Our concert of prayer at Christmas focusing on Jesus Christ. Hymn numbers are from the Baptist Hymnal 1991. One hour service.
Hymn: #91 (v. 1, 3) Silent Night
Scripture: Matthew 1:20-23
Prayer: Welcome the presence of the Lord. Invite him as an honored guest among thesegathered right now. Thank the Lord for being ‘God with us.’ Thank himfor being a present help in trouble this year. Thank him for being aprovider in your need. Thank him for being present at the time of yourgreatest blessing this year. Thank the Lord for being with us as weworship, as we go about his work
Carol: #82 Emmanuel, then #76 (v. 1 , 4) O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
Scripture: John 1:1-5
Prayer: Praise the Lord as the everlasting Word. Praise him as our God. Praisehim as Creator who has made all things. Thank him for eternal life thathe has given. Praise him for being the light of life to whoever willreceive the Light of the Good News. Ask the Lord to use you and use thischurch to shine forth the Light into the darkness, here in thiscommunity and around the globe. Ask him to cause those in darkness tosee the Light. Ask that the Holy Spirit remove the blindness from theirminds so that they can understand the Good News of Jesus Christ and cometo a saving knowledge and submitted relationship to Him.
Carol: #86 (v. 1, 4) O Little Town, then #89 (v. 1, 3) O Come All Ye Faithful
Scripture: Luke 1:46-49
Prayer: Tell the Lord how great He is. Tell the Lord what about him gives youjoy. Thank the Lord for saving you. Thank him, the Great King, forpaying attention to you, your soul, and your needs, and blessing you farbeyond what you deserve, especially with salvation. Thank the MightyOne for doing great things for you. Declare his name as Holy.
Carol: #87 (v. 1, 3, 5) Joy to the World then #94 (v.1, 4) Angels, from the Realms
Scripture: Luke 2:1-7
Prayer: Thank the Lord for the gift of the Virgin Birth, a baby whose death on abloody cross one day as the Perfect Man, fully human and fully God,would be the perfect sacrifice for all who would receive him as Saviorand Lord. Thank the Lord for leaving his royal place on the Throne inHeaven to be born homeless, in a dirty cave, laid in a animal trough,and wrapped in scraps of cloth as clothing.
Carol: #101 (v. 1, 3) Gentle Mary Laid her Child, then #118 (v. 1,2) What Child is This?
Scripture: Luke 2:8-14
Prayer: Praise the Lord in the highest! Praise Him for his marvelous Person and Work.Praise Him for breaking the power of fear over our lives. Praise him forthe Great Joy that comes with the Good News of eternal life throughJesus Christ our Lord! Praise Him for the Perfect Peace that He is forthe human heart. Praise Him that he favored you when you did not deservefavor, and that he gave you the free gift of Himself and eternal life, agift you did not earn and can never repay, a gift that is the secret ofpeace for all mankind.
Carol: #85 (v.1), First Noel; 88 (v.1, 2) Hark! The Herald; #100 (v.1, 3) Angels We have Heard
Scripture: Luke 2:15-20
Prayer: Thank the Lord for the gift of his Son, fully human and fully God. Ask theLord to make you obedient to the call to go and take others to theperson of Jesus to worship him. Ask the Lord to use you to tell othersabout the Good News of Jesus Christ here in this community and to theends of the earth for His glory. Ask the Lord for Great Joy over theGift of Jesus Christ this Christmas for you and your family and thenations of the earth!
Carol: #95 (v. 1, 3) Go, Tell, then #96 (v. 1, 3) Good Christian Men Rejoice
Closing Prayer