LOVE2020 "National Update"

>Kathy, I am hearing wonderful reports... Please give us a headline-update on what is going on with LOVE2020.

KATHY BRANZELL~ The LOVE2020 Headline would read: An Acceleration in theActivation, Demonstration and Proclamation of the Love and Message of Jesus Christ

>Collaborative initiatives often turn into event-based-programs. Do you see signs that LOVE2020 is becoming more a movement than an activity?

KATHY ~ I am thrilled to see ongoing ministry that includes ongoing collaboration. LOVE2020 partners are making long-term plans to serve together not just for a moment but to keep pace with the movement. Yes, we are great at hosting conferences and events or even promoting one another’s projects; but what I am experiencing more and more often are various ministries coming together to serve a particular community, region, or area of cultural influence with Prayer-Care-Share strategies that could never be accomplished alone. UNITY is actually happening as Christ-followers, churches and ministries are viewing one another as co-laborers – necessary and appreciated to complete the Great Commission.

>LOVE2020 is an invitation for every Jesus-follower to love their neighbors as they express a prayer-care-share lifestyle ... This sounds too simple to be an effective strategy...

KATHY ~ Prayer-Care-Share is simple and it is very effective. As a matter of fact we are just following in...

Read the complete interview>>>

SCROLL . . .









Amplify 2017 will feature 9 tracks, plus a post-Amplify Organic Outreach Intensive

When you register for Amplify 2017, you will be asked to sign up for a track. We ask that you stick to your track as much as possible during the event due to space.


Creative ArtsWithout question, we live in a time when visual communication, storytelling, and empathetic connection are top cultural currencies. . LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>

City Reaching–Every Man, Woman, and ChildDo you have a vision for your city? Join the leaders of Christ Together to discover what God is doing to bring The Church together in 60 plus cities across the US to saturate their geographies with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>

Evangelism & LeadershipThe Evangelism and Leadership track is for senior pastors and senior leaders who have a desire to bring change to their churches, denominations, organizations, and movements in the area of evangelism. . LEARN MORE ABOUT THE TRACK >>

EvangelistsThe office of evangelist noted in Ephesians 4:11 is a gift to the Body of Christ. Evangelists help equip the Church for winning the lost to Jesus Christ, utilizing many creative means for sharing the good news. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>

Everyday EvangelismThe radical shifts and rapid changes in our culture demand a serious review and revision of how we think-and-do evangelism. This track will create a 6-segment, 6-topic, learning community to help you rethink your assumptions and and recalibrate methodologies. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>

Justice & Evangelism: Poverty & power, gender and sexuality, immigration and the movement of peoples, race and racialization–these are some of the issues the justice track will address. This track is designed to equip the Church to missionally respond to key kingdom areas of justice. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>

Workplace: Are you called to live out your faith in the workplace and business? Are you a shepherd called to serve those in the workplace?  LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>

Next Generation: Churches today struggle both to keep and to reach the next generation.  LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>

Rural Evangelism & Church PlantingWith over 48 million people in rural America, there is an emerging movement to plant churches in rural areas. LEARN MORE ABOUT THIS TRACK >>

NEW Technology

Today's technology allows you to understand your community and effectively reach all your neighbors with the story of Jesus. Our technology empowers every member of your church to become effective Gospel workers right in their neighborhoods.   READ MORE...

'Love your neighbor as yourself.'  Mark 12:31

Merging current mapping technology with the latest consumer data enables each member of your church to answer the question, "who is my neighbor?" 

Mobilize your church through Loving ALL Neighbors and our partner BLESS EVERY HOME. Now, you can know the spiritual health of your community and work toward saturating your city with prayer, the love of God and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Watch as your people become vibrant, reproducing disciples, your church becomes evangelistically healthy and the missional capacity of your members increases.

Evangelism is a Four Letter Word

Evangelism isn’t what it used to be and is uncertain of what it should be.
Evangelism is a Four Letter Word
Image: Darcy Eikenberg
Rev. Phil Miglioratti is the National Facilitator of Cities/Communities for the Mission America Coalition. He also serves as coordinator of the Everyday Evangelism track for Amplify 2017.

I get it. Culture is changing rapidly and radically. The methods we have used successfully for decades have become ineffective, even counter-productive. Heaven? Spiritual laws? Bible verses? These no longer spark spiritual interest. Evangelism training isn’t what it used to be, but in many cases is uncertain of what it should be . . .Continue reading>>>


Discipleship.Network Interview 
Laura Sumner Truax & Amalya Campbell Authors of "Love Let Go"

Phil ~ "In four days' time every one of our congregants would receive a check for five hundred dollars. They would be told: God trusts you to do something good in the world and so do we." Not every congregation will have the resources that made this possible for you, but what can even the smallest, least funded congregation learn from what you experienced?

Amalya ~ Generosity starts where you are and with what you have—no matter how much or how little. We all, individually and as congregations, have something to give. A cash-strapped congregation might not be able to give everyone $500 checks, but it can offer the message that each of us is created to give, and that God has granted every one of us the resources to do it. So rather than dwelling on what the church doesn’t have, the church can ask itself, What do we have? What resources of time, skill, passion, and yes, money, do we have to offer this broken and needy world? And when a church body starts giving, it will find itself wanting to give more – because just as the New Testament tell us, generosity begets generosity.

Phil ~ Your congregation was about to receive $1.6 million from the sale of property the church had invested in decades ago. What role did prayer play in the decision to pursue extravagant giving with the money you were about to receive?

Read complete article and comment here>>>

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for everyone, everywhere

to bring help & hope 


the Good News!

PLAYLISTS for  •Prayer  •Care  •Share  •Lifestyle Training  •About LOVE2020 . . . more!
Copyright ©  2017, All rights reserved.

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    1 Thess. 5:16-18 Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
    We have much to rejoice about, pray about and be thankful for!

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    Prayer and worship is the foundation and atmosphere of everything we do. 

    1Tim. 2:1,8   First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people...I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling

    • To gather and inspire a group of Christians, Churches and ministries to pray for the spiritual well being of our region.
    • To provide resources, training and inspiration which will enable them to become more effective and successful.
    • To plant new and revitalize dying Churches in areas of need.
    • To develop and inspire marketplace ministries to bring Christ to our world.
    • To become a collective voice and driving force toward the reformation of our society to become more healthy and good.
    • To develop, train, license and ordain ministers to be spiritual leaders in Churches and Christian ministries in our region.
    Use the interactive list of your neighbors to pray for them by name regularly. Track your progress, add prayer journal entries, and much more.
    Please pray for our launch meeting coming up March 15th in Madison. We are hoping for 200 Christian influencers from Madison and around the state to come and hear the vision!
    Look what is happening in the Fox Valley!

    We aim to unify the Church to consistently demonstrate and communicate the gospel of Jesus Christ to every man, woman, and child in America.

    ​As Christ Together, we are seeing faithful leaders and churches partner together to see the whole Church bring the whole Gospel to the whole Nation. We are churches and kingdom leaders, networks and denominations, and we desire to serve churches and their leaders through providing a way for THE CHURCH to join God on His mission. We initiate conversations and create environments for kingdom leaders to pray, learn, strategize and act in concert with God’s mission in their community, town, city or region. 

    Love In the Name of Christ’s mission is to mobilize local churches to transform lives and communities in the Name of Christ. Affiliates are popping up all over WI!
    CYC is a movement of a generation. It is prayer that is initiated and led by students. If you’re outside the school generation, you can still get involved! We ask that you join students by praying for the campuses around you from work or home.
    Mike will be speaking about a four step process to help engage your people in mission. Don't miss out on this unique experience with a leader who has a proven track record with a global perspective.

    Youth for Christ has over 190 centres in the USA ministering to the nation’s youth through Junior and Senior High campus clubs; Teen Parents; Youth Guidance; drop-in centres (neighbourhoods); foster care; concerts; camps; retreats; evangelism training; service projects, mission trips and much more.

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