Praise Report - Results-Request

Hi Everyone,

I received my exam results. I passed with distinction. Praise the Lord!

However the new semester started and I'm doing a new subject - Afrikaans literature and language. It's a lot of work and I have an important assignment coming up in a month. Please pray that the Lord will guide me with clarity and confidence.

Thank you for your support!

Kind regards,


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  • Congratulations, Anne! This is so encouraging! We praise the Lord for answering our prayers so wonderfully. Thank You, Lord Jesus! 

    We pray this too:

    Prov 31:31 CSB Give her the reward of her labor, and let her works praise her at the city gates.

    Lord, we pray this Bible verse for Anne and for all of us here on PN and the Body of Christ all over the world - for Your glory and to bring joy in the heart of God. Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ.

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