Gene Brooks's Posts (11)

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John Newton on being yielded

"'What Thou wilt, when Thou wilt, how Thou wilt.' I had rather speak these three sentences from my heart in my mother tongue than be master of all the languages in Europe."    
--- John Newton, former British slave ship captain, later Anglican clergyman, abolitionist, and writer of the hymn, Amazing Grace, wrote this statement in a letter on April 23, 1779.
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1. You are not attending church with a high level of expectancy.
It is not about you. It's about Him.
2. You no longer seem to be concerned about the spiritual condition of neighbors, family members, or your co-workers.
3. You haven’t had a spiritual conversation with a non-Christian in a long time. You can't even think how you'd manage one.
4. The Bible seems lifeless to you. It’s like a history book with so many unpronounceable words. 
5. Your happiness on Sunday mornings is more important to you than what it takes to reach the unreached nations.  As long as you get your parking spot, your seat, and hear the music you like, everything’s fine.
6. The plight of the poor doesn’t concern you. Images of overseas suffering do not move you to action. 
7. The idea of worship seems a boring waste of time. You don't "get anything out of it."
8. You do not give your financial resources sacrificially. You kind of resent it, actually.
9. Your prayers don’t seem to be making it past the ceiling. There's this faint frustration when you try to pray.
10. It doesn’t even dawn on you that God could do something incredibly radical in your life at any moment today.  It’s not even on your radar.

The old-timers have a term for you: Back-slidden. You need revival.
It is not all about your comfort and entertainment. It is about the Glory of the Holy One of Israel.
So what do you do about it? Do the things you know to do. 
Confess to the Lord and repent of your dead, wooden Christianity. Open the Word of God and ask the Lord to renew your spirit through the ministry of His Spirit. 
Psalm 51 is a good place to start. Read and pray through that one.
Chart your progress by the depth and thankfulness of your tears.
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Face to Face

Numbers 12:8; Psalm 25:14

God said that he didn’t speak in riddles and visions with Moses, but he spoke with him plainly, face to face (Num. 12:8). David sat before the Lord (2 Sam. 7:18) and talked with him plainly.
What happens when we encounter God? What happens when we are, like the Hebrew expresses it, “before his face”? 

He is totally other than what we expected. We are always aware of his complete “other-ness.” He is infinitely beyond our imagination. Upsetting for some, he is also totally beyond our management. How did your life change when you ran head-on into this extra-ordinary God? Life changes. The Scripture tells us about how we react when we encounter God.
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The Desert Experience

Exodus 3:1-3

There are times in our lives and the lives of churches and nations when the Lord shakes everything that can be shaken so that He can be revealed (Hebrews 12:26-29). He does that best in what are called desert experiences. You have either been in the desert, you are still in the hiddenness of the desert, or you are headed toward the desert. God uses desert experiences to reveal Himself in our lives and prepare us for the next assignment He has for us.
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Praying From His Victory

Everything we have in the Christian life is a gift from our Lord Jesus. We can’t achieve it; we must receive it. In prayer we learn that. Prayer is the laboratory in which we learn to take the theological truths of Scripture and apply them to life. We receive gifts through the Cross and Resurrection that provide us a new position from which to pray. We pray from this new position purchased for us by His sacrifice at Calvary. In prayer we learn to appropriate the gifts of the Lord Jesus. Here's what I mean . . .
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The last command the Lord Jesus gave the church was what we call the Great Commission: “Go and make disciples of all the nations . . . “ A large manufacturing plant came to our town producing shoes. The corporate management invested great sums of money and many hours among many people to produce the finest shoes possible. Investors spent money on salaries the best staffing and management they could find. Digital sewing machinery was installed for shoe-making. Materials were purchased from all over and shipped in to make the shoes. The plant is now in operation with several hundred employees busy working hard. Machines are running at full capacity. Activity is at a maximum.
The international president of the company arrives for an inspection and asks the production manager, “How many shoes have we produced so far?”
“None,” the manager answers matter of factly.
“None!” the president is shocked. “How long has this plant been in operation?”
“Two years.”
“Two years? And still no shoes?”
“That’s right,” says the manager, “no shoes, but we are really busy. In fact, we have been so busy that we are nearly all tired out. We don’t have any shoes yet, but we have been very active in our jobs.”
What do you think the management would do in such a case? Have coronaries? Become angry? Be concerned? Fire somebody? Find the problem and fix it? Probably all these things, because the reason for this shoe plant’s existence is to produce shoes.
Now let’s think about the church. There is a lot of activity. Men and women are here working very hard. The budget shows a lot of money invested into a lot of ministries. The church is very active. But the purpose of the church is to produce disciples.
When the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association goes into a city to do an evangelistic outreach, they make numerous calls to church to get the names of men and women who know their Bibles well enough to lead someone to Christ. In one large city, when the caller got the church secretary on the phone and asked her for such a person, she replied, “Would you repeat those qualifications again, please?” The man from BGEA did.
After a long pause, the secretary said rather wistfully, “You know, we did have a man like that in church once, but he moved away.” Jesus himself said, “the harvest is plentiful but he workers are few (Matt. 9:37). If we are honest with ourselves, we must admit that the same is true today. Spiritually qualified workers – disciples who labor to make other disciples – are rare.[1] Instead, most churches are really busy, but they are not producing any disciples, any leaders – and they just keep on going.
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How to Stop hearing from God

How to stop hearing from God

( . . . and burn completely out)

Henry Blackaby in Experiencing God says that God is still speaking in this day and age through the pages of Scripture, and Scripture says the same thing. Jesus said, “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me” (John 10:27). An audible voice? Not likely. But in your heart that still small voice is there when the Holy Spirit is present through a vital, growing relationship with Jesus Christ (1 Cor. 6:19; Matt. 10:20).

Elijah heard God speak in a whisper (1 Kings 19:11-13). Young Samuel heard God calling him in the night, and he answered, “Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Sam 3:10). Isaiah heard God ask, “Whom shall I send?” (Isaiah 6:8), and Isaiah answered, “Here am I. Send me!”

But you don’t have to listen to God. You can ignore him. “God does speak, now one way, now another – though man may not perceive it.” (Job 33:14). Without a listening heart anchored in a relationship with Jesus, God’s speaking might not sound like anything unusual to you (John 12:28-29). Here are some surefire ways to stop hearing from God and shipwreck yourself.
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He Goes Before You

In Jesus’ last command before He ascended, he told his followers to “go and make disciples of all the nations” (Matt. 28:19) in the Great Commission. The Christian life is a journey. We are poor, wayfaring strangers. It is a pilgrimage. John Bunyan understood it when he wrote Pilgrims Progress

Yet he didn’t send us alone along the way. He promised, “And lo, I will be with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matt. 28:20). He assures us that His providence and presence go before us.
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Psalm 28 - A Prayer for Help

Psalm 28 - A Prayer for Help

Have you ever been in a fix and did not know the way out? Have you needed wisdom and skills for dealing with a huge challenge ahead of you? Has it seemed like God was not listening, as if He had better things to do with His time?

Be encouraged. God sees you and hears you. He can renew your intimacy with Him. He can draw you close to Himself. (He was not the one who moved, by the way!) Start by taking your eyes off the problem and raise them to the Lord. Pray the Scripture. Praise Him for his loving care for you. Call on Him who his your rock, your mercy, your holiness, your grace, your justice, your strength, your shield from danger, your help, your faithfulness, your protection, your calm and loving Shepherd. Try Psalm 28 on for size.
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Christmas Concert of Prayer

Our concert of prayer at Christmas focusing on Jesus Christ. Hymn numbers are from the Baptist Hymnal 1991ir?t=genebrooks3&l=btl&camp=213689&creative=392969&o=1&a=0767321839. One hour service.

Hymn:             #91 (v. 1, 3) Silent Night
Scripture:       Matthew 1:20-23
Prayer: Welcome the presence of the Lord. Invite him as an honored guest among thesegathered right now. Thank the Lord for being ‘God with us.’ Thank himfor being a present help in trouble this year. Thank him for being aprovider in your need. Thank him for being present at the time of yourgreatest blessing this year. Thank the Lord for being with us as weworship, as we go about his work
Carol:              #82 Emmanuel, then #76 (v. 1 , 4) O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Scripture:       John 1:1-5
Prayer: Praise the Lord as the everlasting Word. Praise him as our God. Praisehim as Creator who has made all things. Thank him for eternal life thathe has given. Praise him for being the light of life to whoever willreceive the Light of the Good News. Ask the Lord to use you and use thischurch to shine forth the Light into the darkness, here in thiscommunity and around the globe. Ask him to cause those in darkness tosee the Light. Ask that the Holy Spirit remove the blindness from theirminds so that they can understand the Good News of Jesus Christ and cometo a saving knowledge and submitted relationship to Him.
Carol:              #86 (v. 1, 4) O Little Town, then #89 (v. 1, 3) O Come All Ye Faithful
Scripture:       Luke 1:46-49
Prayer:  Tell the Lord how great He is. Tell the Lord what about him gives youjoy. Thank the Lord for saving you. Thank him, the Great King, forpaying attention to you, your soul, and your needs, and blessing you farbeyond what you deserve, especially with salvation. Thank the MightyOne for doing great things for you. Declare his name as Holy.
Carol:              #87 (v. 1, 3, 5) Joy to the World then #94 (v.1, 4) Angels, from the Realms
Scripture:       Luke 2:1-7
Prayer:            Thank the Lord for the gift of the Virgin Birth, a baby whose death on abloody cross one day as the Perfect Man, fully human and fully God,would be the perfect sacrifice for all who would receive him as Saviorand Lord. Thank the Lord for leaving his royal place on the Throne inHeaven to be born homeless, in a dirty cave, laid in a animal trough,and wrapped in scraps of cloth as clothing.
Carol:              #101 (v. 1, 3) Gentle Mary Laid her Child, then #118 (v. 1,2) What Child is This?
Scripture:       Luke 2:8-14
Prayer:                        Praise the Lord in the highest! Praise Him for his marvelous Person and Work.Praise Him for breaking the power of fear over our lives. Praise him forthe Great Joy that comes with the Good News of eternal life throughJesus Christ our Lord! Praise Him for the Perfect Peace that He is forthe human heart. Praise Him that he favored you when you did not deservefavor, and that he gave you the free gift of Himself and eternal life, agift you did not earn and can never repay, a gift that is the secret ofpeace for all mankind.
Carol:              #85 (v.1), First Noel; 88 (v.1, 2) Hark! The Herald; #100 (v.1, 3) Angels We have Heard
Scripture:       Luke 2:15-20
Prayer:            Thank the Lord for the gift of his Son, fully human and fully God. Ask theLord to make you obedient to the call to go and take others to theperson of Jesus to worship him. Ask the Lord to use you to tell othersabout the Good News of Jesus Christ here in this community and to theends of the earth for His glory. Ask the Lord for Great Joy over theGift of Jesus Christ this Christmas for you and your family and thenations of the earth!
Carol:              #95 (v. 1, 3) Go, Tell, then #96 (v. 1, 3) Good Christian Men Rejoice
Closing Prayer
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