The Quantum Physics of Collaboration
My brain hurts when I attempt to read (and understand) articles about the origin and operation of the universe, but I could not ignore this title:
The Big Idea: Why Relationships Are the Key to Existence: From subatomic particles to human beings, interaction is what shapes reality
Science and theology are two different disciplines that are meant to be complimentary, not contradictory.
When they do clash it is because one discipline is threatened and becmes defensive of the other. For example, when science allows a philosophy to obscure objective investigation. True science is not about proving God exists nor declaring God does not exist. But, as I found in the following quote, science can revceal a correlation betwnee the creation and the Creator.
We understand reality better if we think of it in terms of interactions, not individuals. We, as individuals, exist thanks to the interactions we are involved in. This is why, in classic game theory, the winners in the long run are those who collaborate. Too often we foolishly measure success in terms of a single actor’s fortunes. This is both short-sighted and irrational. It misunderstands the true nature of reality, and is ultimately self-defeating. I believe, for example, that we make this mistake all the time in international politics. Prioritising individual countries, or groups of countries, over the common good, is a catastrophic error. It leads to the devastation of war and prevents us from addressing the true challenges that all of humankind – a node in nature’s network – faces as a whole.
#ItSeemsToMe....this scientific explanation explains a spiritual truth. The Creator God is a God of relationship; Father, Son, Spirit. The Creator God made humans in God's image; male and female in a lloving, reciprcating relationship. The Creator God designed human life around relationships: marriage, family, comunity, nations...but alo the Church.
The Church is in relationship to our Cretor and Saviro and sustaining Spirit. The Church is a fellowshp of relaitonships. But the Church is also a unity of congregaitons.
Is it possible Quantum physics can help us more clearly comprehend how essental unity is to the life and mission of the Body of Christ?
"Winners in the long run are those who collaborate."
National City Reacher Call
September Meeting 2022
Love to You All!
We will be having a special guest join us on the call to talk about an event coming up in October of 2022In Him,
September City Reacher Invite
Matt Jacobs is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: City Reacher Zoom Meeting
Time: Thursday September 8, 2022 @ 11:00AM EST
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