I’m sending out a mass email to people in my database to make a special offer on my self-published book Walking With God. NavPress found the book a few months ago, liked it, wanted to produce it, and we’ve signed a contract. Part of the agreement is that I will not sell any of my remaining stock after they release it. I expect they will release about March of next year so I’m selling my remaining stock. I’ve got about 800 books left and I’m offering to sell them to you in bulk of 10 or more copies for $3 each, plus you pay shipping. It’s a first come, first serve basis. When I run out, I’m out.
If you represent a church and would like to use them for your entire congregation, I could possibly make a special print run for you or other churches for even less money. You could use them for a 30 day special emphasis, or for six-week discipleship rounds this fall or spring. I can send you an electronic copy free of charge for you to preview thus having no risk to you. When NavPress sells them, I’m guessing they will be in the $8-12range, but since I’m self-published I can do it for ministry purposes at a lower cost.
One other benefit to you is that my self-published version contains a 13 page bonus section on revival, why it tarries, the fear of God, His judgment, how it works, how to recognize the signs of judgment, where we are right now in this country, and what to expect in the coming days.
Let me know if you have an interest. May God’s grace be to you in abundance.
John Franklin