Together Chicago: Love Your School Prayer Corners
During a season of extended fasting in 2022, the Lord gave me a blueprint for the Love Your School Prayer Corners, activating the Church into the spaces around schools to stand in the gap for students, teachers and faculty on a weekly basis.
We launched the initiative on Memorial Weekend 2023 during Hands Across Chicago.
Today, we have 15 schools that have been adopted by a LYS Prayer Champion, who goes to a corner near their school each week on a day/time of their own choosing and they pray 15-30 minutes.
Each Prayer Champion gets a t-shirt and "Prayer Champion" cap when they sign up to lead a corner. We ask that they each find a prayer buddy to agree with them in prayer. We also let them know that this corner can be as simple as them praying with one other person or their prayer group can meet at this corner each week as a prayer outreach.
We have Prayer Champions who have been faithful to be on their corner each week alone and we have PC's who have taken their group and led 80 people to the Lord! 
Their LYS Prayer Corner is active from the beginning of the school year to Memorial Weekend (Hands Across Chicago) where we transition into the Love Your School Summer Prayer Challenge where people can sign up to prayer walk around 10 schools within their zipcode at some point throughout the summer. (Starting on Memorial Weekend)
We end the summer with a united prayer walk around CPS headquarters downtown.
We have added this initiative as a way to onboard into other Education Initiatives with our Education Department. We highlight the LYSPC's on the TC Education page and at all of our CUIP meetings.
Every April, we will use the LYS Friendraiser as our "reunion" location by having all LYSPC's attend and invite a leader from their church to introduce them to the bigger picture of what we are doing with Education as a whole.
This was our first year and I'm very pleased with how it went. I trained two individuals to help with the Administrative side of things and look forward to seeing how the Lord grows this initiative in our city.
Pray North has presented this to their churches in North Chicago recently. Moms in Prayer and Teachers Who Pray are also getting involved.
I recently spoke with Alan Conley, the Director of CPS Faithbased Initiatives to introduce this in the CPS spaces.
Please let me know if you have any other questions! You can see the red pins for the schools we prayed at for Hands Across Chicago 2023, as we added school prayer to HAC last year.
Many Blessings,
Kimberly Harshman
Together Chicago
Prayer and Mobilization Coordinator
Love Your School Prayer Corners