Walking In Peace

Col. 3:15-"And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful.

Dear God, how I thank you for your peace which surpasses all understanding and keeps my heart and mind through Christ Jesus. You keep me in perfect peace when my mind is stayed on you because I trust in you. Your peace is so precious to me. Help me to trust you always. Also help me to live in peace with those outside the Body of Christ, as well as with my brothers and sisters in Christ. Dont allow me to make excuses for strife and unforgiveness. Help me to be a fruit bearing Christian. Keep my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking unkind words.

Thank you Father, In the precious Name of Jesus I pray. AMEN

This peace is not like the world's peace. The world's peace hinges on whether you got your way or not. But God's peace is relaxing, content, satisfying, not distracted by the weight of the world, tranquility, and stillness. It means even though I am going through some changes I don't have fret or sweat because He said that He would never leave me or forsake me. He even sent the Holy Spirit to live inside of us so that we could have instructions, directions and the whole truth. Peace is when you can receive bad news and you don't fall apart but you keep pressing. Peace is when the doctor have given up on you but God has the last say so, you just keep on moving like you have never been sick a day in your life. Peace is when your finances has stretched as far as it could go but every bill is paid in full. Peace is simply expectations that God will fulfil every promise that He has made to His children. As I close will you please meditate on this Scripture


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