Are You
Asking the Right Questions?
The Coronavirus Pandemic is a forced-opportunity for the Church to apply Romans 12:2 ("don't conform; be transformed") to our modes of praying and our methods of disciple-making.
Too many leaders are responding with changes without asking questions"
- What does the response of your members/groups/team/network to this unprecedented virus-crisis indicate about their prayer capacity?
- How do you assess the effectiveness of your disciple-making methods? Do you observe faith or fear, peace or anxiety, focus on God and others or on self?
- What changes to your communication and "gathering" modes have been effective for your people during shelter-in-place?
- How will you engage leadership to rethink prayer? Disciple-making? so that you prepare for the after-virus recovery phase?
Consider these simple steps:
- Read Romans 12:2 in 3-5 different translations
- Conscript your own paraphrase; pray as you write/type
- Share your paraphrase with your Lead Team, asking them to take steps 1 and 2, thinking about the 4 bullet questions above, then share their paraphrase with you (or the entire team on a reply-all Emessage or a group text).
- Convene a conversation:
- Pray first, focusing on asking the Holy Spirit to reveal how Jesus wants to "transform our minds/thinking
- Discuss the 4 questions (assign someone to take notes)
- What? ...does each question mean for our situation?
- So What? ...are the implications of what God is revealing to us?
- Now What? the Lord leading us to review/revise/renew?
- Pray - - Give a think-about-this assignment - Set a date to reconvene
- Share insights and comment below that will be beneficial to others on this journey . . .
#ReimaginePRAYER @Pray.Network
#ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP @ Discipleship.Network
#ReimagineCHURCH...So That... you can #ReimagineDISCIPLESHIP...
Facts & Trends - April 7, 2020
Much of what has been done for years is simply a matter of preference. Pastors dress a certain way, use a certain pulpit, lead certain weekly lessons, and speak into certain settings.
All of that was acceptable and sometimes even effective. However, now the style is not nearly as important as strategy.
We’re forced to ask why we’re spending time and energy in a direction. If the answer is merely tradition, it’s often found lacking.
Standing behind a large wooden pulpit and demonstratively declaring the Word of God doesn’t translate through online mediums how we might want.
If everyone is participating in the Sunday morning online worship service in casual attire it may feel unnatural to be in a suit and tie.
None of this is wrong, but for the sake of effectiveness we need to ask why. Churches that ignored strategy for years, choosing to continue doing what has always been done, are struggling now to pivot the way we’ve been forced to do.
It’s past time, but nonetheless a good time, to evaluate if the efforts the church is involved in are the most strategic uses of the resources we have. If they aren’t, now may be a strategic time to dismiss them.
Five Radical Disciple-Making Shifts
What changes can you make to be more effective at making and releasing disciples?
Are we making disciples surrendered to Christ and His Lordship? Though very few concrete statistics on our overall effectiveness currently exist, it’s difficult to argue in the affirmative.
What then can we do to get better at the Great Commission? Based on his considerable experience with starting churches from disciple-making small groups, Real Life Ministries founder Jim Putman has identified five paradigm shifts church leaders can make to become better at accomplishing the mission of the church. We asked him and Dave Ferguson, who also leads the church-planting network NewThing, and Community Christian Church in Chicago, to help unpack each shift and its potential impact.
Shift 1: From Reaching to Making
Shift 2: From Teaching to Modeling
Shift 3: From Attending to Participating
Shift 4: From Connecting to Transforming
Shift 5: From Attracting to Deploying
Click here for the original article>>
Jesus’ Secrets for Advancing His Kingdom During the Pandemic
by Lynn Cory | Apr 9, 2020 | Kairos Stories, Other Articles
Jesus’ Secrets for Advancing His Kingdom During the Pandemic Introducing Jesus’ Secrets In my previous books, Neighborhood Initiative and the Love of God, The Incarnational Church, and The Kairos Adventure, I emphasized the centrality of the home for loving and...A Door of Opportunity
by Lynn Cory | Mar 16, 2020 | Kairos Stories, Other Articles
“…I have placed before you a door that no one can shut”… (Revelation 3:8) DOWNLOAD PRINTABLE RESOURCE In 1994, we in the San Fernando Valley experienced the “Northridge Earthquake.” During that time, walls came down (literally too) between neighbors. Neighbors were...The Kairos Adventure – Compassion Knows No Bounds – Chapter 34
by Lynn Cory | Aug 3, 2019 | Kairos Stories, The Kairos Adventure
CHAPTER 34 Compassion Knows No Bounds “You’ll never meet a person you can’t learn to love once you’ve heard their story.” Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease...The Kairos Adventure – Conclusion – It’s Your Turn
by Lynn Cory | Jul 28, 2019 | Kairos Stories, The Kairos Adventure
CONCLUSION It’s Your Turn “The best suggestions will come from the Helper.” I hope the Lord has inspired you by these neighborhood stories and you have gained some insight as to how to more effectively love your neighbors. To help you get started in your own...The Kairos Adventure – The Miracle for Five Guys – Chapter 33
by Lynn Cory | Jul 26, 2019 | Kairos Stories, The Kairos Adventure
CHAPTER 33 The Miracle for Five Guys “Negative characteristics that defined this homeless man were barriers that kept people like ‘us’ away from him.” “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you...The SEVEN QUESTIONS
Seven question to keep your focus on your calling; prayer, evangelism, loving our communities to Christ with justice...
Use these questions in your planning, incorporate your team, initiate with prayer...
The Seven Questions.docx
Innovative format - Fresh, vital content
This year's Amplify Wheaton Evangelism Leadership Conference is just 12 days away!
This year's event is designed to inspire and equip you, your team, and EVERY believer to proclaim the gospel.
We're excited to announce:
Over the past few months, our world has changed, and more people than ever are open to faith conversations. The question is, Will we step into this moment to offer the only hope that will truly satisfy the longing heart?
As the largest evangelism training conference in North America, this year's Amplify will offer you a truly life-changing experience that includes:
Now is the time to position your church to show & share the love of Jesus in innovative and creative ways you may have never thought possible. Your church is critical to the extension of God's love in our world. Join us as we gather for three days* of teaching, networking, prayer, and outreach.
Join with hundreds of other pastors and church leaders as we prepare to show & share the love of Jesus in these critical days.
Reshaping Church Life
Scroll to "Power of QUestions"
written by Jerry Wiles August 20, 2020
The Beauty of a Greek Orthodox Church
HOUSTON, TX (ANS) — In 1995 in Seoul, South Korea, at a Global Consultation on World Evangelization, I heard Dr. Thom Wolf, renowned global missiologist say, “The 21st Century Church may look a lot like the 1st Century Church.” Well, it does appear that it is happening during this global pandemic. Many local congregations are finding different, creative and innovative ways of doing church and ministry. While some are stagnant and discouraged, others are thriving, growing and increasing in their impact for the Kingdom.
Lessons from the Early Church
The Church, the Body of Christ, in the New Testament is seen in three forms. One is the universal Church, all believers. Another is the regional or citywide Church, i.e. the Church in Ephesus, Corinth or Galatia. Then there are local churches, congregations or gatherings of believers. Of course, the local church can take on many forms of expressions. Small, simple and reproducible groups of Jesus followers is the primary way the Good News spread throughout the entire populated world in the First Century.
A First Century Church may have looked a lot like this
Power of Rethinking and Rediscovering
Many today think of church in terms of buildings, institutions or organizations. However, in our rapidly changing world there are new challenges and opportunities, and many changes in the church world. It may not be so much about reshaping church, as it is reshaping the ways we think about church. Part of what is happening is rethinking and rediscovering the ways the Early Church functioned.
Significance of the Orality Movement
In our Orality journey within Living Water International, we have encouraged following up the training by forming reproducing disciple making cell groups. A lot can be communicated by using just five stories from the Gospels. With the appropriate pre- and post-story dialogue and discussion, we can give a community, village, or tribal group a simple narrative theology of the most important things they need to know. That is to become followers of Jesus, and to become reproducing disciple-makers.
Food, Fellowship and Worship can take place in the Mall
Power of Questions
A better understanding of the disciple making methods and strategies of the Early Church can make a big difference in the ways we think about church life in our modern Western context. Discussing and processing the biblical meaning of the following questions can help clarify and reshape our thinking about church:
These are questions that I have had with pastors and ministry/mission leaders over the years. I find that they can provoke and provide some amazing and productive conversations. Sometimes asking the right questions is better than trying to give people the right answers. For example, over the years I have asked the question about what is meant by the term discipleship. It is a term that has been around for less than 200 years. Many people I’ve asked that question relate it to a class, a program or curriculum. However, what we learn from the life, teachings and Spirit of Jesus is very different. He is, of course, our best model for disciple making.
Disciple Making Strategies can take on many forms of expression
The Model Disciple Maker
The Great Commission, which is primarily about communicating the gospel and making disciples, should be a major focus of every true follower of Jesus. Ultimately, it is the reproducing life of the indwelling Christ that makes us fruitful disciples and disciple makers. He is the one that enables us to bear fruit that lasts for eternity.
The Pandemic, Hindrance or Opportunity?
There is the temptation to think that the current global pandemic can hinder the work of the church and disciple making. Many, in fact, are discouraged these days because of the limitations about meeting and corporate worship opportunities. However, others are thriving and flourishing because they are flexible, adaptable and open to change.
Creative and Innovative Solutions
On a personal level, many are discouraged and depressed because we cannot do what we have always done. Difficult times can provide opportunities that bring out the best in individuals and organizations. When we look to the Lord, inquire and trust Him, He will make a way. In fact, we may be amazed and surprised at the creative and innovative ways the Lord will give. He specializes in turning curses into blessings, disadvantages into advantages, and negatives into positives.
The Marketplace has Always been one of the most Strategic places for Witness and Ministry
Global Prayer Movement
In recent days I have had a good number of phone conversations that have turned out to be opportunities to bless, encourage and disciple others. There are now numerous online prayer gatherings, often hundreds or thousands participating from around the world. Apparently, the global prayer movement is growing like never before in all of history. From what I am hearing from discerning and informed intercessors and leaders is that this could be the beginning of the next and greatest spiritual awakening of all times.
Read more here: and here:
Jerry Wiles
North America Regional Director, International Orality Network –
President Emeritus, Living Water International –
Mission Advisor, Missio Nexus – -- 281.207.7800
Facts & Trends - September 4, 2020
Volodymyr Hryshchenko photo | Unsplash
By Tod Tanner
God has uniquely designed each of us for connection with Him and others.
Prior to Eve being formed from Adam’s rib God said, “It is not good for man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18).
As we continue to navigate social distancing, self-quarantines, masks, etc. the church has an opportunity to offer connection that’s desired—and needed.
If we are going to discuss the importance of connecting, we must have a definition of “connection” so we’re on the same page.
The type of connection we’re wired for is more than a fist bump, a handshake, or a hug.
To be connected means to be joined with others in heart or purpose. It means to be united in pursuit of a common objective. And many leaders fear this is an endangered component of church life.
In a recent LifeWay Research survey, Protestant pastors indicated keeping their scattered church members connected was one of their biggest areas of concern.
The question now becomes, How do we stay connected in this COVID season? One bit of good news is that we already have a tool that will help us answer this vital question: Sunday School.
Some might call it life groups, Bible fellowships, community groups, or something else. Regardless of what we call it, the fact remains: We don’t have to start another ministry to meet the obvious need.
Let’s look at a few practical ways we can use Sunday School to stay connected with each other.
Arthur Flake, whom some might say is the father of modern day Sunday School, said every church member should be on a Bible study roll.
The reality, however, is that this might not be the case. So, let’s use this season of lack of connection and isolation to reconnect with those within the church family who have disconnected from the life of the church.
Another bit of good news related to this is that it’s easy to gather information on. Members who aren’t tied to a group.
Every church has some type of database system that keeps up with church membership as well as Bible study enrollment.
All one has to do is generate a report of those who are members of the church, but not enrolled in a group.
Those on the report are then assigned to the appropriate Bible study group and a phone call is made or a letter is sent.
By this phrase I’m not suggesting you rely solely on social media to connect people (although it can be a useful tool to employ).
What I’m saying is this: We might not be able to break bread together right now, but we can still find ways to enjoy each other’s company.
Many churches have returned to worship and a few are even starting to relaunch their groups ministry.
Now would be a great time to have a small group or Sunday School class social immediately after worship while embracing needed protocols in order to ensure safety.
The group could plan on meeting at a local park or on church property if the campus has a place for this.
The social could also be multi-generational if one of the age groups is leading out in the planning.
For example, the students could plan on meeting right after church for a bring-your-own-food picnic on any given Sunday.
Since it can be inconvenient for parents to drive home only to return a short while later to pick up their middle schooler, the parents could be a part of the picnic, too.
This allows various families to connect with each other.
To be missional means to be motivated by the gospel to meet the needs of others. People tend to be open to the gospel message at a time of crisis.
The crisis might be personal, like the passing of a loved one. Other times it might be cultural, like stress associated with a pandemic.
We don’t have to look too far to find a host of professions that are feeling the stress associated with COVID. Jesus told His followers, “You are the salt of the earth . . . you are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:13-14).
The circumstances that we currently find ourselves in allows us as Bible study groups to live out this truth on a daily basis.
It is easy to make statements like this while providing a hearty “amen” in our hearts and minds. The key, however, is not just the “amen,” but also the actions to back it up.
So, what does it look like for your Bible study group to adopt a school, a teacher, the local fire station, or the police station?
Simply contact them, ask them what they need and let them know that your Bible study group wants to meet that need.
We as the Body of Christ have an amazing opportunity in front of us.
We understand that we’ve been made in God’s image and therefore we’re made for relationship with Him and others. In this era of isolation, the church can offer connection.
We already have the tool developed in our Bible study ministries.
Let’s empower our groups to reconnect with disconnected church members, to socialize while practicing social distancing, and to meet the needs of those within our own community.
TOD TANNER is pastor to families at The Gathering at 840 in Franklin, Tennessee.
Church is Essential. Your Form of Church is Not.
By Eric Geiger on Sep 01, 2020 04:00 amChurch is absolutely essential for the follower of Jesus. When Christ called us into relationship with Himself, He also called us into community with others. A Christian not committed to Church is an oxymoron and a confounding contradiction. Christians are commanded to “not neglect gathering together as some are in the habit of doing but to encourage one another” (Hebrews 10:25) because through encouragement we are not “hardened by sin’s deception” (Hebrews 3:13). In other words, God uses His people to keep His people tender and receptive to His leading.
Church is absolutely essential. Our preferred form of church is not.
I am grateful for the time and place the Lord has placed me, a country where we can gather freely (a privilege I never want to take for granted) and a facility the Lord has generously provided. But when the writer of Hebrews wrote those words about believers gathering, it was not understood that all Christians would gather in mass at a church-owned facility. When the writer of Hebrews wrote about churches gathering there surely were not any megachurches with coffee shops awkwardly named He Brews. The early Christians gathered wherever they could, based on their context. They gathered in homes (Philemon 2), in lecture halls (Acts 19:9), outside (Acts 16:13), and in the temple (Acts 2:46). When the writer of Hebrews challenged believers to gather, the focus was on the purpose of the gathering, not on the size of the gathering or where the gathering would take place.
Look around the globe.
In the same way, believers around the globe gather in a myriad of locations based on their context. On global trips, I have been honored to participate in, I have taught believers in homes and believers outside. No one dared to hint that their gatherings did not somehow count as “real gatherings.”
Look to the past.
Martin Luther stated: “The congregation of saints in which the gospel is rightly taught and the Sacraments rightly administered.” John Calvin similarly stated: “Wherever we see the Word of God purely preached and heard, and the sacraments administered according to Christ’s institution, there, it is not to be doubted, a church of God exists.”
We must be careful and caring.
We must insist that church is essential, but we must be careful not to subtly or overtly send the signal that our form of church is better than some other form. Our form may be our preference. Our form may even be more in sync to our context, but it is not more biblical. Insisting church is essential is not the same as insisting our form of church is essential. To declare that “church is not church” unless it takes a certain form discounts our incredible history and demeans believers around the world who are meeting differently than we meet. And to insist that a specific form of church is essential can attach people more to the form than to the focus of our gatherings.
I must be careful.
I must be careful because I love the large gathering. It is what I have known. I love being in a big room with people, singing and celebrating our great God. It is even where I am most comfortable. But I can’t say, not biblically or globally, that the form of a large gathering I have known and loved is the only form of a church gathering. Yes, it has often been more pleasing to me but I can’t say it is more pleasing to my Lord.
I must be caring.
The church I lead is resuming large gatherings (outside). I don’t believe we are more biblical or better than churches who are helping people gather in other ways. I also don’t believe that those in our church who will continue to gather in homes are somehow less Christian. Our approach of offering different ways for people to gather (from homes to smaller gatherings to larger gatherings) is not a stair-step approach to a more biblical way of having church, but a spectrum to biblically meet people where they are. All of those forms can be beautiful and biblical if the Word is taught, if people are encouraged, and if the ordinances are observed.
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November 2020
Perspective Shifts and Thankfulness
This year has been trying, to say the least. Plans have been upended. Stress is through the roof. Uncertainty is the new normal. And all this is going to continue well into 2021.
I've found a more helpful approach than complaining about it. An approach that shifts my perspective.
There's a question that, when considered, prompts my mind to move from loss to possibility, from grumbling to thankfulness. Here it is:
"What does this make possible?"
Last March, when things shut down because of Covid, all our in-person training vanished. I could have continued to try for in-person training, hoping things would open up again soon.
Instead, I asked myself, "What does this make possible?" I noticed that our audience were home and not traveling, and becoming used to doing things over Zoom. Our team found ways to make our training interactive and engaging online. The Covid shutdown made possible a fully online Coaching Mastery Certificate Program. More people joined it this year than any other year.
Here's more of what I've seen made possible in this difficult season:
In this season, I'm reminded of this perspective-shifting passage:
“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.” 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 NIV
What does your current circumstances make possible?
There are exciting new leader development opportunities for Spanish-speakers coming up. From January 9th, Félix Ortiz will lead a multi-part leadership course called Curso de Liderazgo Personal. And in March we'll have an all-Spanish Máster certificado de coaching. Both are fully online with early registration discounts available now.
For experienced coaches ready to move to the next level in their communication, join Coaching the Whole Person with Dr Kim Zovak, MCC and I online from February 4. And then continue your development with Coaching Excellence for PCC (mentor coaching) with Kim from April 8.
Stay safe. And keep coaching!
Grace & Peace,
Keith Webb
PS - The fully online Coaching Mastery Certificate Program in English begins January 4th. Register now and save $250. Cohorts also begin in March and another in April that is perfect for Asia / Australia time zones.
5 Questions to Focus On The Strength of Gratitude
What difference does it make if we see the glass as half empty instead of half full? A lot! The most powerful leadership strength you have is your mindset. Here are 5 questions to transform your results by focusing on the strength of gratitude. Continue Reading >>
Online Classes to Equip You Right Now...
Establishing The Coaching Relationship with Richard Lim, PCC from November 24.
Online Coaching Mastery Certificate Program with Keith Webb, PCC from January 4.
(Spanish) Curso de Liderazgo Personal with Félix Ortiz from January 9.
Coaching Excellence for ACC (mentor coaching) with Katie, PCC from January 14.
Coaching Leaders with Bryan Brown, MCC from January 20.
Raise Your Coaching Skills with Katie, PCC from January 21.
Coaching the Whole Person with Keith Webb, PCC & Kim Zovak, MCC from February 4.
Spiritual Development Coaching with Bryan Brown, MCC from February 17.
Online Coaching Mastery Certificate Program with Keith Webb, PCC from March 8.
(Spanish) Máster certificado de coaching en línea from March 15 with Félix Ortiz.
Right Brain Coaching with Katie, PCC from March 25.
Coaching Excellence for PCC (mentor coaching) with Kim Zovak, MCC from April 8.
Online Coaching Mastery Certificate Program from April 19, perfect for Asia time zones).
Coaching Mastery Certificate Program: Keith Webb will lead our All-in-One ICF ACC program that includes 63 training hours and 10 mentor coaching hours.Certificate Programs
Dear Friends,
Harvard Business Review posed this question in an article called: Leaders: Don’t Go It Alone.
What distinguishes leaders who can pull away from disaster from those who plunge right over the edge?
According to Warren G. Bennis, founder of the Leadership Institute at USC’s Marshall School of Business, “The understanding that they can’t lead alone.The myth about leadership is that it’s a solitary act..”
A reminder: Leader’s need not go it alone.
That is why….I am inviting you to...
The Savage Group Community Connect Call
Thursday, February 4th, 2021
9:30AM PST, 12:30PM EST
I believe it is critical to convene like minded Christian leader’s by creating a safe space to listen, learn, and process. I will lead the community care session by sharing a few personal and professional tips on how to re-boot your ministry operation and leverage your leadership during these challenging times.
Look forward to seeing your face on Thursday,