Jill Spurgeon-LaForm's Posts (1)

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Sinless or Sin Less

I am a good person! How many times have you heard this comment? I have
said it and heard it many times. Unfortunately when I say it or hear it
from someone else it is usually in the context of whether of not I or
someone else is Heaven bound!

Can I be frank with you all? Being good does not get you into Heaven!

Isaiah 64:6
All of us have become like one who is unclean, and all our righteous
acts are like filthy rags; we all shrivel up like a leaf, and like the
wind our sins sweep us away.

Romans 3:23
for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

You see, all of us have sinned and we have fallen short, any good we
think we do or have done is really like a dirty nasty rags to the Lord!

But does this mean that we are able to go on sinning? No it doesn’t,
although we are not sinless, if you are a true believer you will Sin
Less! Are you sensitive to the sin in your life? Do you feel the
conviction of the Lord when you sin? If you do, take heart for the Lord
corrects those whom He loves.

Job 5:17
“Blessed is the man whom God corrects; so do not despise the discipline
of the Almighty.

If you do not feel the conviction of God on your sin then maybe you
should sit with a trusted Christian friend, Pastor or other clergy and
discuss your salvation.

Read what John says in I John 1:5-10 The Message translation:

This, in essence, is the message we heard from Christ and are passing on
to you: God is light, pure light; there’s not a trace of darkness in
him. If we claim that we experience a shared life with him and continue to
stumble around in the dark, we’re obviously lying through our
teeth-we’re not living what we claim. But if we walk in the light, God
himself being the light, we also experience a shared life with one
another, as the sacrificed blood of Jesus, God’s Son, purges all our
sin. If we claim that we’re free of sin, we’re only fooling ourselves. A
claim like that is errant nonsense. On the other hand, if we admit our
sins-make a clean breast of them-he won’t let us down; he’ll be true to
himself. He’ll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing. If we
claim that we’ve never sinned, we out-and-out contradict God-make a liar
out of him. A claim like that only shows off our ignorance of God.


Jill Spurgeon-LaForm

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