An excellent resource from the author of Man in the Mirror (Zondervan, 1989), one of the better recent books I have seen for Men's ministry is No Man Left Behind (Moody, 2006) by Patrick Morley. What I really like about this book is that it avoids telling you how to create a men's ministry through some sort of step-by-step formula and instead gives you the underlying principles, then guides you through the process of determining what it will look like in your church. It is especially encouraging for those who have tried to build a men's ministry and either failed or wondered if they were just wasting their time.
The most important concept in the book is the idea that your Men's Ministry consists of 100% of the men in your church - whether or not they are attending the monthly prayer breakfast, involved in a small group, or even consistently coming on Sunday morning. Do you have men in your church that are slipping through the cracks? Maybe this book can help.