#PrayForRefugees is an initiative to equip and encourage Christians to unite in prayer on behalf of the millions suffering and homeless as a result of the conflict in Syria.
During Lent, they are sponsoring a 40-day period of prayer for Syrian refugees. I'm getting a bit of a late start but hope to catch up and will be posting prayers here based on daily prayer pages on their website. Click on the image to go to the PrayForRefugees website. I'll post links to each daily page with the daily prayers, but here's an additional link to the page where they archive the daily prayers:
Day 47: Praying the hope of Christ would reign in Syria
Father, thank you for the hope that we have as your people - a hope for time free from war, violence, grief, and pain. Please open the eyes, minds, and hearts of Syrians who today are suffering without any hope because they don't know you. Redeem their suffering by drawing them to yourself, by teaching them to depend on you, by raising their eyes above harsh daily circumstances. Bring them hope for today and for eternity through the work and the witness of your people.
Take what has been meant for evil and turn it to good for the Syrian refugees. Bring blessings that they can't even imagine today. Do immeasurably more than all we can ask or imagine on behalf of the Syrians, and so challenge a watching world with the reality of Christ. Amen.
Day 46 - Praying and taking action for refugees
Father, we acknowledge before you that there is much that refugees need that we cannot do. And we recognize that apart from you, we can do nothing. Human work, carried out in human strength, produces human results. But Lord, this crisis needs supernatural results. It needs miracles from your hand over and over again - small miracles in the lives of individuals and big miracles on a scale of nations. So we pray for your intervention in all the ways in which you're needed.
And Lord, we pray also that you will give us hearts to respond and serve refugees in whatever way you lead us. Open doors of opportunity for service, prepare us in heart and mind for that service, and send us forth into your harvest fields. Make us the Samaritan who became a neighbor to one in need. Open our hearts to do more than just see the need, but to reach out in your name to bring you glory in the lives of those who are so desperate right now. Call us to the least of these. Equip us for service. May your kingdom come, may your will be done.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Day 45: Praying for those who are grieving
Father, please open the eyes of your church around the world to the grief and loss experienced by so many of the Syrian refugees. Give us hearts to mourn with those who mourn. Call us to intercede for your help for those who have lost so much.
God of all comfort, please comfort those who have lost family members and close friends. Through those who serve them in your name, give them a sense of hope for a future different than their recent past. Draw them to yourself and fill them with your peace.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Day 44: Praying for humility to serve
Lord Jesus, thank you for your example of sacrifice. Thank you for your example of humility, having emptied yourself and come to live on earth as a man, beginning as a helpless baby - the God of all the universe, in need of being taken care of! You made yourself nothing, all for our sakes.
Pass that humility on to your church. Empower us your people to serve refugees in ways that aren't always dignified, aren't always praised and sung about. Forgive us our pride and teach us to humble ourselves the way that you did. Draw us closer to you in that process, as we learn and experience your heart, and as we allow you to grow that heart in us. Amen.
Day 43: Praying for the work of World Relief
Father, thank you for the work of your church in Iraq, Syria, and surrounding countries in meeting the needs of refugees and displaced people and families. Thank you for the resources you have provided, for the vision you have given, and for the hearts of compassion and hands of help. Please continue to strengthen those churches and multiply their resources so that they can serve even more refugees. Give them guidance and wisdom to develop holistic programs that will address both short-term and long-term needs of the refugees.
Thank you for the work of World Relief in coordinating these efforts and in linking up churches in the West with those in the Middle East on the front lines of serving refugees. Please continue to grow and develop these partnerships. Bless the efforts of each church in the west to serve, to resource, and to pray for refugees.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Day 42: Praying for the work of Baptist Global Response
Father, please have mercy on displaced families, children, and individuals who have fled the violence in Syria. Please resolve the issues that have led to the violence that has forced them from their homes. Create an environment to which they can return in peace and safety.
Meantime, please provide for their physical and emotional needs. Comfort them in their distress. Work through your church and through organizations like Baptist Global Response to reveal your grace and mercy in time of need. May your love, demonstrated by your people, draw to you those who are in need of your salvation.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Day 41: Praying for the work of We Welcome Refugees
Father, please raise up your Church around the world to display your compassion and grace to Middle Eastern refugees in this time of crisis. Make of your church a reflection of your love and mercy. Bless the efforts of organizations like We Welcome Refugees to unite and connect churches to serve refugees. May the example of your church reaching out with love and compassion draw many millions who are far from you today into your presence, seeking your grace.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Day 40: Praying for the work of Lutheran World Relief
Father, please bring healing to children and adults injured in the war in Syria. Provide the medical supplies they need and the opportunities for them to get the care needed. Give wisdom, strength, and compassion to medical workers serving them; protect their health so that they can remain strong to continue to display your grace and compassion.
Thank you for the work of Lutheran World Relief in reaching out with supplies to Syrian refugees and in providing opportunities for internally displaced persons in Syria. Multiply the resources available to LWR and bless their efforts with fruit for your kingdom. May your grace and mercy be on display through their work, and may many hearts be drawn to you.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Day 39: Praying for the work of OM
Father, please bring hope to refugees who have been denied entrance into Greece and other countries. Strengthen them for the journeys they are on and protect their health - both physically and mentally. Provide for their needs as they journey.
Thank you for the work of Operation Mobilization in reaching out with food and water to these refugees. Bring fruit to their efforts to offer "a cup of cold water" in the name of your Son. May their compassion and kindness open the doors for the Gospel among these people who so desperately need a new source of hope.
In Jesus' name. Amen.
Day 38: Praying for the work of ADRA
Father, thank you for the work of the Adventist Development and Relief Agency as they reach out to Syrian refugees throughout Eastern Europe. Thank you for the many support programs ADRA has developed and especially for the educational program in Lebanon. Please grant lasting fruit to their work - children's emotional and psychological balance restored, families cared for, and above all, people who are far from you drawn into your kingdom. Please continue to provide resources for this work and grant ADRA favor in the eyes of leaders in countries in which they are working.
In Jesus' name. Amen.