Interesting that there have been NO postings in this category. Maybe we have hit on something. IF we are not experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit then perhaps our poverty highlights a major area for discipleship development.
Really would like to encourage all my brothers and sisters here at PRAY! to pray for the people of Israel - Jews and others. It is a wonderful country populated by lots of wonderful people from all walks of life, ethnicities, and faiths. That said, I
My church is hosting an interfaith service to include Muslim, Jewish, "Yoga," Catholic, and a smattering of various Christian denominations. I have some mixed feelings. What do others think of these kind of events?
Just finished Piper's new book, THINK. It is a wonderful call for us - individually and collectively as the Church - to think, to read, to reason, to meditate on our faith and on the glories of our God and our Savior Jesus the Christ. I found myself
Anybody receive any good FAITH BUILDING gifts for Christmas?
I received THE ESSENTAIL JONATHAN EDWARDS COLLECTION (5 paperbacks), TAPESTRY by Adrian Rogers - a study in prophecy and God's promises, and a John Piper devotional, TASTE AND SEE.
"Presenting Jesus not only as the Servant who redeems and forgives, but also as the King who demands loyalty and devotion, is an important task facing the church today. Unless we do a better job at the front end of people's Christian experience, we a
In the interest of full disclosure, I am a BIG John Piper fan. This book, FOR THE FAME OF GOD'S NAME, is a collection of relatively brief and easy to read essays by those John has mentored, inspired, challenged, and taught. Covering some of Piper's f