Just thought I'd post an update on our church's progress toward higher disciple participation. We are moving in a positive direction. We've been incorporating the Jesus Christ Disciplemaker model into several places in our ministry. We led workshops for the elders and deacons to encourage them as they work with their care groups. We've incorpoarted the principles into our new members class and search committee criteria. And we're putting the principles forth each week in the sermon and bulletin inserts highlighting different facets of discipleship. The leadership is really taking off with it. The pastor and I are excited to see the Lord working in this way. It's not a rapid take off or a powerful one, but it is strong and steady which I think in the long run will also make it an enduring one. Discipleship is certainly a mindset, and in some ways counter-cultural. But we can see a difference thanks to all for some helpful suggestions!
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