Lenten Season

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which someone found and hid; then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” —Matthew 13:44, NRSV 

Jesus calls us to pursue God’s kingdom life—an incomparable treasure. This search is costly, worth giving our all, but we will be surprised by the joy we discover along the way.

The Brethren Press devotional series is published twice a year in anticipation of the Advent and Lenten seasons. Becoming a seasonal subscriber is easy and costs only $4.50 a year for both booklets. This represents a 20% savings off the retail price. Subscriptions are renewed automatically each year at the discounted rate and bulk quantities can be adjusted with a simple call. Subscribers can cancel their enrollment in the program at any time. To sign up call 1-800-441-3712 and ask about the seasonal devotional standing order program.
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  • Mobilize People to Pray with Seek God for the City during Lent


    The forty days leading up to Palm Sunday, February 18 to March 29, make an ideal time to venture into a season of sustained, hope-filled prayer. Seek God for the City prayer guide helps you to mobilize many to pray with united, sustained vision for people of your community. The prayers in this prayer guide are biblically grounded and easy to pray. They include Pastors, mission leaders and positioned prayer leaders can call for a complimentary review copy at (800) 264-5214 or (512) 419-7729. Also available as an app that makes it possible to help many to keep their prayers rolling in the midst of busy lifestyles and schedules.

    Waymakers website

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