Francis Frangipane's Posts (6)

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Prayer-mental, Not Judgmental

(En Español)

A religion without love is an abomination to God. The church needs to learn that God desires love and compassion, not merely an adherence to ritual and sacrifice. Thus, Jesus said His Father's house would be a "house of prayer for all the nations" (Mark 11:17). True prayer is born of love and comes in the midst of sin and need. It comes not to condemn, but to cover.

All nations sin. All cultures have seasons of moral decline and spiritual malaise. Yet these periods can become turning points if, in times of distress, intercessors cry to God for mercy. Thus, Christlike prayer brings redemption out of disaster.

The church is created not to fulfill God's wrath, but to complete His mercy. Remember, we are called to be a "house of prayer for all…nations." Consider passionately this phrase: "prayer for." Jesus taught His disciples to "pray for" those who would persecute or mistreat them (Matt.5:44). When Job "prayed for" his friends, God fully restored him (Job 42:10). We are to "pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Ps. 122:6), and "pray for" each other so that we may be healed (James 5:16). Paul wrote that God desires all men to be saved (1 Tim. 2:4). Therefore, he urged "that entreaties and prayers…be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority" (vv. 1-2).

"But," you argue, "my country (or city) is a modern manifestation of ancient Babylon."

I don't think so. But even if it were, when the Lord exiled Israel to Babylon, He didn't order His people to judge and criticize their new cities. Rather, He commanded, "Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you…and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare" (Jer. 29:7). Time after time the scriptural command is to pray for, not against; to pray mercifully, not vindictively. God's call is for prayer moved by compassion, not condemnation. Indeed, at its very essence, the nature of intercession is to appeal to God for forgiveness, and then redemption, to come to sinful people.

We have studied what is wrong with our society and can prove, with charts and surveys, the trends of iniquity, yet we have failed to appreciate the influence of the intercessions of Christ. We consider ourselves experts on the nature and cause of sin, but deny the nature and cause of Christ, which is redemption. My friends, being informed by the news media is in no way the same thing as being transformed into the nature of the Savior.

The media sees what is wrong with the world and exposes it; Christ saw what was wrong and died for it. Study Isaiah 53. It reveals in wondrous detail the Savior's nature: Christ numbered Himself with the sinners (v. 12). He interceded for the transgressors (v. 12). He is "with us" and "for us" (Matt. 1:23; Rom. 8:31), even when He is speaking to us of our iniquity.

God does not want us to be judgmental; He wants us prayer-mental. As instinctively as we have judged people, we should pray for them instead.

(This message is adapted from a chapter in Francis' book, The Power of One Christlike Life.)

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Introduction to Spiritual Warfare

I want to talk with you about spiritual warfare. Before we proceed, however, I have two concerns. The first is our need for wisdom. There is an old European proverb worth heeding. It reads: “Age and treachery will always defeat youth and zeal.” Before we engage in spiritual warfare, we should know this about Satan: he is an ancient and extremely treacherous foe. On the other hand, the strength of most Christians lies primarily in idealism and untested fervor. It is not long, usually five to ten years in the ministry, and most zeal has waned. Without warning, the minister’s call has deteriorated from a walk of vision to a mere job.

What occurred was that zeal, by itself, challenged the treachery of hell and lost. The brightness of youthful dreams dimmed under the dark cloud of relentless satanic assault. Under the weight of growing frustrations and discouragement, compromise increased, and with it came iniquity and spiritual bondage.

Yet, the real villain was not sin but ignorance. We put the devil in a doctrinal box and expected him to stay there. He did not. He undermined relationships, and our love grew cautious. He resisted us in prayer, and our faith turned weak. Disillusionment set in. After spending much time with struggling pastors, I have seen a common trend in most: They failed to discern the assault of the devil. They stood unprotected against an ancient, treacherous foe.

Jesus prepared His disciples for everything, including spiritual warfare. They watched Him cast out demons; they clearly knew the devil was real. In fact, He sent them forth to also deliver people from demons. But before He sent them out, He charged them to become wise “as serpents” yet innocent and harmless “as doves” (Matt. 10:16). This fusion of divine wisdom and Christlike innocence is the taproot of all spiritual victory. Indeed, we can defeat the enemy, but wisdom must precede warfare and virtue must come before victory.

Consequently, my goal is to train the church in wisdom and call the church to innocence. We will not disregard what we have previously learned; we will still live by faith. But we must learn the ways of God, which means we must think with wisdom. And we must pursue purity of heart, that we may see God and gain discernment. Indeed, it is the lack of discernment that has left us vulnerable to satanic attack.

Of my second concern, let me say that there are no shortcuts to successful warfare, only ways to make it longer and more perilous. One way of peril is to enter battle blinded by presumption. When it comes to waging war effectively, consider carefulness to be the essence of victory.

Whatever lofty spiritual plane you imagine that you are on, remember: Adam was in Paradise when he fell. Before your increased knowledge and religious experiences make you overly self-confident, recall that Solomon wrote three books of Scripture; he actually gazed upon the glory of God, yet he fell. Yes, even in your deepest worship of the Almighty, do not forget in long ages past Lucifer himself was once in Heaven pouring out praise to God.

We each know of many who have fallen. Jesus warned that the love of many would grow cold. Do not presume it cannot happen to you. Our enemy has been deceiving mankind for thousands of years. Our experience, on the other hand, spans but a brief moment. It is wisdom to recognize that we do not know all there is to know concerning warfare.

Therefore, be bold but never brash or arrogant in your prayer life. Use your spiritual authority administratively, compassionately, but never presumptuously. Multitudes of well-meaning but ignorant Christians have approached the field of spiritual battle with flippant attitudes and have suffered greatly for it. Study several books and seek confirmation from the Lord for your strategies. As it is written, “Prepare plans by consultation, and make war by wise guidance” (Prov. 20:18).

Thus, our purpose here is to help equip you for battle in three primary areas: the mind, the church and the heavenly places. There are other fields or subcategories of spiritual warfare; however, these are where most of us will face conflict.

One last note. A few of you will be instrumental in actually turning your cities toward God. Our prayer is that the truth of God’s grace will empower you for that goal and that others will join in that grace to see an enduring move of God accomplished. The promise of the Spirit speaks thus: “There was a small city with few men in it and a great king came to it, surrounded it and constructed large siegeworks against it. But there was found in it a poor wise man and he delivered the city by his wisdom” (Eccl. 9:14–15).

While many are predicting the destruction of our nation and the collapse of our cities, they have not considered the power of Christ in you. But remember, “Wisdom is better than strength . . . wisdom is better than weapons of war” (Eccl. 9:16, 18).

Introduction to The Three Battlegrounds

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Ask of Me

(En Español)

We live in unparalleled times. Not since the first century have more Scriptures been fulfilled in a single generation. Each unfolding word brings down another mountain; it lifts another valley. In truth, the way is being prepared for our King's return into this world.

The Great Revolt
The Lord forewarned that, during the End Time, "many will go back and forth, and knowledge will increase" (Dan. 12:4). Contrast our time with any other in history: Not only are we traveling farther and more frequently, but we do so in a world inundated with increasing knowledge. It has been our privilege to behold the prophetic return of Israel to its land (see Jer. 16:14-15), and our misfortune to live when "the earth is . . . polluted by its inhabitants" (Isa. 24:5).

As though Jesus were reading a news summary of recent years, His prophecies of two thousand years ago clearly describe our times. Thus, we are compelled to discern accurately the significant era in which we live. Indeed, of the many prophetic fulfillments of our day, one in particular rises with undimmed candor. I am speaking of what the Bible calls the "apostasy." You will recall Paul's warning:

"Let no one in any way deceive you, for [the day of the Lord] will not come unless the apostasy comes first" (2 Thess. 2:3).

The apostasy has traditionally been described as a time of deception and massive falling away from authentic faith in Christ. Depending upon your specific view, sometime before or after the apostasy the rapture of the church will occur. However, the concept of apostasy as merely "a falling away" is incomplete. The original Greek word for apostasy, apostasia, when used in classical Greek literature, meant "a political revolt." From this we understand that the End Time apostasy is not just a time of sinfulness or large scale backsliding; it is actually a time of open defiance and warlike aggression against divine moral foundations. In other words, the apostasia is a political insurrection against the laws of God.

This interpretation of the apostasy is not an isolated view. The New International Version, Revised Standard Version, Philips Translation, and New English Bible all render apostasia as "the rebellion." The Living Bible interprets the apostasy as the "great rebellion," while the Jerusalem Bible assigns a proper name to this era: "The Great Revolt."

As we consider the fulfillment of so many other prophecies, let us carefully observe: mankind has entered an era of open revolt and outright rebellion---an apostasy---against the moral standards of God.

Today, we are witnessing a large-scale rebellion against godliness and moral values. Indeed, this brazen attitude has had a name for itself since the 1960s: the sexual revolution. And "revolution" is exactly what it is. Our moral standards have not only been challenged, they have been replaced by a nonstandard. Indeed, the great rebellion seeks to legitimize and then mainstream every perversity known to man!

There is much to say on behalf of those trapped in perversity and who hate sin's affect on their lives. We must be compassionate toward them and not strident; many are sitting in our churches afraid to even speak of their need lest they be disowned. I am not speaking with reference to the victims of this advance, but of those who are engaged in a mutiny against the sway of God in our nation. They argue the only standard Americans have is the standard of individual freedom. In their view, freedom itself is the "god" ruling America, with self-indulgence sitting as chief counsel.

Yet, the God of Heaven desires the nations of the world. Though the apostasy will certainly intensify, we must remember it is only one of many prophecies unfolding in our day. The same Divine Word that warned of the Great Rebellion also assures us that ultimately God's kingdom shall crush the demonic influences in our world (see Dan. 2:44).

Yes, evil shall mature into full rebellion, but good is also ripening into full Christlikeness! (See Matt. 13:40-43; John 17:22-23.) True, the apostasy shall reveal the nature of Satan, but the true church shall manifest the nature of Christ! Our King is not only coming in the skies, He is coming "to be glorified in His saints on that day, and to be marveled at among all who have believed" (2 Thess. 1:10). What seems to be Satan's hour, full of darkness and rebellion, is simply the opportunity for grace to abound to the glory of God in the church!

Seated with Christ!
The Second Psalm, perhaps more then any other Bible text, accurately portrays the spirit of our time. Indeed, it also proclaims our correct response to Satan's bold advance. Although it was quoted by the early church (see Acts 4:25-26), God has set its full realization for the end of this age.

"Why are the nations in an uproar and the peoples devising a vain thing? The kings of the earth take their stand and the rulers take counsel together against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying, 'Let us tear their fetters apart and cast away their cords from us!'" (Ps. 2:1-3).

Although "the rebellion" reveals itself worldwide in many ways, in America many of our leaders have certainly been counseling together "against the Lord" in their decisions. We see it in the legal protection offered the gay movement and the shelter provided for satanic rock music. Again, our anti-censorship laws, like armor plating, have been established to defend sin against the Lord, shielding the perversity of our entertainment industry. The virulent cry of those in rebellion hammers relentlessly upon the fetters of moral restraint!

This railing against God has not gone unnoticed in heaven. Is the Almighty confounded? Has fear concerning recent developments gripped the Lord's heart? No. The Psalm continues,

"He who sits in the heavens laughs, the Lord scoffs at them. Then He will speak to them in His anger and terrify them in His fury" (Ps 2:4-5).

The Lord laughs at the foolishness of those in full revolt, as they imagine God's judgments cannot reach them. Why then, you ask, does the Lord delay His full judgment? In part, the Lord waits for us, His church. For while the world shall demand, and receive, the reign of hell, the goal of the praying church shall be for the reign of Heaven. You see, all of God's prophecies shall be fulfilled: those concerning evil and also those concerning righteousness. The Lord has purposed to have a "bride without spot or wrinkle" and a "kingdom" of wheat without tares. The transformation of the church will be fulfilled as surely as every other prophecy occurring before the Lord's return.

Thus, with great fear and holy trembling, we must review what God has promised concerning us. Let us remember, the Lord is not alone in the heavens. According to His Word, He has "seated us with Him in the heavenly places" (Eph. 2:6). It is time for our identity as Christians to shift. Our nationalities only define our ambassador status; our true citizenship is in Heaven (see Phil. 3:20). And if God is laughing at the mocking of those in the rebellion, let us also, as His subjects, share His confidence!

Thus, He commands us to sit with Him in the completeness of His purpose. He requires us not only to live without fear but to stand in prayer for these very nations that defy Him!

Listen again to this Second Psalm, for in the very context of worldwide rebellion against the Lord, it records the most remarkable discourse: "Ask of Me," the Father says to the Son, "and I will surely give the nations as Your inheritance, and the very ends of the earth as Your possession" (Ps. 2:8).

When I first came to Christ in 1970, churches in America were deeply divided and rather cold in organized prayer. Today, leaders of denominations are working together, and it is estimated that more than a quarter of a million American churches are moving toward deeper unity and increased prayer for this nation. Jesus has asked the Father for the United States, and in response, the prayer movement has been born!

As Christ's church, we do not deserve a national revival, but Jesus does! As His representatives, in His name and virtue, we ask of the Father for America! More than an expression of faith, our prayer is actually an act of obedience: We are commanded to ask God for the nations!

Therefore, while the perverse strive toward complete rejection of God, even as their mocking words fill the air, the Almighty's unchangeable promise to His Son (and by extension, His church as Christ's body) is "Ask of Me, and I will surely give the nations!''

As violence, New Age religions and witchcraft flourish in our schools, ask God for this nation. While all restraint is removed from the entertainment industry, ask God for this nation! While perversity dresses in normalcy, ask God for America! While abortion remains protected by laws, ask God with confidence, with boldness, and with faith for our land! Where you see injustice in any form, ask God for His kingdom to manifest on earth!

"He who sits in the heavens laughs."

Put away fear and discouragement; repent of fretting. The more we accept our place in the divine plan, the more we shall laugh at the enemies' plans. The faith that relentlessly asks God, pleases God. Now, as the fullness of the times unfolds, as the world around us clothes itself in prophetic fulfillments, let us put away unbelief; let us repent for withdrawal. It is a time to boldly ask of God. As He has promised: He will give the nations as an inheritance to Christ!

Let's pray: Lord Jesus, how blessed we are that as evil matures into full rebellion, Your church matures into full Christlikeness. Teach me to pray for my inheritance, my nation. Use me to stand in the gap until my people become Your people.

Adapted from In Christ's Image Training

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A War in Heaven

A War in Heaven

Lucifer's terrible crime was not simply that he rebelled against God, as evil as that was. Worse, through slander and deception, he stole away a third of the angels with him. Though banished to hell, Lucifer's war against the Almighty continues: every time he divides another church over incidental issues, he strikes again against the heart of God.

If you have ever been through a church split, you are all too familiar with the terrible churning of emotions and the inconsolable distress that accompanies this descent into hell. If you are unfamiliar with the experience, expect that large factions of otherwise nice Christians will be pitted against one another. They will participate in slander, anger, deception, fear, bitterness, hatred, gossip, unforgiveness, strife, rebellion and pride.

Any of these attitudes isolated in a single individual would be recognized and exposed as sin. However, when they occur en masse in a church split, they somehow are considered righteous. Anger is redefined as “fighting for a principle.” Slander and gossip now enlist as allies “in search of the truth.”

The epicenter of the split may have been localized in a single church, but the shockwaves are felt across the area-wide body of Christ. News of the conflict is communicated in whispered tones, as when hearing of a family member who has a serious cancer. And a split is a cancer – a  malignant life system, a false growth that is empowered by anger, pride and ambition instead of the meekness and patience of Christ.

Citywide church leaders shake their heads and sigh. Even if they barely knew the troubled church, they suffer sympathy pains. They are concerned. Those who have experienced the heartache of their own split also shudder, as they remember the still unresolved conflict they carry regarding those who divided their church. Still other pastors become restless and more guarded over their flocks, wary lest the spirit of strife infiltrate their churches as well.

Additionally, the evangelists of the city know that, at least for a season, it will be harder to win the lost. Indeed, as rumors of the split spread, the pettiness and politics of those embittered in the conflict reach the ears of the unsaved, reminding them of why they keep their distance from church.

I have traveled throughout much of the Christian world speaking to pastors and church leaders. It is my experience that, while divisions are found everywhere, splits are more frequent and often more mean-spirited in America. Is it our fierce love of independence and freedom? Or is it because of our more aggressive cultural nature? Regardless, American splits tend to have the least civility.

The reasons for church splits are many. Divisions may originate from confusion concerning church governments. To whom has God really given final authority in any given congregation? Sometimes, the root of conflict is simply misguided ambition in one or more associate leaders. And of course, there is always the issue of spiritual warfare. Often, just as a church begins an upward swing in attendance or spiritual growth, demonically manipulated strife emerges. So when we see a serious division in a church, we must ask ourselves: Is this the work of the same kind of spirit that manipulated Absalom, Korah or Jezebel?

Some splits involve some combination of all of the above. But regardless of the unique source of each division, Jesus warned that when our house is divided, it “will not stand” (Matt. 12:25). Clearly, when a division strikes a church, its impact is felt throughout the community. It is a war in which the devil is the only one who wins.

Heartache in Heaven
We may think the Lord is personally unfamiliar with the pain of a church split. He is not. In fact, pastors can take some comfort that God Himself, even in all His perfections, suffered a type of split. You may recall that, before the creation of man, Heaven itself endured a time of great rebellion – a “split,” if you will. Heaven itself could not fulfill the desires of Satan.

In those days Satan was known as Lucifer or  Hillel Ben Shahar  in the Hebrew language. The name Hillel came from the root word, Hallel, which means “to praise, worship, adore.” Ben Shahar meant “son of the dawn.” The implication is that Lucifer was the chief worship leader at the dawn of creation. Endowed with the gifts of leadership and creativity in music, his position was not enough for him. Fueled by jealousy and ambition, Lucifer led a third of the angels to rebel against the authority of God (see Revelation 12). We cannot verify it, but we can imagine that the angels who fell were those who, in the authority structure of Heaven, were under the influence of Lucifer.

Consider the cunning of Lucifer, our ancient foe. He was actually able to convince angels, who were gazing upon the resplendent glory of God, that they could win a war against their Creator! In privileged awe they had seen galaxies emerge from the mouth of God. Yet somehow they came to believe that under Lucifer's leadership they could defeat the Almighty.

They knew the Most High was fully cognizant of their every thought, yet they believed they could outsmart Him. Through stealth, slander and seduction, Lucifer spun intoxicating lies to engender discontentment among the angels until the very pleasures of Heaven could not satisfy them. He then lured them from the unimaginable splendor of God's presence, convincing them the unfathomable outer darkness was more suited for their cause. Yes, consider the deceptive powers of our ancient foe and wonder not that he could separate good friends in a church split here on earth.

How long the rebellion in Heaven lasted we do not know. Nor is it written what deception Lucifer spun. The Bible only grants fleeting reflections into that horrible, cataclysmic divide. Still one wonders: Did the Lord remain unaffected by the strife? Was the Heavenly Father perfectly aloof from the pain of separation, or did He suffer heartache  when those to whom He gave the gift of life rebelled against Him? Remember: the omniscience of God watched the great lie spread, infecting one angel after another, until a full third joined in the insurrection. Was this division the first great pain in the heart of God?

Beloved, consider also with trembling fear: Until this ancient split, to our knowledge hell did not exist. Hell became a reality as a consequence to division born of ambition, jealousy and pride.

It is time for the church to put off the garments of strife and clothe ourselves in the oneness of Christ. Let us therefore repent for the sin of division.  Let us position ourselves in intercession until we see divisions among born-again Christians removed from the house of the Lord.

Lord, forgive us for tolerating this terrible sin. Master, we know that our division is a blight upon Your people. Cleanse us of the effects of division, and empower each of us with grace to bring unity to Your church. In Jesus' name. Amen.

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Improtant Update on TheCall Detroit






Greetings to the Faithful in Christ:

Over the weekend an important development has taken place for TheCall Detroit, coming on 11/11/11.

Ford Field is secured for TheCall on 11.11.11 for our Historic National 24 hour Prayer Gathering with Lou Engle. Doors will open at 4:30 p.m. and the prayer gathering will begin at 6:00PM on Friday, November 11 and last until 6:00 p.m. on Saturday, November 12.


Field of Dreams: Video Update from Lou Engle

Watch this exciting new video from Lou Engle at Ford Field as we head to TheCall solemn assembly in Detroit, Michigan on November 11-12, 2011. 




Visit for more information or to register for TheCall Detroit 11.11.11.




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Please join with us in faith as we unite in prayer for those along the East Coast of the USA.

Father, we acknowledge You as Lord over the United States. You reign above all gods. All power belongs to You. We thank You for Your protection and that, in spite of forecasts that have predicted many devastating storms, there has not been a single hurricane hit the USA in several years.

Today we bring the East Coast of America to You. Lord, we are not just asking for this hurricane to veer out to sea, but that the people on the East Coast turn to You during this time. We are asking that the kingdom of God would advance into the consciousness of backsliddened Christians, atheists and sinners. Lord let this be an evangelistic hurricane. Let it stimulate Wall Street to cry to You. Father, we ask for this storm to be instrumental in igniting a prayer movement on the East Coast.

Finally Lord, we humble ourselves and ask that You please forgive our many sins, our disobedience, rebellion, greed, unbelief and lusts. Lord, help us to be a nation that truly can say, "In God we trust."

We ask this in Jesus' Name. Amen.


Please also remember to keep the Bahamas in prayer. According to the National Emergency Management Agency(NEMA), even though New Providence and Grand Bahama largely avoided Irene's impact, the central and southeastern regions were pulverized by the storm.


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