What I am about to tell you is one of the reasons most churches don't have much spiritual power. Church today have generally abandoned this practice. You would Catch the intensity and conviction in my tone: The greatest working of God come by corporate prayer, and we will not see the power of God in sufficient measure to transform the world around us until we pray together. As a leader you must make praying together a priority equal to preaching and teaching. if I sound a little melodramatic, good. Then you caught just how monstrously important it is. I want sow this seed of conviction in your heart so that you will conclude that your spiritual fate depends not just on prayer but on praying in community with other Christians. Personal prayer lives alone will not result in the working of God to the degree needed for spiritual transformation in our lives, our churches, our cities, or our nation. I believe that private and corporate prayer are like two wings of a airplane, which one you would rather do without? the absent of either would be fatal. If we don't pray together, we will continue losing our country. If we do pray together God's way we can expect a revolution of our society.