We regularly want to be get you battle-tested content from the frontlines that's going to help you and your city as you seek the gospel saturation of your geography.

Today, there are three dynamite pieces of content we want to get in your hands:

  1. Discipleship Infographic that gives a snapshot of where discipleship is in the North American church
  2. Fresh learning from Daryl Horton and the city network he's part of in Austin
  3. Access to time with Greg Nettle from Stadia Church Planting



Early last month, we collaborated with Catapult on a survey around the "State of Discipleship" and more than 3,800 church leaders participated. We took those results and created a custom infographic that really gives a snapshot of what's working and not working right now in the church...and where we can go from here. You can download it here.

You'll notice that on the last page, 82% of church leaders are saying their #1 win for this upcoming year is tweaking or changing their discipleship process. We think that's reason to be hopeful.

At Christ Together, two of our priorities are Transformation and Mobilization. We believe that if we want to see cities changed by the gospel, transformed people will be mobilized into mission. So our hope and prayer is that the North American church pushes into this moment around discipleship and how it relates to the mission of God.


Meet Daryl Horton! He is the Assistant Pastor and Youth Pastor at Mt. Zion Baptist Church, and the current chair for Christ Together Greater Austin.
We got to spend a little time with Daryl a few weeks ago and it was really impactful for us, so we asked him if he'd share a few of the things he's been seeing and learning.

What’s the most significant thing God has done in your city network in the last 3-5 years?
  • In the last 3-5 years God brought hundreds of churches together to support two citywide campaigns that reached beyond the walls of the church and deep into the communities in our city. “What’s After ATX” challenged persons to think about the afterlife and what awaits each of us after we die. “Love Your Neighbor” challenged every person in our city to get the know the 8 persons/families who live next to you and build a relationship through which you can express your love and appreciation for them. God also allowed us to unite with over 10,000 believers for 3 consecutive years as we celebrated Good Friday and gave witness to the power of our risen Savior before the eyes of our city and state.
What are the THREE biggest learnings you’ve had in the last 6 months about the vision moving forward in your city and how might you apply it practically?
  • You must have relationship. Pastors and churches must have relationships with one another across geography, denomination, race, and culture. Without relationship the vision will not be effectively communicated or embraced outside of your inner circle.
  • You must remain focused. Although there are many good works you can do, they must not distract you from the main mission of helping every man, woman, and child experience repeated opportunities to see, hear and respond to the Gospel.
  • We must pray. We must engage in the intimacy of unceasing prayer for our family, neighbors, churches, pastors, and our city. To truly partner in vision and mission, we must kneel with and besides one another with a shared responsibility for the lostness of our city.    



Next week, we've invited Greg Nettle, the President of Stadia, to come and share what they are learning as they work with church planters all across North America. In this conversational webinar (you can register here), we will focus on the ways church planting has changed for good because of the last few years. But we’ll also explore how these changes will touch every aspect of church life.

  • Next Tuesday, March 9 @ 2pm ET

Know that we are cheering for you during this time and you are absolutely in our prayers. If we can serve you in any way, please let us know!

Will Plitt & and the Christ Together National Team

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