I know many of us have quiet time in the morning &/or the evening. I was just wondering what you do to bring God into your life during the 'everyday stuff'.


I have about 40 minutes, either walking to get my kids from school & then waiting or sitting in the car & waiting. I spend this time praying.


When I walk home with the kids, we look for the ways God has changed things to show fall/winter are coming soon--how the squirrels are acting, birds that are missing or showing up, leaves changing colors and falling, etc.


As we buckle up to drive to school in the morning (I'm lazy in the morning...what can I say...), we pray. We thank God for the day, the rain/sun/wind/etc. We ask God to help the kids remember to listen to their teachers and obey them, for Daddy to do a good job at work, etc.


As we put the kids to bed, every night we ask, "What was good today?" We also make sure to remind them that all these good things come from God. For Thanksgiving time, we are writing down 1 or 2 things/day and putting them in a bowl to pull out and read on Thanksgiving.


Any other things you do? :o)

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  • I think you are doing a wonderful job with your children and husband. The things you are teaching them about thanksgiving, prayer, reflecting on how God has worked, and looking for the good things is a great example. You are teaching by example and following God with your heart and soul.
    One of the things I try to do is focus my mind on the thoughts and good things of the Lord. I thank Him that I can walk, talk, see, and hear. I thank Him for food, shelter, and clothing. Also I have attached a word document that has some quotes that are helpful to keep in our minds, and to review at night or in the morning for the day to come.


  • Hi Laurel- Even though my family is grown, I too, like to grab those "quiet times" and use them as a time of prayer. When I'm driving in the car to run errands, vaccuming, waiting in a check out line, anything that has me at a stand-still (so to speak). I find that turning off the music in the car sometimes and conversing with the Lord has been quite powerful and often I hear Him answer me on a variety of things I'm dealing with; giving me direction, insight and guidance. Keep up the great job with your children! They will grow up knowing that prayer is a dynamic experience- that is, it is not something dry and routine, but a real part of life that involves ALL of life! God bless.
  • Laurel,
    It was so encouraging to read your post..as a young mom and your intentionality to bring God into your daily life it is obvious your heart desire is to raise your children to know Him as Lord and Savior. It's interesting as I look back having raised three daughters, we also were active in a local church, praying together, and intentionally talking about God and giving thanks for all things; but the words that resonate in my heart and I give Praise to God for is when in just every day conversation recently they mentioned that it wasn't all about the times that we were intentional in our talk and walk, but it was about the times we were just doing life: my response to a bad day, or my response/reaction to disruptions, and the faithfulness between their father and me. Intentionality is important but they're watching. The good and the bad. Humbling yourself to ask forgiveness even of our children when we blow it! Giving forgiveness and receiving it. Living Joyfully! Seeing Disruptions in our schedules as Redirections and not trainwrecks! Hospitality. Caring for others. Living out the Fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5) ..and being genuine that even as mom's and dad's we are still learning and growing to be like Jesus; because kids can spot a fake a mile away. Please don't hear that I'm a perfect mom and have it all together; I'm far from it..but God's Grace is perfect...Keep Walking! Linda
  • It is SO easy to let life crowd out our desires and best intentions to walk in the Spirit on The Way glorifying our Father in Heaven. I admire all who (1) want to, (2) make even some attempt, and (3) that share what they do (and don't) to encourage the hearts of others. Thank you everyone.

    Myself, I pray, read the Word, listen to books/messages on tapes while commuting to and from work. I listen to Christian radio stations and have my iPhone loaded with praise and worship music. All of these bring me a lot of comfort, peace, and really reduce the stress.

    Lately, however, I have begun to really desire/take pleasure in just the silence. I turn off everything and just pray, praise, use my prayer language - sometimes silently to myself and sometimes out loud. There really is something to be said for, "Be still, and KNOW that I am God." Sometimes, I have been moved to tears by the silence. All the noise, all the background, all the chaos goes away when the Holy Spirit comforts us. Praise the Lord.
  • How exciting to read about the ways you are discipling your own young children and showing them how to bring God into their daily lives! You are building a strong spiritual foundation for their hearts and I encourage you to keep pressing on.

    How do I bring God into my daily life? One of the things I do is wear a ring on which is engraved "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want." When I look at the ring throughout the day I am reminded of the intimate relationship the Lord and I share. It reminds me to talk with Him often throughout the day, to turn to Him first instead of others, to look for quiet moments with Him instead of always having the radio on, etc. For me the ring has become kind of a visual of Psalm 42:1 "As the deer thirsts for the water, so my soul longs for You, O Lord."
  • Just noticed this discussion...


    I tend to get impatient when waiting in traffic, so I have begun praying for those involved in the slowdown.  For example, with road repairs/detours, I pray for the workers who labor on the roads, during all kinds of weather, and their families.  For funeral processions, for the grieving.   During a slowdown due to accident, for the victims and families.  Slowdowns due to weather results in prayers for safety of all drivers in view.  Certainly keeps my mind off of myself;  hard to feel imposed on when you're praying for others!

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