Posted by David Adeola on November 16, 2010 at 9:16
"Church" (Ekklesia; Iglesia) needs a revelation to be grasped. Ekklesia is notthe Catholic, the Protestant, the Evangelical, the Pentecostal Church,or in fact, any identifiable institution. It is a group of people fromevery nation, tribe, and tongue, who are born again through faith inYeshua (Jesus) and led by the Spirit of God. Asher Intrater
Intercession is a call of God and I believe we are all called as believers to be intercessors but we also have to be careful about being tagged as professional intercessors.
We must be led by the spirit.
What’s your posture today?
We are in a time of birthing at the moment and there is a posture that every believer who wants to see the abundance of rain and the manifestations of the kingdom of God. Is your posture that of expectancy and that of someone ready to give birth. (I’m sure the mothers will identify with this more quickly than the men). To give birth there must be a time of travailing (Isaiah 66:8)
We need to recognise the season that we are in and one of the keys of being an effective intercessor is to recognise the season and the timings of God. The son’s of Issachar understood the times to know what Israel ought to do (1 Chronicles 12:32) and they acted upon their understanding of what was needed to be done at that time.
We would recall that Elijah had to go into this posture almost immediately even though he has just had a major victory over the prophets of Baal, I would say he should be celebrating like must of us should! I would!! But this is probably the most vulnerable time for Elijah.
The posture of intercession is needed at this time for the ELIJAHS to arise and not give up until you see the full manifestations of the travail.
There are 5 levels 1. Hearts being turned back to God v37-38-this is the key to moving in the supernatural and seeing the power of God manifest. It was the heart of repentance that brought the fire! 2. Destruction of the enemy and all the false prophets 3. Rebuilding of our altars v32 4. Prophetic word or word of knowledge v41 5. Posture of travail to see the abundance of rain v42
The posture is not a comfortable position as you will have to endure the pain to bring to birth and understand that it is but for a moment, even though you go into it from time to time you do not stay there permanently. The posture is that of surrender and also of worship. You cannot take the Elijah posture and not groan or travail. You must understand the flesh hates that position.
However we have to stay in that position until we see the manifestation (v43). Elijah told the servant to go up and look whether there was a manifestation of what he was interceding for. You will recall the nation has been experiencing a season of drought 1 Kings 17:1. Apparently there was not yet any manifestation but you will notice that Elijah did not leave that position and he sent the servant back 7 times. The number 7 represents completion/perfection and until then before he saw the fulfilment of what he was interceding for. Even though Elijah had a word of knowledge about this happening v41 but he had to pray it through.
And afterwards the hand of the Lord came upon him and the spirit of acceleration manifested and he was able to do amazing things v46. When we stay in a place of travail in childbirth there is a joy that comes with it when the child is born, but it is a process we must go through.
During this season of spring, you must remember spring is the time that kings go to war 2 Samuel 11:1 so the church must arise to conquer and be rest assured that God has won the battle already. We all know what happened to David when he didn’t go out to war?
What is your posture today? • Are you lying down in a state of slumber • Your Face between your knees like Elijah
I would rather it is the latter.
Let’s get into the Elijah posture and stay there until we see the abundance of rain and ask for the hand of God to come upon you and my prayer is that the Lord will indeed cause a spirit of acceleration to come upon you in Jesus name. Amen