worthwhile.

     Nothing you do in My name is a waste of time—eternity will prove it.

     When you stand before your King, all you’ve done, yes everything

          will be worth it . . . rest assured I’ll reward you with My smile.

          With this one thought keep going . . . living, working for My smile.





© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                        

Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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God's Immeasurable Love




May your roots go down deep into the soil of God’s marvelous love.

May you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should,

how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love really is.

                                Ephesians 3:17b-18 NLT



 My love is wider than your mind—it is universal.
     Reality transcending E = mc2 is greater than your ability to comprehend.
     I am energy’s Source, faith’s Center of Gravity, and light’s Creator.
     My love reaches out to people of all nations—not just people like you.
     My love is no abstraction, it is actuality—more than an idea, it is truth.
     My mercy and compassion for the undeserving extends even to you.
     You cannot fathom why I care for you, but you can experience My love.

My love is longer than your lifetime—it is unending.
     No force can separate you from My love—
          death’s terror, life’s trouble, demons’ distraction, today’s fear,
          tomorrow’s worry, hell’s power, height’s dizziness, sea’s chaos—
               nothing can come between us.
     Believer, we are inseparable.
     When you are finally free from death, you will sing of My love forever.

My love is higher than your soul—it is unlimited.
     My love cancels despair with hope, and cares more than you imagine.
     Infinitely beyond earnest prayers, intense hopes, and grand dreams—
          My work inside your being gives you joy too wonderful for words.
     The place My heart is preparing for those who respond to My love
          is more beautiful than paintings, symphonies, or poems can express.

My love is deeper than your heart—it is unfailing.
     Betsie ten Boom is right—no pit is so deep, that I am not deeper still.
     When you experience depression, do not lose your hope in Me.
     My heart empathizes with you in your pain and problems.
     My promises guide you through the maze of perplexity.
     My Spirit holds you together through your darkest night.
     I am your Face-healer—smile through tears until I wipe them away.





© By Pastor Johnny R. Almond                

Day 344, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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The King's Censure



“You’re hopeless, you religion scholars and Pharisees!  Frauds!

You burnish the surface of your cups and bowls so they sparkle in the sun,

     while the insides are maggoty with greed and gluttony.  Stupid Pharisee!

Scour the insides, and then the gleaming surface will mean something.

You’re like manicured grave plots, grass clipped and the flowers bright,

      but six feet down it’s all rotting bones and worm-eaten flesh.

People look and think you’re saints, but beneath the skin you’re total frauds.”

                         Matthew 23:25-28 THE MESSAGE


I’m giving you fair warning—heaven’s judgment fell on first-century pretenders,

     and it still falls on the heads of all who repeat their folly.


Pride always receives My severe condemnation.

     Religion means nothing to Me—relationship means everything.

     My Son put an end to religion, making heartless ceremonies obsolete. 

     Status nauseates me—servanthood receives My smile. 

     Payola piety turns My stomach—sincere worship melts My heart.

     Sermons without words are what I’m looking for, not hollow lectures.

     Fall to your knees because of your sin, then you can get to your feet again.

     I am your Teacher—sit at My feet as a humble student.

     Learn My lessons before you presume to teach others how to live.


Pretense always meets My heavy disapproval. 

     Pharisees practiced payola piety, trying to win human approval.

     They got what they wanted, nothing more—they were paid in full.

     They learned verses in their head, but did not know Me in their heart.

     They loved the attention of the masses, but did not love the Master.

     They acted spiritual to cover up their evil, but hid nothing from Me.

     They painted a veneer over their sin, but changed nothing inside. 

     Do better than the play-actors—take off your mask and avoid theatrics. 

     I am your Leader—stay near My heart and walk in My steps.

     Get real with Me before you attempt to lead people.


Superficiality always merits My intense judgment.

     Peripheral issues detract from nobler matters—equity, kindness, fidelity. 

     Looking good is no substitute for being good.

     I see right through you—you can’t fool Me for a minute.

     Reputation is what others think of you—character is what I know you are.

     Externalities may impress people and gain you wide recognition;

          but what pleases Me is a clean, wise, joyful, loving, obedient heart. 

     Keeping up appearances, with a heart rotten to the core, angers Me.

     I am your Savior—be pure inside and your public persona will be authentic.

     Be right on the inside before you try to influence the world.


     Be a fake, and you’re sure to receive My harsh censure.

     Be My authentic follower, and you’re certain to receive My commendation.


      © By Pastor Johnny R. Almond               12271416497?profile=RESIZE_180x180

      Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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The Horrors of War

A Thought for Today (c) by Pastor Johnny Almond


     You will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately. Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.  Matthew 24:6-7a NLT


     Hamas’ attack on Israel October 7th killed over a thousand people. Israel’s response of a daily barrage of missiles into Gaza has reduced buildings to rubble and killed over four thousand people. Iran is using proxies to fire drones and missiles toward Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu says if Hezbollah launches a war against Israel and invades, “it will make the mistake of its life.” Terrorists are targeting American forces stationed in the Middle East. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says the United States is ready to get involved in the Israel-Hamas war if “a line is crossed.”


     Images of the effects of war are heartbreaking—widespread carnage; innocents, many children, killed; apartments, homes and hospitals razed; mourners grieving loss of family and friends. Martin Luther wrote “Cannons and fire-arms are cruel and damnable machines. I believe them to have been the direct suggestion of the Devil. If Adam had seen in a vision the horrible instruments his children were to invent, he would have died of grief.”


     In Ukraine and on other battlefields today death is rampant. Human history is tarnished by the blight of combat. Benjamin Franklin said “There never was a good war or a bad peace.” Deep in our heart we know that our world cannot be patched up, that shuttle diplomacy only brokers a temporary truce. Leaders try their best to end chaos of unsettled nations, but calm is perpetually elusive. Romano Guardini, Catholic priest, wrote: “After we have done our utmost to defeat war, the realization breaks through that only God can truly do something about it. And the longing swells for the coming of that which not only can turn all things to the good, but also leads into the new: the end of time, which is the breakthrough of the eternal.”


     “After that the end will come, when He hands over the kingdom to God the Father, after abolishing every ruler and all government and power. He must be King until He puts all His enemies under His feet. The last enemy to be subdued is death.” (1 Corinthians 15:24-26 MLB) The King of kings alone can obliterate war (Revelation 19:11). Finally swords will be hammered into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks, and “nation no longer fight against nation nor train for war anymore.” (Isaiah 2:4) The Prince of peace promises to come very soon (Revelation 22:20). God speed the day!



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The King's Commands




You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. 

A second is equally important: “Love your neighbor as yourself”

                                     Matthew 22:37-39 NLT


You need to get over and beyond yourself—

     self-love shrivels your soul and detracts from allegiance to your King.

Falling in love with yourself leads to a fall and a difficult recovery.

Falling in love with Me leads to fruitfulness and a delightful relationship.


If you doubt that I really love you, remember what I have done for you.

     God became a man; the Creator became your Savior;

     the King of kings became a slave; the Shepherd became a Lamb.

If you ponder My unfailing love, you will love Me with all you are.


Love the King of hearts with all the passion of your innermost being.

Avoid false gods of the heart—allow Me to completely captivate you.

I have made your heart My home—permit Me access to all the rooms.


Love the Lord of all with your entire personality and conscious life.

Make living for your King your number one goal and noblest purpose.

Take a heavenly perspective—do not obsess over transient matters.


Love the Master of wisdom with all your intelligence and thoughts.

You are not what you think you are; but what you think, you are.

Do not misuse your mind—do not dwell on thoughts that dishonor Me.


Love the Manager of the Universe with all your strength and energy.

Your body is a temple of My Holy Spirit—keep it clean and strong.

Love Me wholeheartedly—never get over your love for Me.


Love others like you do yourself—care about someone other than you. 

Start with your family—they are heaven’s gift to solve loneliness. 

Have a heart—neighborliness is nicer than narcissism.


I am love—I proved it by sending Jesus to the world to die for sinners.

Do you love Me? Prove it by giving Me your entire heart and soul.






© by Pastor Johnny R. Almond                Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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When Heaven is in Charge



         When the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he will produce this kind of fruit in us:
love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.
                                       Galatians 5:22-23 NLT

Sacrificial love results when serious disciples set out to walk in My steps.
    A compassionate life toward others is the way Jesus lived on earth.
    Why be content with merely going around? Go around doing good.

Invulnerable joy results when believing souls draw near My heart.
     A cheerful life is the surest sign of My presence with you.
     Why be satisfied with cheap thrills? Celebrate My inexpressible joy.

Incomprehensible peace results when desperate people kneel before Me.
    A calm life is the consequence of letting God do what you cannot.
    Why wring your hands in panic? Fold them in prayer.

Enduring patience results when trusting hearts believe My promises.
     A courteous life keeps your light shining when you have blown a fuse.
     Why rush like it all depends on you? Resign from My job and relax.

Empathetic kindness results from getting in synch with My Spirit.
    A cordial life reflects your humble gratitude for My love for you.
    Why run people down? They have battles to fight, just like you.

Lavish generosity results from sharing My resources with the needy.
     A charitable life is what I expect of all who receive My care.
     Why be stingy? The more you give, the more you are blessed.

Tenacious faithfulness results from focusing on My cross.
     A consistent life is possible if you will rely on My reinforcing grace.
     Why quit? I never give up on you—do not ever give up on Me.

Christlike gentleness results from accepting My invitation.
     A considerate life is the hallmark of those who serve Me.
     Why be harsh with others? I treat you with tenderness, so pass it on.

Supernatural self-control results from yielding to My Holy Spirit.
     A controlled life is only possible if I am in the driver’s seat.
     Why crash and burn? Surrender to My guidance—get safely home.






© Pastor Johnny R. Almond             

Day 343, Gentle Whispers from Eternity





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Life Instruction Manual






              God gave the people all these instructions.
                                  Exodus 20:1 NLT





     Live joyfully by trusting Me. Do not worship in pragmatism’s pantheon, adding Me to your list of material preoccupations. Bowing to earth’s no-gods disappoints. I am the Only Absolutely Reliable Spot in the universe.


     Live wisely by worshiping Me. I brook absolutely no rivals. Allegiance to the
Sovereign God is indivisible. First place belongs only to Me. Keep away from false gods of the heart.


     Live humbly by lovingly speaking My Name. Do not misuse My Name. I am not amused by the flippant phrase “Oh my God.” Irreverent voices thoughtlessly toss My Name around in curse or jest, but I am your God. 


     Live healthfully by recreating your zest for living. Creation took six days, then I rested. So why do you think you do not have time for re-creation? Take a one-day vacation every week. Get out of fast-forward mode—push the pause button. Take a deep breath every Saturday morning, then you can breathe easy all day.    


       Live fully by honoring your parents. Respect your father and mother. 


     Live harmoniously by deleting sarcasm from your vocabulary. Do not kill with angry looks. Do not murder with verbal arrows.    


     Live purely by running from all sexual temptation. Avoid mental adultery. Evil fantasies will weaken your character.   


     Live honorably by refusing to steal. Be honest at all costs. Thievery takes what belongs to another; it also robs you of self-esteem.  


     Live kindly by squelching gossip. Never tell lies. Do not let your tongue idle while your mind is still in neutral. Hearsay always wrecks the neighborhood. 


     Live contentedly by humble gratitude. Learn to be satisfied with what I give you, and be genuinely rich. 


     I have never revised My publication on relationships. I write commandments, not suggestions. Breaking My rules breaks you. Compliance fosters tranquility between us and between you and others.  


     When you cannot seem to get life together, try following My directions.





© by Pastor Johnny R. Almond                     Day 49, Gentle Whispers from Eternity











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Mercy in the Maze




                 May God Almighty give you mercy as you go before the man.
                                                 Genesis 43:14 NLT

     It is a good thing I have a heart or you would not stand a chance. If I took up arms against your moral insurrection, you would be devastated. If I ripped off your mask of counterfeit integrity, your face would fall. You should be very thankful you do not receive what you deserve. If I corrected you in anger, you would be reduced to nothing. If I dealt with you severely, you’d survive less time than a dandelion in a windstorm. If I shut off mercy, you would be disgraced.

     To your great relief, between My overwhelming holiness and unbending law is a mercy seat. I am the Fountainhead of pity, with sole authority to extend clemency to condemned prisoners. 

     Guilt is a burden you cannot manage on your own. Hide it, and you will drive it deeper into your psyche, to erupt later in embarrassment and shame. I am far easier on you than you are yourself. The way I deal with sin is better than any method you invent. Cover your sin, and I will uncover it to your dismay; uncover it honestly before Me, and I will cover it with the blood of My Son. Jesus is your Merciful High Priest in My Presence, Defense Counsel pleading your case to Me.

     In no situation will I ever destroy you. Your Creator is infinitely compassionate. Listen carefully and you will hear morning echoes of My unfinished symphony of mercy. I cannot bring Myself to punish you for all your mistakes.  I erased your rebellion from My memory as far as east from west—infinitely dividing your iniquity and My perfection.

     I know you are made of dust, not steel. I understand your inability to live sinlessly.  I see you there standing at a distance, not even daring to raise your face to heaven. I hear your heartfelt prayer, “God, have mercy on me, a sinner.”

     Come closer. Confidently approach My throne—it is made of mercy, not marble. Humbly lift your eyes and observe kindness in Mine. Unworthiness makes you tremble at the thought of standing before Me. However, when you enter My Royal Presence, I will order angels to seat you at My banquet table of gracious dining.  The celebration feast will be greater than any you have attended. The wine of joy will flow freely. Do not worry about being included—you are already on My guest list. Relax—you are at My mercy.


                                               © by Pastor Johnny R. Almond                          

 12232533080?profile=RESIZE_180x180Day 30  Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The King's Pardon





The man fell down before the king and begged him,

  “Oh, sir, be patient with me, and I will pay it all.”

        Then the king was filled with pity for him,

         and he released him and forgave his debt.

                           Matthew 18:26-27 NLT



Do you realize how much you owed me—a debt you were unable to pay?

On death row—facing execution, time slipping away—you were hopeless.

Imprisoned in guilt and shame, you could find no exit from your dark cell.

If I had not intervened, you'd have been abandoned to eternal punishment—

     dwelling forever in a place designed for the devil and his angels.

No one else in the universe has the authority to forgive iniquities.

The scepter of righteousness and justice and mercy is in My hand alone.


In your wretchedness, you fell face down before Me and begged for mercy.

You pleaded with Me to be patient with you and give you another chance. 

My heart would not let Me refuse your sincere petition for clemency.

So in pity for your human foibles and in compassion for you, My child,

     I let you go free—totally and absolutely forgiving your transgressions.

My throne is mercy, not marble; otherwise, you'd have been doomed. 


Saving you from the penalty of death and hell, I pardoned your rebellion.

Paying the price of release, I redeemed you from the slave market of sin.

Wiping the slate clean, I erased wrongdoings and gave you a fresh start.

Forgiving and forgetting, I did for you what you could not do for yourself.

Putting a spring in your step and a song in your heart, I gave you new life.

Showering kindness on you, I cleansed all your guilt by My Son’s sacrifice. 

You are forgiven, not because of doing penance on your bloody knees—

     but because of Jesus’ bloody hands and feet, and the spear in his side.


Celebrating My kindness, remember to be kind to everyone around you.

Remembering My pardon, graciously pardon those who hurt you. 

I have completely forgiven you for the awful way you have treated Me,

     so forgive those who mistreat and offend you in some small way. 

Living otherwise calls in question subjection to the King who pardoned you. 


Loved by the King of hearts, have a heart for your heartless critics.

Freely forgiven by the King of love, freely forgive those who wrong you.

Shown mercy by the Monarch you've offended, extend mercy to offenders.  

Having your debt canceled by the King of peace, release those who owe you.

Receiving grace from the King of kings, do not hold a grudge—let it go!

Realizing I never keep track of your sins, do not keep track of others’ attacks.

Rich in liberty and blessings, celebrate My pardon by being quick to pardon. 




 © Pastor Johnny R. Almond                              

Gentle Whispers from Eternity



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A Bottom-line Question



                        Then he asked them, “Who do you say I am?”

Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

                                         Matthew 16:15-16 NLT

Opinion polls reveal that from the world’s viewpoint the jury is still out.

     But what about you? Who do you say I am?

Do you confess I am your Savior?

     Then leave your eternal destiny in the hands of the King of Love.

          Trust Me to forgive your sins—I will save you from hell, sin’s penalty.

     Then lean on Me to experience victory over sin’s addictive power.

          Do not depend on your own imagined virtue to conquer temptation.  

     Then look forward to total redemption—freedom from sin’s presence.     

          Do not be shaped by your guilty past—be shaped by My glorious future.


Do you claim I am your Sovereign?

     Then advance My kingdom, and do not just try to build your own.

          Give Me the wheel—if I am not in the driver’s seat, you will crash.

     Then promote My cause—do not be preoccupied with your interests.

          Copy Christ’s example of downward mobility—the way up is down.

     Then build your life on Solid Rock, not on the quicksand of selfishness.

          Stand on the Gibraltar of My government, not the fault line of your ego.


Do you testify I am your God?

     Then worship Me with your emotions, personality, intellect, and energy.

     Then revel in My mercy and unfailing love.

          Be glad I do not treat you as you deserve—or you would not survive.

     Then struggle to live a radically holy life.

          If you claim you know Me, I expect you to live in a Christlike way.


Do you say I am your Master?

     Then put aside selfish ambition, shoulder your cross, and walk in My steps.





© by Pastor Johnny R. Almond                    
Day 309, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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   Examine yourselves to see if your faith is really genuine. Test yourselves.

If you cannot tell that Jesus Christ is in you, it means you have failed the test.

                                    2 Corinthians 13:5 NLT

Pause awhile—take time to ponder your relationship to your Creator.

     Are you gloating in your wisdom, strutting in your athletic ability,  

          boasting of your bank account—or glorying in truly knowing Me?

     In the light of the cross, cross-examine your heart.


Can you pass the Christ test?

     Are you relying on your imaginary goodness or My infinite goodness?   

     Have you humbly knelt at the foot of the cross, giving Me your heart?      

     If the mercy of Christ is with you, you can be confident facing eternity.


Are you experiencing the celebrative thrill of My Presence in your heart?

     Do you delight above everything in the pleasure of My company?

     Do you trust My promise to be with you every heartbeat and step?

     If the fellowship of the Spirit is with you, you can sing whatever comes.


Is Christlike transformation changing you for the better day by day?

     Do you stay near Me by immediate repentance when you wander?

     Do you adjust your attitudes to conform to My Word’s holy directives?

     If the grace of Christ is with you, you can live with a clear conscience.


Do cordial ties make your life pleasant and rewarding?

     Are you interested in what others do, crossing boundaries of your ego?

     Are you habitually flocking together with Jesus’ sheep?

     If the love of God is with you, you can learn to value others above self.


Does calm tranquility characterize your everyday life?

     Do you panic when problems arise, or do you pray?

     Have you found the equilibrium equation—iron shoes for rough roads?

     If the peace of God is with you, you can relax.




© by Pastor Johnny R. Almond            

Day 342, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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The King's Word




            “That isn’t necessary—you feed them. Bring them here.”     

                        “It’s all right. I am here! Don’t be afraid.”         

                               “All right, come,” Jesus said.                             

                             Matthew 14:16, 18, 27, 29 NLT





My commanding word transforms the little in your hand into abundance. 

Your deepest wants are lavishly supplied by My miracle-working ability. 

Situations that are impossible for you are no problem for the Almighty.

I am the Mighty God—absolutely nothing is too hard for Me to handle.

Shamgar gave Me the ox goad in his hand, and he defeated Israel’s enemies. 

David gave Me the smooth stones in his hand, and he conquered Goliath.

Moses gave Me the staff in his hand, and he led My people out of bondage.

Paul gave Me the pen in his hand, and he wrote most of the New Testament. 

A boy gave Me five barley loaves and two fish, and his lunch fed thousands. 

Give Me your little talent—I will change it into a great blessing for many.

Give Me your one life—I will open heaven’s windows in limitless blessing. 

Give Me your needs—I will take such good care of you, there’ll be leftovers. 

At My word, take a seat at My table and satisfy your hungry heart.


My comforting word enables you to sail on troubled seas on an even keel. 

Realizing who I am, you can move beyond fear and find courage to live.

As a father coaches his child, I speak tender words to see you through. 

As a friend sticks by a friend, I walk alongside you and reinforce you.

In quiet solitude, I restore your equilibrium and strengthen you to carry on. 

No one understands you like I do—no one stands under you like I do.

I am the Prince of Peace calming you on earth’s chaotic roller coaster. 

I am the Wonderful Counselor guiding you through life’s perplexing maze. 

I am the Captain of your vessel reassuring you in the world’s scary storms.  

Whatever your days may demand of you, My grace will supply.

When the sea is high and your spirit is low, I keep you from going crazy.

At My word, quit wringing your hands and fold them in serene prayer.


My challenging word invites you to attempt the humanly impossible.

If you want to walk on water, you’ll have to climb out of the boat.

If you want to experience adventure, you’ll have to leave your comfort zone. 

If you want to think new thoughts, you’ll have to think outside worn boxes.

I am the Everlasting Father incredibly stabilizing you in changing situations.

You may wonder how long you can tread water, but I will keep you afloat.

You may feel you cannot go on, but My grace will help you persevere.

You may be unable to figure out how things work, but I will direct your steps.

You may be afraid of gusty winds and high waves, but I will give you courage.

You may feel you are walking alone, but I am on the water right beside you.

At My word, get out of the boat. 




© by Pastor Johnny R. Almond                            

Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The Perfect Gift



    Thank God for his Son—a gift too wonderful for words!

                             2 Corinthians 9:15 NLT

Be grateful for My Precious Gift—your Cornerstone in a changing world.

     No human language can fully express gratitude for His loyal friendship.

     Sun, moon, and stars quietly reflect His Name’s majesty and glory.

     Jesus is your Faithful Redeemer—quiet your heart and enjoy His freedom.

     Silence is the humble soul’s reverence.


Be grateful for My profound grace—your cleansing in a corrupt world.

     Christ’s unmerited favor and mercy are gifts too wonderful for words.   

     Words may express affection, but actions tell the true story.

     You are saved by grace—prove your love by serving your Savior.

     Service is the holy soul’s response.


Be grateful for My personal gladness—your celebration in a sad world.

     My song is your unparalleled rapture—putting a spring in your step.

     I teach you hope’s eternity-melody—I teach you faith’s time-dance.

     No day is so hard, no night so long, you cannot find a reason to sing.

     Singing is the happy soul’s rejoicing.


Be grateful for My powerful goodness—your Center of Gravity in a bad world.

     Traveling the high road is possible through strength Christ provides.    

     Friendship with the Sovereign is unrivaled relationship—true wealth.

     Satisfaction is the hungry soul’s resource.


Be grateful for My perfect guidance—your compass in a confusing world.

     I guide by tranquil streams now—and to life-giving springs forever.

     Trust the infallible directions of God’s Providential Spirit.

     Stillness is the homeward-bound soul’s restoration.


Be grateful for My promised glory—your confidence in a despairing world.

     Faith in the Bright Morning Star transforms you into an eternal optimist.

     Christ in you is glory previewed—peace in pandemonium.

     Serenity is the hopeful soul’s rest.





© Pastor Johnny Almond                     

Day 341, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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Clay Hallelujahs









     This precious treasure—light and power that now shine within us—is held in fragile clay jars,
  that is, in our weak bodies.  Everyone can see our glorious power is from God and not our own.
                      Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.
                                                    2 Corinthians 4:7, 16 NLT


Forever light on Christ’s face is My best portrait of Incarnate Truth.

     Light beyond light is your Center of Gravity.

     Here is the Greatest Reality you can ever ponder:

          I Will Always Be Who I Have Always Been—

               I have always loved you, and I always will.

     Get to know My Son better—enjoy the pleasure of His company.


Frail life of clay is a container of boundless power, an interior treasure.

     Your human body is mortal, finite, limited by space and time.

     Yet I choose to make your heart My home.

     I am Light in your darkness—the dark side cannot conquer My love.

     I am Power in your weakness—the evil one cannot vanquish My grace.

     Avoid staggering in dirty places—walk as a child of the Light.


Finish line is the challenge to believing perseverance in intense trial.

     Endurance is underrated—those who finish the race win My smile.

     When perplexed, pray—gaze again at My cross and hang on.

     When tempted by easier roads, refuse to compromise—soldier on.

     Do not let fatigue or criticism force you to resign—re-sign and work on!

     I remember you are weak—remember I am strong, and you will make it.


Forward look is the celebration of beautiful paradise, the infinite triumph.  

     Discouraged? You are headed for a sinless, deathless, painless place.   

     Disappointed by false advertising? Heaven is not too good to be true.

     Disillusioned by fleeting pleasures? Heaven is not too good to last.

     One day, in eternity, you will join saints and angels in celestial hallelujahs.

     Until then—today, in time, praise Me with clay hallelujahs.




© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                  

Day 340, Gentle Whispers from Eternity



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Way Dreaming











He dreamed of a stairway that reached from earth to heaven.

                                  Genesis 28:12 NLT


What are you dreaming of? What is your highest hope? Noblest vision? Imagination mirrors My creativity. Your idea of the ideal future echoes My promises. Your dreams are vague reflections of Mine. I communicate with you in dreams. Pay attention to images and ideas. Be sensitive to emotions. I send clear and colorful signals to your heart that can transform your life if you take My dream seriously.

To you it seems a long way from earth to heaven. “Now” and “not yet” feel a great distance apart—between where I am and where you are, countless steps. But it is not as far between time and eternity as you think—Love traverses the span with the speed of thought. Small faith takes you up to heaven; mature faith brings heaven down to earth.

Infinite light years are bridged in an instant of childlike trust. I am nearer than hands and feet, closer than breathing. I am not a local, territorial god—I am the Omnipresent God of the universe. I am Land Lord of the earth, so every location can become My sanctuary. No spot need be lonely—find Me in your heart and find Me everywhere.

Whatever your dream, I am the Apex of the staircase. I am the Author of every perfect dream, the Means to achieve the desired end, the Final Step to reach the ultimate goal. I am the Stairway to the stars, Reality behind dreams, and Energy to climb steps and attain visions.

The sky is not the limit—aim for the company of the immortals! Dare to dream grand dreams—visualize heaven open and angels ascending and descending the stairway of hope. When it seems there is no way to reach your dream, I will make a way. I am the Way to the Truth of Life. I am the Gateway to perfect ecstasy. I dream with you as you pursue your dream.

I give you strength and patience to continue to climb. I comfort you when you wonder if the dream will ever materialize. My Spirit inspired your dream; I keep your dream alive until fulfillment. I protect you in twists and turns of the dreamy spiral. From the heights, I watch over your progress and supervise the ascent to your destiny. Take My hand and I will get you home.

Let reveille awaken you from reverie. Daydreaming is sweet, but it is time to wake up and start climbing. Do more than stare up the steps—step up the stairs.

I promise your dream will come true in thrilling actuality. We will celebrate together at the top of the stairs.





© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                            

Day 19, Gentle Whispers from Eternity


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The Greatest Reality










There remain then, faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

1 Corinthians 13:13 MLB


Love endures.

     Love’s patience never dies; love’s commitment never gives up.

     No matter how uncertain the future, love trusts steadily.

     Love never fails, fades, or becomes obsolete—it endures time’s test.


Love empathizes.

     My heart is eternally kind—all true love reflects My merciful heart.

     Love celebrates with happy hearts—love cries with the heartbroken.


Love esteems others.

     Love wishes the best for others, so it is not jealous of their success.

     Love is not focused inwardly, so it does not brag or strut.

     Love is genuinely concerned for others’ welfare, so it is never rude.

     Love serves for heaven’s sake, so it does not resent Christlike slave labor.


Love excuses wrongs suffered.

     Love does not keep score, or maintain a record of trespasses against it.

     A loving heart forgives others, as it has been forgiven by Infinite Love.


Love is ecstatic about truth.

     Love weeps its heart out over injustice, and parties when truth wins.


Love expects the best.

     Seeing your Savior face to face will launch a never-ending celebration.

     I am saving the best for the last—rest assured.


Love exceeds everything.

     Eloquence without love is pointless speech.

     Knowledge without love is meaningless nonsense.

     Faith without love is useless exercise.

     Self-sacrifice without love is wasted effort.

     Faith and hope are temporal, but love lasts forever—the greatest reality.





© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                  Day 339. Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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The Greatest Friend



















                                               Sallman  Head of Christ


             God is the one who invited you into this wonderful friendship

                                with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

                                           1 Corinthians 1:9 NLT


Christ behind you is your forgiveness.

     I knew your name and paid for your redemption before you were born.

     I died in your place to give you a clean slate and a fresh start.

     I drowned your transgressions in the depths of Forgetfulness Sea.

     I am your Cleansing—the most blessed assurance of your mind.


Christ within you is your freedom.

     I am your Key to liberation from sin’s cruel addiction—live free!

     Do not brag about being rich, strong, or wise—never blow your own horn.

     Revel in the fact that you know Me—blow a trumpet of praise for God.

     I am your Center of Gravity—the most precious treasure of your heart.


Christ beneath you is your foundation.

     I am the Solid Rock in a quicksand world—Even Keel on high seas.

     Let Me have what troubles you, and I promise to take good care of you.

     Lean on My everlasting arms, and I will see that you survive every trial.

     I am your Cornerstone—the most powerful fortress for your soul.


Christ before you is your future.

     I am your Shepherd; in My Presence you have everything you need—

          comfort in hurt, satisfaction in disillusionment, welcome in coldness,   

          goodness in evil, love in hate, blessings in sadness, hope in doubt.

     I am your Confidence—the most beautiful promise of your tomorrows.


Christ beside you is your Friend.

     I am with you every heartbeat, breath, step, day, season, and year.

     I am your Advocate—I defend against hell’s prosecuting attorney.

     I am your Anchor in life’s storms—I comfort you in pain and heartache.

     I am your Companion—the most encouraging Friend of your life.




© Pastor Johnny R. Almond                  

Day 338, Gentle Whispers from Eternity

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